My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 881 Han Fei's ambition to embezzle the city

"Winter Dog, 34 years old, has a loyal personality with six awakenings, a watchdog of the Calamity Investigation Bureau, and was responsible for material security in the Transportation Squadron."

Han Fei put down the information in his hand and looked at the man with a resolute and unsmiling face in front of him: "Loyal personality? Can you tell me what your specific personality abilities are? Don't get me wrong, as the team leader, I have the right to know about each team member. real power."

"Never betray, never abandon." Winter Dog stood upright, he was completely different from the rest of the team.

"I like your character quite a bit, but I also hope you don't meddle in my affairs too much. After all, you can't beat me." Han Fei said it very bluntly. He walked past the winter dog and sat down. on the office chair.

After the expansion of the thirteen groups, Han Fei was assigned an office in the bureau. Originally, it was only the investigation group thirteen that Li Xue temporarily proposed to set up, but now it has become the strongest combat group in the investigation squadron.

"Don't the Bureau of Investigation trust you very much? Why did you send a special supervisor?" The chains collided, and the metal tattoo on Yan Lan's back merged with flesh and blood. She simply moved her muscles and bones, but it made all the other team members nervous. To be honest, Yan Lan is a very attractive woman, but the beauty on her body cannot be described as exquisite. It is wild and domineering, and even makes people feel submissive.

"My position is exactly the same as that of the Bureau of Investigation. It's just that I usually do things more extreme." Han Fei did not expect Yan Lan to choose to join the thirteen groups. She seemed to have found some secrets from the principal's black box and needed to find a suitable one. Reasons for free access to the Bureau of Investigation.

"The members of the Investigation Bureau responsible for the aftermath have returned. They said that all the residents in Changshou Village were not spared and all were killed." Director Ya put on a pair of glasses. His personality ability needs to be triggered by both eyes. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, He simply blocked his line of sight: "I asked you to investigate the situation of the survivors, and you directly help them free them all? Is this your way of investigating?"

"Everyone in that survivor stronghold is dominated by hatred, and I can't do anything about it." Han Fei spread his hands. He found that his team members had strange temperaments, and dared to talk back to him confidently.

"I prove that he is telling the truth." Anian stood firmly on Han Fei's side: "Once a person has an obsession with life, he will continue to sell his soul under the threat of death and be drained of all value. ”

"Okay, you both know each other, and everyone will act together in the future." Han Fei threw the contribution bill he owed on the table, and then spread out the city map: "With the ability of a few of us, we can break through the ordinary The black building is not a problem, I have already taken over all the tasks in the investigation bureau regarding the black building.”

Winter Dog: "..."

Director Crow: "..."

Anian: "What is the black building?"

"A building occupied by hatred is called a black building." Han Fei explained to Anian patiently, after all, Anian was the only team member who supported him: "Not all black buildings are as terrifying as the third mental hospital, Hatred is also divided into strong and weak, some hatred does not even ignite the black fire, so we don’t need to be afraid at all.”

"Team Leader Gao, do you know what you're talking about?" Dong Dog couldn't help it. His duty here was to watch over Han Fei and prevent Han Fei from doing too dangerous things. The information is too important for the Bureau of Investigation.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" A cruel smile appeared on Han Fei's face. The black mist surged behind him, and the pitch-black abyss of greed opened a hole: "The greedy personality must continue to devour ghosts in order to awaken. , magnify greed! Every time I break down a black building, I can swallow a hatred, and there is a certain probability that he will be trapped in the abyss of greed and make it a part of me. Before I was not strong enough, I could only let it be Hate to bully, but now it's different, I will make those ghosts who wantonly spread fear feel terror."

Han Fei's voice echoed in the office. The team members didn't think Han Fei was crazy, they just thought the world was crazy.

"If I hadn't met the other people in the Bureau of Investigation just now, just guessing from your performance, I would think that the Bureau of Investigation is an evil organization that wants to destroy the world." A Nian joked, he admired Han Fei's decisiveness: " As expected of the person who could save me from the eyes of the three haters.”

"Are you serious?" Dong Dog's eyelids jumped, and he found that both Yan Lan and Director Ya had accepted Han Fei's idea: "You have no objection? Just the few of us going to the black building to hunt for hatred?"

"He has done things crazier than this." Yan Lan pointed to the abyss of greed behind Han Fei: "I advise you to be wise. The last leader who stopped him is still lying in his abyss."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not that cruel." Han Fei waved his hands again and again: "The principal has become a half-human, half-ghost monster, so I swallowed him."

"Did you admit it directly?" Tou Dog frowned. He is a very principled person and won't waver easily.

Han Fei smiled politely, and then changed the subject very smoothly. On the map, he circled a black building at the junction of Area C and Area B: "Wanjia Shopping Mall, this black building has hoards of There are a lot of materials, and there are traces of survivors’ activities nearby. Because the Bureau of Investigation is too far away from it, it has been too late to conduct an in-depth investigation of it, and our goal this time is it.”

Han Fei is not discussing with everyone, he is telling all the team members here: "Give you twenty minutes to prepare, bring your own equipment, and gather downstairs."

Stuffing a few bottles of ghost blood into his backpack, Han Fei put away the map and walked out of the office.

The other team members in the house looked at each other in dismay. In the morning, Han Fei escaped from the strange building with all the injuries on his body.

Before he can make a profit, he will go hunting in the black building again. He really loves this "job" too much.

"You have eighteen minutes left!"

Not long after, the roar of the engine sounded in the investigation bureau, and Han Fei left the safe area with several new team members.

They went straight to the black building, and the black ring of the winter dog also received a message from the top of the Bureau of Investigation. They sent him here to persuade Han Fei not to be impulsive, but after having more "combat power", Han Fei became more crazy.

Taking advantage of the communication between Dong Dog and the head of the investigation bureau, Yan Lan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, handed a list to Han Fei: "The night before yesterday, Director Ya and I opened the principal's black box. I didn't expect him and Hope Xincheng. There is also a connection between them.”

"I know hope that some people in Xincheng are making deals with ghosts."

"The matter is more serious than you think. Hate has penetrated into the management of Xincheng. They are going to build the Xincheng into a super-large altar and sacrifice the gods with the blood of the survivors of the whole city." Yan Lan's eyes were solemn: "The blood sacrifice ceremony requires There are a lot of items, and these people who have been bewitched by ghosts have been helping to collect them in secret, and a large part of them are hoarded in the black building, and when the gods are born, they will transport everything to the new city."

"The blood sacrifice is going to be held on the birthday of the god?" Han Fei's pupils twitched slightly. He didn't have much time, and the happy body is likely to return on its birthday. Don't look at his soaring strength now, but there is still a lot to say about it. difference.

"The birthday ceremony may last for a long time, and the top of the Bureau of Investigation should also be aware of this." Yan Lan lowered his voice: "But what surprises me is that the Bureau of Investigation doesn't seem to have any plans to stop it."

"Maybe we just didn't see it." Han Fei knew that Li Xue and some members of the Investigation Bureau had already gone to Hope New City. After Li Xue left, the Investigation Bureau stormed the black building. It seemed that they wanted to hide the emptiness within him in this way. .

"It's sad that people still have to fight with people before the catastrophe is over." A Nian shook his head after hearing the conversation between Yan Lan and Han Fei, and looked out the car window alone.

The modified car of the investigation thirteenth group drove to the edge of the C area. They had left the control area of ​​the investigation bureau and went deep into the ghost's territory.

"Some special resentments are also worth swallowing. The Red House near Wanjia Supermarket can't be spared either. They've all come, and they happened to be eaten on the way." Han Fei was looking for a parking spot. No matter how arrogant he was, he wouldn't put the car directly Stop at the gate of the black building.

All the other team members in the car entered a state of high alert. They had rich combat experience and did not need Han Fei's reminder at all.

After passing an intersection, Han Fei was about to stop when suddenly there was a rustling sound of electric current in the black ring, and there were multiple sources of signal interference nearby.

"We didn't enter the ghost world, it's the living people doing things!"

The road trembled, and a black heavy truck drove from Wanjia Supermarket and blocked in front of Han Fei.

"I hope the new city guards' logo, why are they here?" Winter Dog is a little puzzled. Normally, if a large survivor base wants to attack the black building, it will mobilize in advance and publicize it. After all, every "war" is a gathering of people. The advertisements of the people's heart will not come here sneakily at all.

The people in the heavy truck couldn't figure out why Han Fei and the others came, and the two sides were deadlocked on the road.

Ten minutes later, another refitted car from Hope New City parked behind Han Fei. They attacked back and forth, blocking Han Fei's car in the middle of the road.

Thinking that he was in control of the situation, the door of the heavy truck was opened, and a one-eyed dragon with a blindfold walked out. There was still fresh blood on his uniform. It was the blood of a living person.

"Your investigation bureau is so courageous that an investigation team dares to go into the depths of the city alone to investigate, without fear of encountering hatred and dying without a corpse?" The one-eyed dragon threw away his gloves. There was something in his words, as if he was telling Han Fei's ending.

"Get out of the car, we will not embarrass you. Everyone is trying to exorcise ghosts. Even if they belong to different bases, our beliefs are the same." A man also walked out of the modified car that cut off Han Fei's back path. His skin was pale, and he looked slightly feminine, and there was a pattern of scales drawn on his clothes. This person seemed to be a member of the Inner City Arbitration Group of Hope New City.

Hope that the people in Xincheng got out of the car one after another. They were more or less stained with blood, and they could smell the blood from a long distance. Obviously, they had just slaughtered some of the same kind before.

"We're quite fortunate, just in time for these guys to go out for activities, we save ourselves and hope that Xincheng will catch them out." Han Fei looked at those who hoped for Xincheng, his eyes swept across their faces, and he and The murderers of the ghost card case in my memory made a comparison and soon found out.

The one-eyed dragon and the young people of the arbitration group are all engraved on the ghost cards. They are murderous demons. The one-eyed dragon is nicknamed Red Eye. He used to be a gang member. He was black and ruthless. ;The femininity-looking young man was born in a family of lawyers. He calls himself a lawyer. His family is powerful and powerful. His parents have been very strict with him since he was a child. On the surface, he is Han Fei's ambition in Chapter 88. The good boy of Baishun, who was violent and cruel in private, liked torture, and later became a pawn in the hands of criminal organizations.

Lawyer Hua is not ranked high in the ghost card, but the other criminal who led him astray is the most difficult existence in the ghost card case.

"We received a distress message, so we rushed here as soon as possible." Han Fei showed his master-level acting skills. As the team leader, he just showed the feeling of being inexperienced and pure and honest.

"Thank you for your kindness, but the danger has been lifted." The one-eyed dragon exchanged glances with the others, and their faces showed killing intent: "Which group of the Investigation Bureau are you from? I don't think there are many of you. Be careful, this place is very close to the black building!"

"We are a temporary investigation team, and we only have five people." Han Fei seemed to "perceive" the "danger" now, and he immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

"Don't be in a hurry!" The one-eyed dragon's eyes showed the desire for blood: "The sacrifices we need are still a little bit worse, and you, the owners of special personalities, can just help us complete the task!"

The blindfold fell, and a dark ghost hand drilled out of the blind eye of the one-eyed dragon. It wanted to grab Han Fei's neck, but when it approached Han Fei, it was suddenly cut off by something and fell directly. on the ground.

Holding the butcher's knife, Han Fei looked at the one-eyed dragon in surprise: "What a coincidence, I'm also collecting sacrifices recently."

The sound of the collision of chains sounded, and the tall Yan Lan got out of the car. The metal tattoo on her back pierced her spine. The fearless personality of her six awakenings made her look like a god on the battlefield: "Do you need to stay alive?"

"It doesn't matter if they stay or not, I have already seen their memories." Sitting in the car, Anian rested his chin with one hand. The memory of the person he was eyeing began to mess up, and his spirit continued to collapse.

Seven Personality Awakenings, Already Qualified to Be an Investigator

The vice-captain of the major squadrons in the bureau is the strongest person in the entire squadron, but in the thirteenth group, he is only a vice-captain.

"Don't think about running away." Director Ya took off his glasses and walked towards those bastards with emotion: "I'm afraid of the monsters in the group, or you should commit suicide."

The car door opened, and Dong Dog followed Director Ya to get out of the car silently. He was even more silent than before.

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