My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 902 The Price of Eternal Life

After catching two "fish", Han Fei directly unlocked the advanced fishing talent, which would be extremely enviable to the fishing enthusiasts in the shallow world.

"The gate of ghosts can be opened in the shrine world, which means that the ghost gate is a higher level than the shrine. Maybe the blood sea and the blood lake are really related." Han Fei's brain is running fast. If you look down at the nursing home In the underground blood hole, you will find that the hole that continuously breeds flesh and blood monsters looks like a drop of blood that has been magnified countless times: "It is possible that the sea of ​​blood is composed of a large number of "blood beads". If the deep world is imagined by the first generation of ghosts In the world, the sea of ​​blood behind the ghost gate may be the place where the deep world breeds original ghosts! "

"Brother! Don't be in a daze!" Ah Nian was so anxious that he grabbed the fragments of the flesh and blood puppet on the ground and smashed them on himself and Han Fei: "Let's run away!"

"Not yet." Han Fei didn't expect that the matter would develop to this point. He planned to have a low-key pleasure, but suddenly awakened all the hatred.

Blood flowed towards both sides, and the huge black shadow that Han Fei caught from the ghost gate appeared between the sea of ​​flowers and the blood lake. Countless flower stems crawled towards it like crazy, trying to get into its body.

Han Fei had opened the ghost gate to recruit monsters from the sea of ​​blood before. Strictly speaking, they were different from ghosts in the deep world, and could not be distinguished by hatred, resentment, or regret. For example, the blood shadow that Han Fei summoned for the first time, it had the same face as Han Fei, and it seemed to be related to him, but what was certain was that it was neither a human nor a ghost.

The soul that has been imprisoned in the sea of ​​flowers by joy and hatred seems to have seen a chance to escape from this new monster. All souls and memories want to use the body that does not belong to the shrine world to complete the birth. This scene made Han Fei feel familiar. When he entered the memory world of the shrine, he had to be "born" on different people every time. Everything in front of him seemed to form a closed loop.


The bloody wave was photographed, and Han Fei finally saw the true face of the black shadow. With eight eyes and thousands of hands, Han Fei seemed to have fished out a dead god from the sea of ​​blood.

Han Fei couldn't tell whether the opponent was a corpse or a statue. It might be because he had sunk in the sea of ​​blood for too long. The surface of the opponent's huge body was black and full of cracks, and every wound exuded the breath of death.

And this was not what surprised Han Fei the most. He carefully looked at the face of the blood sea monster. The monster's facial outline was somewhat similar to his own, and as time went by, it became more and more like him!

"The last time the blood shadow looked similar to me, why did this corpse that had sunk in the sea of ​​blood for many years also become me? Is it because I didn't have the side effect of calling the soul directly by reciting the name?" The soul calling requires chanting the soul However, Han Fei didn't abide by it: "If I don't call out the name, will the summoned monster replace me?"

Compared with this guess, Han Fei has a wilder guess: "There is another possibility that... the sea of ​​blood is related to me?"

Han Fei is really not Puxin Soul. The reason why he made such a guess is that every time he logs in and exits the game, everything in front of him will be covered in blood, as if drowned in a sea of ​​blood.

When the city turned blood red, only the unspeakable existence and Han Fei could move freely.

"I'm far from being qualified to influence the sea of ​​blood, so what's on my body is related to the sea of ​​blood?" Thoughts flashed through Han Fei's mind, and two words appeared in Han Fei's mind—black box: "Could it be that the most desperate person?" The black box was born in a sea of ​​blood? Both the soul-calling and soul-returning talents can only be used by the owner of the black box?"

The old building manager could also use soul-calling before, but when he handed the black box to Han Fei, he never used the same ability himself.

The body was dragged, and Ah Nian desperately grabbed Han Fei and ran out. He didn't expect that after Han Fei caught a "big fish", he became a little abnormal, as if he had lost his soul.

At this time, the underground world is completely chaotic, the sea of ​​flowers is ups and downs, the collective will that dominates all soul flowers is forcibly gathered together, and a black fire of hatred blooms in the flower buds.

The invisible black flame of hatred burned his will, and slowly turned into a serious old man.

Ah Nian, who dragged Han Fei away, slowed down, and he and Han Fei were watching

When he saw the old man, his expression changed.

It was because Han Fei had never seen such a special kind of hatred, it had no form, it was simply made up of black flames of hatred, and its flames were hotter than any hatred!

Ah Nian stopped because the old man who hated the black cremation was the person he respected the most in his life. He was not only his teacher, but also his father. He led the scientific research team of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals to overcome countless problems. , He opened the lock that God put on human beings with his own hands, and cracked the secret of life.

The hatred in the sea of ​​flowers above the head has appeared, and the hatred hidden in the blood hole has also climbed up. It is made up of the flesh and blood of countless living people. The body is constantly changing, without rules, like an embryo that has not yet conceived. But its face is very similar to the joy on the missing person notice!

"Flesh and blood are immortal, will is immortal, and the two most terrifying hatreds in the nursing home have come out!" Ah Nian has given up on continuing to search for humanity in the sea of ​​​​flowers, and it is not easy to escape smoothly tonight: "Now they are still If you haven't noticed us, go away!"

"What you said makes sense, but I think there are other options." Black mist slowly emerged from behind Han Fei: "The god with four eyes and thousand hands is surrounded by countless soul flowers, and individuals who yearn for freedom are tearing apart the collective Will, I want to escape through the god corpse I caught. For the hatred in the nursing home, that god corpse is the primary target of attack, and it must not be let go."

"Just let it attract attention!" Ah Nian was afraid that Han Fei would be impulsive, so he clutched Han Fei's clothes tightly.

"If the god corpse can help me hold back a top hater, then I can try to fight another top hater." Han Fei signaled Ah Nian to calm down: "How can I throw the 'fish I caught' on the ground?" Doesn't matter here? Put yourself in the shoes of an angler, if he caught the biggest fish in the lake, would he let a stranger steal his fish? "

"I suspect that your 'fish' refers to something else." Ah Nian underestimated Han Fei's ambition. The "fish" that Han Fei really longed for was a god! In order to catch this fish, he would risk his life regardless of the danger!

The old man, completely transformed by the black fire, is the representative of the collective will of mankind. He merges with the entire flower sea, and all the flower stems are tentacles emanating from his thinking. It is almost impossible to kill him.

In order to prevent the god corpse from taking away the most precious free soul in the sea of ​​flowers, and to maintain the collective will, the old man regards the god corpse as the enemy of life and death, and let the endless black fire wrap the god corpse.

Ordinary hatred can't withstand the burning of the black fire, but this divine corpse that sank in the depths of the blood sea has not been greatly affected. In a sense, it is already another new "ghost". "

"A Nian's mentor has become the representative of the collective will. From this point of view, the embryo in the blood hole, which is made of countless flesh and blood, is now happy and bloodthirsty!"

To kill Gao Xing, he had to kill his past, present and future souls, and Han Fei felt that he had found one of them.

"All those killed by Gao Xing became part of the flesh factory, their souls became flowers, and their flesh and blood became raw materials, and the ultimate purpose of this flesh and blood factory is to make the flesh and blood embryos grow up!"

Han Fei didn't want to procrastinate any longer. Now that the god corpse was fighting against the collective will, it just gave him a chance to fight the flesh and blood monster.

The black mist swept across the ground like a wave, and the black ocean collided with the blood-colored lake. Behind Han Fei, a pair of divine eyes slowly opened, looking down at the dirty and ugly embryo.

As if feeling the eyes of the old enemy, the happy face on the embryo showed a strange smile.

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