My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 906 You and I Are Lonely Ghosts

On a blood-red night, the gentlest child killed everyone.

In that room that adults can't see, on that test bed where personality tests are repeated, and in that box that shuts the devil. Sometimes, the survivors are the ones who suffer the most.

Think about it carefully, death or survival, which one needs more courage?

Bearing all the misunderstandings and slanders, swallowing the pain, embracing despair with open arms, the gentlest child became the most hysterical lunatic.

He was laughing, laughing, and laughing, but the children he killed knew that he hadn't been happy since that night.

No. 2 put down the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle in his hand and put together a face that looked very similar to Han Fei, but it was certain that the person in the jigsaw puzzle was not Han Fei, because that person had a heartfelt and gentle look on his face. smile.

"No need for sympathy and other useless emotions, let's dye the night of the shrine world red."

Unlike the other children, Number Two's brain was preserved, and he survived in this way, becoming the living Ineffable. While the other children were hesitating, his hand had reached out to the river of fate.

"Number three, accompany me into the city."

From the shadows in the corner of the room, a child with a low sense of existence stepped out. He looked ordinary, so ordinary that he had no characteristics. After seeing the child, No. 4 backed away subconsciously and got out of the way.

Child No. 3 carried No. 2 on his back, he opened the door of the hut, and walked on the streets of Hope New City.

The crowd is bustling, the neon lights reflect the faces, and the roadside shops are playing advertisements. This place is like the real Xinhu, the Xinhu where the disaster has not yet happened.

Just looking at the bustling night market will make you feel that Hope New City is indeed the hope of all survivors, but under the bustling and lively surface, this city hides another side that is unknown.

At the end of the carnival and noise was another block, No. 3 crossed the main road with No. 2 on his back, and walked into the side alley.

This is the middle-level area of ​​Hope New City. You don’t have to worry about being attacked by ghosts like the outer areas, and of course you won’t enjoy the privileges of the inner city. This is where the bottom and upper floors meet, and there are all kinds of survivors struggling.

The surrounding houses slowly changed, they were no longer bright and tidy, and the walls began to become tattered, covered with filth and various messy patterns.

The garbage on the road gradually increased, and there was a faint rancid smell in the air. It seemed that the corpses had been stored for too long and had already stink.

In the same city, the difference between two blocks seems to be two different worlds, which may also be a characteristic of human beings.


The wooden door opened, and a skinny old man was roughly thrown out. After he landed, he ignored the muddy and bleeding wounds, quickly got up, and hugged another person's thigh like a dog.

"Don't drive me away, I will find a way to get money, let me stay another night! If I go back to the outer city, I, I will die!" Tears flowed from the old man's eyes, his expression twisted, looking at Some horror.

"Go away!"

A leather boot slammed it open, and the wooden door was closed.

The old man beat on the door and cried for a long time. His body was very weak, with pinholes left on his arms, and his stomach was wrapped in blackened bandages. Bloody water would leak out when he did strenuous activities.

He seemed to have had some of his organs taken away, and he himself would not live long.

"You can't treat me like this! I gave you everything! Save me too! Let me stay another night!"

No. 3 walked past the old man with No. 2 on his back, they ignored the crying old man, and the old man didn't seem to notice them at all.

The further you go into the alley, the more dark scenes will appear. Everyone lives in the city called Hope, but these people seem to be familiar with the darkness and have long been used to staying in the shadow of unspoken rules.

After waving away the flying flies, No. 3 and No. 2 stopped at the door of a shop at the corner of the alley. The reddish lights shone on the road, making the store's signboard look a little weird.

"Hope Pharmaceuticals


It was a pharmacy, but there was no doctor in the house, and no shelves for medicines. The medicine here does not seem to be the medicine that people usually think of, but refers to another thing.

Number Three rang the desk bell on the counter. Ten seconds later, the black curtain was lifted, and a greasy face poked out from behind the curtain.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a blindfold. His body was somewhat uncoordinated. His left shoulder was high, his right shoulder was low, and his stomach was uneven. Shuffled order and reassembled.

When the man saw the two children coming in, his eyes brightened immediately. When he saw that No. 2 had no legs, he became even more excited. "welcome."

There are a lot of ups and downs, and the middle-aged man's eyes on No. 2 and No. 3 are not like looking at customers, but more like evaluating the value of goods.

"I sell three kinds of medicine here, one is a life-saving medicine that can bring safety, one is a dedication medicine that can help others, and the last one is a special medicine that can bring hope."

Lying on the counter, the middle-aged man stared at the two children condescendingly: "What medicine do you want?"

"Is there any medicine that can stop people from suffering and being bullied?" No. 2 turned to look at the black curtain. He didn't come here to buy medicine, but to find someone.

"Yes! But it's more expensive." Middle-aged

The man limped open the curtain and motioned for the two children to enter.

After No. 2 and No. 3 entered the back room, he quietly came to the door of the pharmacy, closed the door, and put up a sign that said it was closed.

Inside the pharmacy was a dirty and messy yard. Under the leadership of the man, No. 2 and No. 3 left the back door of the small courtyard and entered another room without windows.

There are many candles made of special oil burning in this room, and there is a clay sculpture covered by a black cloth in the middle of the room.

"When the disaster comes, there are many diseases in the world. Everyone is afraid and anxious all day long. Fortunately, you live in the new city of hope, and the big shots in the core city have produced medicines that can cure all diseases." The young man stood behind the candlestick, and the flickering candlelight reflected his face with horror: "But the medicine here is not cheap, and I need you to bring enough things in exchange."

He took out a few dirty cards from the feet of the clay sculpture covered in black cloth: "Sacrificing the soul to an unknown god can obtain a short-term asylum and cure the curse on the body; give the organs to the big shots in the inner city , you can get money, cure the poor; sell yourself, accept the transformation of dangerous experiments, you can gain strength, and no longer be bullied, these are the medicines sold in my store.”

Each card represents a medicine and a choice.

"Then let's sacrifice our souls." Number Two reached out and lifted the black cloth, revealing a clay sculpture without a face.

"Okay, this is definitely the most correct choice, I'm going to make preparations now." The middle-aged man looked at No. 2 who had no legs, thinking that he had already had experience in buying "drugs" before, so he didn't become suspicious.

Shaking the bell in his hand, the secret door of the cellar was opened, a strong stench gushed out, and the sound of chains came from the ground.

Not long after, a pair of skinny arms appeared with a tray, and a child who had been modified many times came out of the cellar.

His two eyes were gouged out, his legs were wrapped in chains, and his original normal body was transformed into an ugly deformed child with permanent trauma due to continuous surgical transformation.

"Hurry up! Don't dawdle!" The middle-aged man's attitude towards the boy is very bad, beating and scolding should be the norm.

The boy's body was trembling with fear, and he placed the secondary offerings on the tray on the candlestick. Just as he finished his work and was about to flee back to the cellar, the chains that bound his legs were stepped on by the third child.

The ordinary number three stared at the boy's face, then he took out a notebook from his pocket, which recorded hundreds of children's names, more than seventy of which had been blotted out.

"I found it." No. 3 silently put away the notes, and smiled at No. 2.

"If you are interested in this child, you can take him away after the sacrifice is completed." The middle-aged man had a malicious smile on his face

Rong: "Okay, let's start the sacrifice now, stretch out your arms, and follow the steps I said."

The middle-aged man took out a knife with solidified blood from behind the clay sculpture, and the boy collapsed to the ground in fright, his eyes full of horror.

"The false god's past is unsightly. No matter how many tragic and hopeless fates he collects, he can't bring himself any comfort." No. 2 glanced at the middle-aged man, who seemed to be dominated by some kind of power, with a ferocious expression on his face Cruel, then he directly stabbed the knife into his chest!

His hands slashed at his body frantically, the scene was very strange.

"Who would have thought that a god would hide a piece of his soul in the lowest child?" Number three squatted in front of the boy: "What's your name? When did you become blind? Where is your family? What do you do?" What is the thing you regret the most?"

No. 2 and No. 3 knew that a soul of the gods was hidden in a certain child in Hope New City, and the questions raised by No. 3 caused the child in front of him to fall into even greater panic.

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