My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 94 Dangerous Game

"Mother is the oldest and most experienced in the family. Even in this room full of ghosts, she will still run out to check when she hears the cry of the child. She feels that she is quite normal in comparison, at least she will still Protect your family."

"When the disfigured child sees me, he will cry and make a scene. There is a photo of me in front of the house. Now I should be a ghost. It seems normal for children to cry when they see a ghost."

"In the end, it was this boy. He was wearing a hospital gown and his freedom was restricted. It seemed that he was very ill. In the eyes of his family, he should be the most abnormal."

Nothing can only be seen on the surface. The most abnormal person may be the most normal in some special scenarios, such as the current situation.

The door of the master bedroom was hacked with a kitchen knife, and Han Fei took the time to come to the boy: "Can you hear my voice?"

Grabbing the boy's body and shaking it hard, Han Fei slapped him again. Seeing that he couldn't wake him up, he had to give up.

"There are pills scattered around the bed, food residue and blood on the floor, and there seems to be a fight in this room."

Glancing over, Han Fei found the case list on the desk, the discharge certificate and the clothes used for washing.

"Second mental health center?"

"Patients often feel anxiety and pain for no reason, and occasionally have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and the situation has not improved after multiple psychological counseling."

Looking at the diagnosis report, Han Fei found that he had finally found what he was looking for.

"The patient was abused by his father when he was a child and was always protected by his mother. Later, he witnessed his father kill a mother and daughter in the bedroom, and saw his father dispose of the bodies in the bathroom, and finally hid the bodies in the kitchen refrigerator."

"He had hallucinations ever since, believing that there were ghosts and spirits in the world."

"After the death of his mother and father, his condition progressively worsened. While living with his stepmother, he repeatedly behaved dangerously."

"The patient claimed to be able to see the ghosts of his parents, as well as other ghosts hidden in the home, and he insisted that his half-brother was hiding an evil spirit."

"In the patient's self-report, the younger brother always attracts dead souls and passing ghosts, and is the source of all misfortunes."

"He usually does all kinds of abnormal actions to drive away the ghosts in the family. He thinks that after all the ghosts are killed or driven away, the evil spirits hidden in his brother's body will appear, and the real evil spirits must be killed to end. This unfortunate life."

"The patient subconsciously defended his abnormal behavior. He smashed the mirror and said there was a ghost in the mirror; after he tied the refrigerator with a rope, he said that the meat in the refrigerator would come back to life at night; all his abnormalities have For his own reasons, we suspect that the most fundamental reason is that the patient has been in hallucinations and depression for a long time..."

The most critical part of the report is the second half. That part should describe how my brother killed the ghosts in the family. If the report is still in Han Fei, the task can be completed according to that report. Unfortunately, the second half of the case report was torn up. .

However, Han Fei already had a general idea when he saw this: "First kill the ordinary ghosts in the house, and then kill the evil ghosts in my brother's body."

At the cost of ten deaths, Han Fei figured out the main line of the mission.

The wooden door of the bedroom was chopped open by a kitchen knife, and the mother, wearing a blood-stained apron, rushed over hysterically with the kitchen knife in hand.

Han Fei picked up the chair in the room to resist, and he jumped onto the double bed intentionally.

The crazy mother didn't attack her brother, the target was Han Fei, but the girl gave up on Han Fei after seeing the boy unconscious on the bed, and began to bite her brother.

"Mother and younger brother will give priority to attacking me, and the ghosts in the house will give priority to attacking the elder brother on the hospital bed?"

This discovery made Han Fei excited, and he was worried that he could not get rid of the girl's head.

"You don't care if your son is bullied by a whole house of ghosts? You have to come to me?"

Han Fei bumped the woman away with a chair and snatched the kitchen knife.

He cut off the ropes and restraints used to restrain his brother, and in the process of slashing, the woman jumped on his back and bit him desperately.

The skin was ripped open, and Han Fei didn't say a word. He grabbed the restraint belt and tied the woman's hands, enduring the pain and tying the woman to the bedside.

Picking up the remaining rope and kitchen knife, Han Fei rushed out of the living room. At this time, the black hair emerging from the faucet had already run out of the bathroom and began to spread on the ground.

Han Fei carefully avoided the black hair. He pushed open the bedroom door and approached the refrigerator.

Tie the refrigerator with ropes before the refrigerator door is opened.

"If the house wasn't haunted, doing all this could really be considered a mental illness."

After tying up the refrigerator, Han Fei locked the kitchen door and started looking for useful things in the kitchen.

About five minutes later, the screams of children and women came from the living room. Han Fei peeked from the crack of the door with a kitchen knife. The entire room 1091 was covered with black hair.

The people and ghosts were all submerged, and those black hairs also found Han Fei hiding in the kitchen. Countless hairs entered the kitchen along the gap of the door and wrapped around Han Fei's body.


Opening his eyes, Han Fei raised the photo frame and slammed it to the ground. He took the glass shard and carved blood and his name: "The eleventh time!"

"The hair in the bathroom must be dealt with as soon as possible. That thing will kill everyone. If you don't care, it will grow all over the room in ten minutes."

After carefully planning every step, Han Fei pushed open the door of room 1091.

Covering the girl's head with a basin, Han Fei hid at the kitchen door and snatched the woman's key

, into the master bedroom.

He already knew in advance what was in the master bedroom, and this time he changed his plans.

Using the master bedroom door to separate the girl's head from her mother, she tricked her into the house alone, and then grabbed her mother's kitchen knife.

He cut off the ropes and restraints on his brother, tied his mother to the bed, and then took the rest of the restraints and opened the master bedroom door.

Seducing the girl's head to the kitchen together, Han Fei had already discovered that the girl's head belonged to the headless corpse in the refrigerator.

He moved closer to the refrigerator, dodging when the head attacked him.

When the refrigerator door opened and the headless body was about to appear, Han Fei held the head down with a brazier full of paper money and ashes, and locked the girl's head in the refrigerator.

The next step was the most critical. He pressed the refrigerator tightly with his body, clenched his teeth and picked up the rope to tie the refrigerator.

"The task is formed according to the manager's memory. If I want to complete the task, I have to do it according to the rules in the manager's memory."

"He is a mentally flawed child, maybe the normal world is so absurd in his eyes."

After wiping off the blood on his hands, Han Fei didn't stop. After getting rid of the girl's head, he immediately entered the bathroom.

"My brother's case report says it smashed a mirror, and the most visible mirror in the house is in the bathroom."

He looked at the black hair that had spilled out of the sink, grabbed the vase in the living room and smashed it at the mirror.

There was a woman's scream in the torn mirror, and blood flowed out of the mirror. This woman seemed to have some connection with the black hair in the bathroom. After she was injured, the black hair seemed to be twisted and twisted in pain.

Han Fei turned around and entered the kitchen again. He moved the refrigerator into the bathroom, aimed at the black hair, and untied the restraint straps tied to the refrigerator.

The refrigerator door was instantly opened, and the corpse, which had retrieved its head, rushed out roaring, only to be entangled by the black hair, and finally it was swallowed by the black hair.

"It turns out that this will kill the ghost."

Han Fei stared at the mirror, and after a long period of repression, a dangerous smile appeared on his face.

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