My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 964: The Exorcism Begins

A strange guest came to the bookstore in the middle of the village. His eyes were bloodshot, and it seemed that there was a terrifying beast suppressed inside his body. "Han Fei, you need to take a break?" The head teacher was dragged to the bookstore by Han Feiqiang. As a ghost whisperer, he had already noticed the problem. After approaching Han Fei, he heard the cries of countless ghosts, Han Fei killed There seemed to be more ghosts than anyone he had ever seen in his life!

At first, he thought he had made a mistake and confused the ghost in this nightmare with the abnormality on Han Fei's body, but as Han Fei's eyes showed greed, every time he glanced at Han Fei, he felt as if Is staring into the abyss.

What was even more frightening was that after staring at it for a long time, it seemed that his own soul would be swallowed by Han Fei.

"What are you resting for? I'm in good shape now." Pushing aside the bookshelf full of learning materials, Han Fei came to the place where "idle books" are stored in the bookstore. Perhaps in Yao Qiang's view, all books that have nothing to do with learning are "idle books". , These books all give people a gloomy feeling, as if there are invisible things hidden in the books.

"Some books in the bookstore will stretch out their arms and pull readers in. I suspect that Yao Qiang said this on purpose because he was worried that his children would be addicted to certain books." In his face, a rusty knife fell out of the book: "I'm going!"

"Don't get excited, this is a very normal detective book. You can't say it's bloody and violent just because the deceased was killed by a knife, right? Blood is red in the first place, so there's nothing wrong with that?" Han Fei took the book, simply Turned a few pages: "Do you think a child who sees a detective will become a murderer?

The teacher in charge shook his head: "Probably not,

"Then do you think a child will break down psychologically when he witnesses his father's derailment and bears the heavy and distorted love all the time?" Han Fei put the bloody book back on the shelf.

"The misfortune of childhood will indeed cause a person to have shadows in his heart." The class teacher seemed to think of his past.

"Some people are arrogant and arrogant. They are used to ignoring their own mistakes and blaming others for their bad results." Han Fei looked at the books on the bookshelf. When a person cannot find the reason from himself, he will blame all related things. These idle books do affect children, but if a child picks up a knife one day, what we need to think about is not what books he has read , but to go deep into his life and see what he went through.

With bloodshot eyes, Han Fei clearly looked like a devil crawling out of the abyss, but he said something that many people had never thought of.

The bookshelf shook, books fell one after another, and various arms stretched out from the books, tearing at Han Fei's soul, trying to drag him into the books, but they could not shake Han Fei's will at all.

"Nightmare on the seventh floor is very special. Desires will turn into ghosts here, and all kinds of temptations are tools for killing. This small village will make players get lost in its terrifying appearance. When the time runs out, the real ghost Everyone will be devoured." Han Fei let the arm in the book be pulled, and he leaned his back against the bookshelf: "This nightmare has a more vicious setting. Thirty players enter the nightmare, with ulterior motives, and when life enters the countdown, Everyone will become crazy in order to survive, and stage all kinds of ugly and cruel dramas. At that time, survival will become the greatest temptation, the strongest desire, and the scariest ghost.”

Hearing Han Fei's analysis, the homeroom teacher broke out in a cold sweat: "The more you want to live, the scarier ghosts will become? So don't we have much time now?

"The truth is hidden in various places in the village. If you want to produce evidence to expose Yao Qiang's lies, you must experience various supernatural phenomena in the village. What you need to pay attention to is that you cannot fight against these supernatural phenomena. Because once confrontation occurs, instead Yao Qiang's statement will be confirmed to prove that these ghosts are indeed very dangerous." Han Fei said the most contradictory point of this nightmare. Without him, it is basically impossible for players to clear the seventh-level nightmare.

"I understand. That's why you recited the little boy from the well! The boy is Yao Yuan's friend. If you don't provoke the boy, the boy can help us persuade Yao Yuan and tell Yao Yuan that everything is a lie woven by his father!" The class teacher Mao Sai suddenly said: "I didn't think

If it can still be operated in this way, what this exorcism removes is the evil in people's hearts. "

It's one thing to know, but another to do it. Even if they know how to break the game, it is difficult for ordinary players to copy Han Fei's customs clearance method. "Leave the village to me to explore. You go back to the old house immediately and tell other players all your speculations, so that everyone should not panic." Han Fei's body was scratched by the arms in the book, and more and more arms stretched out. It can be seen that he is still chatting with the head teacher calmly.

"You don't need my help?"

"No need." Han Fei grabbed an arm protruding from the book: "I can't shake my will."

As soon as the words fell, Han Fei used the power of greedy personality. The arms in the book did not drag Han Fei away, but all the arms were "rooted" by Han Fei!

"They want to tempt me, I want to eat them, it's fitting

Ignoring the stunned homeroom teacher, Han Fei left the bookstore and ran towards the next building.

Yao Qiang only led the players to visit a small part of the place, and there are still many places in the seventh floor of Xinjiang Dream that have not been explored.

The head teacher took a long time to regain his composure. After he separated from Han Fei, he ran to the old house.

It was getting closer and closer to midnight, and the atmosphere in the old house became more and more solemn. As soon as the head teacher entered the garden, he saw some players walking back and forth. "Don't go anywhere else for now, the real ghost is hiding in the old house

middle. "The homeroom teacher quietly approached those players to prevent them from running out to cause trouble for Han Fei.

Seeing the miraculous return of the player captured by the ghost, the players were surprised, but also a little worried. Could it be that the head teacher has been replaced by a ghost?

Trust is very precious in nightmares. Players have been facing various tests of human nature and life-or-death choices. In the end, everyone decided to trust Han Fei and the class teacher once, and they all gathered in the old house without going out. There is a small window in the attic of the house that is open. The people in the window see that no player has entered the village to exorcise evil spirits, and their eyes are gloomy.

"Don't conflict with the ghosts in the village. Once the ghosts in the village are used as the target of exorcism, it will be difficult to let them help us catch the real ghosts." The class teacher entered the old house, first found his two teammates, He whispered what happened to him and Han Fei.

After hearing Han Fei's speculation and how to deal with it, Xia Bing, who had been keeping a cold face, also felt incredible. Sometimes it is not difficult to make a guess, but the difficult thing is to boldly and firmly implement it according to his own speculation.

After normal players learn that the task is to exorcise evil spirits, they will definitely start exploring in the village. In order to collect evidence and clues, they will definitely contact the ghosts in the village. But who can be like Han Fei, even if he sees a ghost with his own eyes, he can still think calmly and integrate into the ghost with enthusiasm?

The seventh-level nightmare was originally Yao Qiang's conspiracy to let the exorcists see the ghosts and help him eliminate the ghosts in the village, but everything changed because of Han Fei's arrival.

At 11:50 p.m., Yao Qiang returned to the old house with his mobile phone. When Dai saw all the players crowded in the yard, he was furious: "Did I pay you to come here so that you can weed?! You Did you listen to what I said before! The ghost will forcibly possess my child at midnight, if you don’t go to the ghost, what are you doing here!

"You care so much about your child, but in order to answer the phone, you leave when he needs love most, and leave him alone in the haunted room. You don't seem to be a good father?" Looking at his own blood, he said very sincerely.

"Liar! Don't even try to take a penny from me!" Yao Qiang angrily put away his phone, and he walked among the players. When his shoes landed on the entrance of the old house, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to drop , the cold breath is like a child's hand, slowly climbing up the back of each player. The already dim lights in the house began to flicker, and some strange black substances began to ooze from the corners of the old house, like blood, or something else .

Yao Qiang's leather shoes stepped on the old wooden floor, and the creaking sound was extremely harsh. When he walked to the second floor, he happened to see Shihua coming out of the room, and his expression became very scary at that moment.

"What are you doing in my wife's room?

"I'm just curious if your wife is possessed by a ghost, after all, a normal woman, seeing her child

It was so painful, how could I have the mind to stay in the house and not come out. "

Shi Hua ignored Yao Qiang and was about to go downstairs when Yao Qiang who was beside him suddenly grabbed Shi Hua's wrist: "Don't think that you know everything, you don't even know how much I have paid!

"Let go!" Xia Bing's cold voice sounded behind Yao Qiang, and other players also surrounded him.

The situation was about to get out of control, but at this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the room where Yao Yuan was on the third floor.

Several people hurried to the third floor, and after pushing open the door, everyone was startled by the weird scene before them.

There was no trace of blood on Yao Yuan's face, his whole body was covered with talismans, his toes were on the ground, and his head seemed to be grabbed by something.

The copper bell hanging on the door continued to ring, the talisman papers all over the room began to bleed, the wind hit the windows sealed by wooden boards, and there were hurried footsteps on the roof.

The lights on the third floor flickered a few times, and whenever the house fell into darkness, it seemed that unknown changes would appear around.

"Yao Yuan?" Yao Qiang yelled at the door. He rushed to the third floor, but as soon as he entered, bloodstains began to appear on Yao Yuan's body. There were strange lines flowing in the flesh, and deep tears appeared in Yao Yuan's eyes fear.

"When Han Fei and Yao Qiang went in together before, Yao Yuan was not afraid of Han Fei, but his father?" Shihua and Xia Bing saw clearly this time, in Yao Yuan's eyes, his father was more important than any ghosts. fear

"Don't be afraid, Dad will save you, you must be possessed by evil spirits!" Yao Qiang wanted to go over and hug his child, but Yao Yuan struggled desperately. He seemed to have epilepsy and was enduring unimaginable pain.


With only five minutes left before midnight, the garden gate was smashed open, and Han Fei walked out from the shadow of the street, followed by a village of ghosts and ghosts.

A sinister atmosphere enveloped the whole body. They stepped on withered flowers and surrounded the old house.

"The exorcism ceremony begins...

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