Last time on 'My Journey of Hunter x Hunter'

"Want to play a game?" Netero questions.

"Sure","Ok","Yeah" where mine, Killua's and Gon's answers.

"Then follow me." Netero turns around and walks off.


We're in a large room. It has a clock and a window and also some benches.

-Some time of admiring-

"So, are we going to play?" I ask.

"Of course." Netero replies.

"All you have to do is get the ball away from me."

"I'll go first." Killua says.

"Ok, we'll just sit down and…" admire you "…watch you."

*Bullet point/Number time*


-NOTE! This may or may not be true due to doing this from memory and only watching the show once and a while ago NOTE!-

1. Killua does his walk: Rhythm Echo.

2. Gon is impressed (and me too).

3. Killua charges forward.

4. Sometime later…

5. Killua kicks Netero's leg

6. Stops

7. Cries (in pain because of the pain…in the leg)

8. Gon's turn now…

9. Gon pretends to head for the ball.

10. Jumps up on the last second.

11. Bangs on top of the ceiling.

12. Cries (because of the pain, too)

13. I roll my eyes

14. Now it's my turn…

15. I say "I'm not usually good at this."

16. Netero smiles

17. I run towards Netero

18. Run clockwise around him

19. Crouch down

20. Build power

21. Jump

22. Kick the ball upwards with my left leg.

23. Grab it

24. Land on the floor

26. Bounce it on the floor and grab it back

27. Throw it above my head and into Killua's and Gon's direction.

28. Netero being so fast kicks it the opposite way.

29. Killua and Gon both reach for the ball

30. Netero gets past them, making a dent on the floor and retrieving the ball.

I look at Killua and Gon. They've got only their vests and shorts on. I'm exhausted.

"You are…pretty good…" I pant.

Netero smiles with his eyes closed and the ball twirling on his index finger.

"Hey, Killua, Gon. Do you still have the energy to take him on?" I say.

"Ok then, I'll go sit down and watch you take him on-"

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