My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 105: Imitating and replacing

Yun Jhin wasn't sure about the terrain of the Vermillion Bird planet, he only visited it very few times in all of his lifetimes, and combined with the constant changes in the universe he was sure that a lot of his map knowledge wouldn't help him anymore and this would apply to a lot of places.

Yun Jhin sighed, he could only do things the old primitive way, he would have to unleash his soul willpower and use it to find the highest amount of life energy around to find cities or villages, where he would be able to gather more information since he was in the upper continents he also had to hide his draconic bloodline.

It was unknown what the locals would do once he was found, they already knew about an intruder, and considering he didn't have a phoenix bloodline in his body that made him a prime suspect.

After making sure his body was in the prime and proper condition he started to swim using his quickest speeds, flying was still quite far away from him as he still had to break through to the Emperor realm, he could technically fly with his current ki but his cultivation base capacity wouldn't be able to handle it for a long time.

While swimming was dangerous, he could also use the surrounding marine fauna to his advantage, as he swam he even found some herbs that he might make use of in the future that he sent into his space zone.

As he broke through and created his time jewel he learned a new skill that applied to time, but due to his low cultivation base he wasn't truly able to employ, he was supposed to be able to stop time but with his current limitations he would only be able to briefly skip it and see in the future for a few nanoseconds, as he grew stronger this ability would become stronger to the point he would be able to freeze time in a certain area of the universe, however, this wouldn't apply to people with the same cultivation base as him, he would only be able to do it those that were weaker than him.

Also, his time-freezing ability would only freeze their bodies, not their consciousness meaning that they would be able to feel whatever happened to their bodies in real-time but wouldn't be able to move them, all of the things that would happen to them would multiply by tenfold after the time freeze ability would stop.

As Yun Jhin swam in the ocean his stamina would replenish itself by the use of ki, combined with the fiery auras around coming deep from the water he could easily replenish his ki basically he had unlimited stamina at the moment, but this was only because he wasn't fighting or using his ki for anything else or else the consumption would be too high for him to do this.

After a few weeks passed Yun Jhin finally felt a clump of life forces that were thousands of kilometers away from him, it seemed he was reaching the shore of the ocean, he felt that this ocean was way smaller compared with the one on the azure dragon planet.

Before he got to the shore he made sure to hide all of his bloodline fluctuations and made himself look like a normal male phoenix, even though he was lacking the bloodline to make it up for it, he only had to acquire some to copy the effect to the point only a peak God Realm expert would be able to see through his disguise, and this time around he didn't want to have any interactions with such beings.

His appearance changed majorly as he now had red hair and yellow colored eyes, his face was handsome and chiseled and his muscles were bulging all over his body, he stood at a height of 1,93 meters and he changed his clothes to resemble those he saw on the unfortunate male phoenix he saw months ago, but he changed them somewhat as he didn't want them to look exactly like theirs, after all, who knew from which sect they were? But on second thought he decided against making his own clothes based on theirs.

He knew that males were very looked down upon on the Vermillion Bird or more shortly Phoenix planet, it was to the point some of them were ignored most of their lives and almost no one knew about their existence, sometimes not even their male compatriots, maybe he could infiltrate their sect this way.

It didn't take him much time to find the docks and the border city, it seemed to be a fishing city that was the hub of trading on the Phoenix planet.

Yun Jhin quickly made himself disappear into the crowds of the city which were quite big as it was the middle of the day, no one gave him a second glance as the female to male ratio in the crowd was 80%-20%.

Since he was a male the females thought that he must be owned by someone so they didn't make trouble for him in fear of his owner, after all, female phoenixes were quite possessive of their belongings and would fight each other a lot to own the healthiest and strongest males around.

Yun Jhin didn't ask around for anyone as he tried to decipher the location of the sect by himself, if he asked around he would look suspicious and out of place, he walked along just like any other male did, with their heads down and monotonously.

Yun Jhin currently wore a red robe with the characters for Phoenix Palace on them, they were neat and clean and they made his handsome appearance stand out even more, but the majority of phoenix males were quite handsome so he still wasn't accosted by anyone.

With a little bit of luck and insistent searching, Yun Jhin finally reached the Phoenix Palace sect, it was the biggest and strongest sect in the city, it was the guardian sect of the jumping pad formation and they had a few Sage Realm experts in it.

The moment Yun Jhin entered the gates of the sect he thought he would be questioned but there was no one around, he decided to find the living quarters of the males and install himself there and then find more information subtly. This time around he had to play it smarter than before. While the phoenix women were proud and strong, Yun Jhin had his way around women and he could do what he needed to please them if he could get some information out of them that way.

He got to the living quarters of the male's quite easily, they were pretty neat and clean but they were empty save for a few males that were in closed-door cultivation.

Yun Jhin entered an empty and abandoned building and decided to cultivate a bit, if he was lucky he might get what he needed soon enough.

And soon it came, a fat phoenix woman started banging on his door immediately, she wasn't ugly but she was quite heavy set to the point that Yun Jhin was quite disgusted with the amount of fat on her. However, he kept a big smile on his face as he bowed to her and said:

"What is this beautiful fairy doing visiting such a lowly male like myself?"

The woman sat on the ground in front of Yun Jhin as she slapped it and said:

"I want to talk with you, it seems you must be new as I haven't ever seen you before, or I just ignored you? Anyways come here and put your head on my lap, you are quite a looker yourself and I'm annoyed because of something and I want to unleash my emotions."

Yun Jhin complied, her lap was big and his head didn't even take half the space on it, she started to talk about herself to make herself comfortable:

"The other girls always talk mean stuff about me just because I'm a little fat... they even said that even if I force myself on a male he would rather kill himself than have babies with me, how can they say such things? Aren't your existence meant only for making babies? Why would you deny your own existence like that?"

Yun Jhin listened but her words went in one wear and out of the other, he only made himself look interested and listening, his hand suddenly went to hers and grasped it as he said:

"It's not true, you are beautiful, even though you might be a little heavy set that doesn't mean you are ugly, you are just unique and special, those girls might just be jealous of you!"

Bullshitting his way through was something that Yun Jhin did once he was at his lowest, he had a sweet tongue and an expression that made him look as honest as the boy next door who didn't know how to lie.

The fatty gave out a huge smile as her cheeks moved up and down due to her fat, she took the hand he offered and said:

"Most of the males that knew how to talk sweetly were already taken by the other disciples, there are only the ugly ones remaining in the quarters... who knew you would be overlooked? I'm lucky!"

Yun Jhin shuddered inside as he felt the woman's eyes wandering from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, her lips quickly moved to his face and gave him a big smooch on his cheek.

She blushed a bit as she motioned for him to get up, it seemed she was unlike those strong disciples as her cultivation base was around the 8th stage of the King Realm and even though her age wasn't that discernible due to her fat, her life force didn't lie, she was around 16-17 years old or so.

Yun Jhin felt quite lucky that he found such a young and impressionable woman, even though she was fat he could make use of her regardless, he would just have to put up with it.

The woman immediately took him to her quarters which were way more decorated and beautiful compared to the male ones, she was ready to initiate him, just like the gossip she heard from the other females during the weekly meetings they had.

Yun Jhin had to go through the initiation now, even if he wanted to or not...

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