My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 117: Defend the capital!

Yun Jhin stood in front of the hundreds of thousands of elites that gathered after his speech, compared to the whole planet there weren't too many people, but they were all at the Emperor Realm and above and there were quite a few sage realm experts, there were even two that sat at the peak of the sage realm!

Unfortunately, there weren't any other God Realm experts on the planet from both the male and female sides, the only God Realm expert was the Empress but there wasn't a need for more considering the Empress was a peak one.

Unfortunately due to the schemes of the Empress males were now seen as commodities and goods that could be bought and used however the females wanted, this made the males that woke up to be both angered and depressed as they couldn't do much.

That was until Yun Jhin came along and killed the Female Brigade of the prince, the news easily made the others gain some confidence in their ability after it was shared among the males of the planet.

Yun Jhin used a technique to make his voice heard everywhere among these people that stood in front of him:

"Brothers, we have finally gathered here together to put an end to the tyranny of the females, we shall strive for true equality and show them that we are better than them morally! Even though we will have to shower the capital in blood, we shouldn't touch the innocents regardless of gender!"

This made some of the males to be angered by his words, they wanted to unleash their pent up frustration on the females just like the females did to them countless times!

Yun Jhin shook his head looking at the ones that were visibly angry and said:

"We need to create a society of equals based on strength, everyone should get equal opportunities regardless of gender but strength will still be the thing that would get the most respect, in the end, we only ended up in this situation because the females created a system that abused our mental facilities even though we had the necessary strength to fight back!"

Yun Jhin's words made sense to almost all of them so they all nodded, waiting for him to get his point across:

"What I'm trying to say is that if we do the same as they did, who knows when there will be another revolution just like ours? It would be better to advocate equality to give them a feeling that they won't have any reason to revolt, what are they doing is too extreme and it leads to repercussions, so we mustn't follow their example."

Ghin came forward and bowed to Yun Jhin showing that he was sharing the same opinion as him as he looked over the whole crowd and said:

"Our brothers, what our leader Yun Jhin said is true, I have been in the capital almost since the moment I was born, I was the headmaster of those academies where we are supposed to brainwash our youngins, I have been on the inside and I know what he is talking about, we should follow his words, he is also the one who made the plan to storm the capital and he is very reliable, he also said that he doesn't care who will control the capital as long as they will push forward to equality for all!"

The two peak sage realm experts came forward, they were both impressed with Yun Jhin's plan and went ahead to support it along with his speech, seeing that he had two strong people behind him made the crowd immediately agree with his words even though there were a few people here and there who were still skeptical, however, considering that everyone went with his words them being out of place would put a mark on them, and they didn't want that.

Yun Jhin waved his hand towards the crowd as he publicized the plan and then made them all travel towards the capital at quick speeds.

They reached the capital twenty hours later and found that the formation was at full power as Prince Hanzens towering and buff form could be said hulking on the city walls, around him were male slaves and all of the female Sage Realm experts that counted almost around 200 in total.

There was around 20 peak sage realm in those 200 and the others were around the middle and early stages.

The males had 2 peak sages and around 95 sage experts but they were all exhausting a bloodthirsty aura that indicated that their battle powers weren't anything to scoff at.

In total, the males were fewer than the females and considering they also had a few male slaves that they could use as cannon fodder Yun Jhin's side was at a disadvantage.

Prince Hanzen burning eyes looked around the crowd and he spotted Ghin, he still remembered how he looked initially so he recognized him, he glowered at him as he moved his hand and indicated that they should start this war!

Yun Jhin gave a smile as the tens of thousands of male slaves started to attack but before they could move and launch their attacks properly at his army, his army started to do hand signs that he taught them immediately breaking the slave collars on the males!

Seeing their collars drop to the ground and disappearing made the males immediately join up with the rebel army and glare at the females and Prince Hanzen.

Prince Hanzen's eyes almost fell out of their sockets as he saw tens of thousands of useful cannon fodder being taken by the enemy army, he wanted to shout to the skies and go on a rampage but he knew that if he dropped into the enemy army he would just die in few seconds at best, considering that the peak sage realm experts were watching over him and the other sage experts like hawks.

There were still female fighters on the walls of the capital but they were looking down at the army that was now around their size and the bloodthirsty aura that was starting to reach them and they started to tremble, most males had it hard and would fight very often between themselves to get strong females to notice them so they could improve their life, so they had extensive battle experience and combined with the innate constitutions that put them above females, in general, gave them an aura that was starting to suppress the females before the battle even started!

Prince Hanzen looked back at his army and when he started seeing them cower before they could even open the curtains of the battle made him see red in front of his eyes as he thought:

"Were women always this unreliable in these situations?"

Prince Hanzen looked at the sage realm experts beside him and finally started to relax a bit considering they were all looking to be ok, if they were scared as well that would mean the battle would have been half lost already!

Prince Hanzen started the battle as he waved his hand in an indication that they should start shooting their ranged attacks as they were behind the formation and it could defend them from the attacks of the enemy army.

Yun Jhin pointed towards one part of the barrier and the sage realm experts immediately blew it open with a gigantic beam of blue ki!

The formation then started to crack slowly as it broke into a thousand pieces!

Prince Hanzen dropped from the wall as he started to attack, coming with speeds that couldn't be seen properly by most of the males as he went ahead to kill Ghin the traitor who made all of this happen!

He let the females fight with the males as he went ahead and attacked the traitor who should die at his hands!

Yun Jhin already hid inside the crowd while he fought with the female army, this was a great time to harvest lives!

Every life that perished near him he would absorb but not really obviously as he let the corpses fall on the ground without absorbing them fully, this only gave him half a point but there were so many people dying around him that it didn't matter!

20,000, 21,000, 25,000 he immediately reached 25,000 and above! The numbers were slowly increasing as he danced around the battlefield killing by either strength or opportunity.

He was like a mad dancing joker creating a beautiful blood parade for himself.

The Empress watched everything happen from her throne, even though she couldn't move out of the palace she could see everything that happened around 500 kilometers from the capital.

She shook her head seeing her son shooting himself at Ghin and muttered:

"A failure in everything, couldn't get a proper child, can't protect the capital, *sigh* I wish I had a daughter similar to me instead."

Hanzen reached Ghin in an instant and tore him in two as his cultivation base was so high compared to his former subordinate that it didn't matter at all, Ghin died with a smile on his face as his body exploded into bits, the explosion engulfed Hanzen but he walked out of it easily as he coughed a bit of ash.

He looked down at his arms that were shaking and willed for them to stop, the explosion didn't damage him much but it made his ki stop working for a few seconds there.

He looked down at his chest only to see a green knife sticking out of it, his blood which recovered a bit after his mother shared hers with him immediately started to crystallize again, but now it wasn't red anymore, it was green!

He looked behind him only to see a male phoenix smile and explode as well!

Ghin was a pretty impressive person in the army by himself so he got a death squad set to deal with Prince Hanzen, he knew a little bit about the Empress and since the prince was male he knew that she would use him to the fullest to stop this invasion, it was obvious that his cultivation was forcefully increased when Ghin laid down his eyes on him after they arrived at the capital.

That meant his precautionary plan needed to be put into practice!

Since they had few sage realm experts, to begin with, and the prince was also a male with a stronger constitution they needed to get rid of him using kamikaze attacks!

This was so they could create a better situation for their sage realm experts, if they could get rid of prince Hanzen there was a very high chance for them to capture the capital then expand on the whole planet!

As long as they had results other males will wake up and want to join their cause creating a chain reaction that would change the structure of the whole planet.

Yun Jhin's kill and absorption streak finally started to slow down as the killing slowed, he stopped around 53,000 absorptions done.

The females started to run with their tails between their legs as they got too scared to fight anymore.

Prince Hanzen's vision was blurring as he looked at his chest which was cut open and crystallized green blood started to pop out of it.

He chuckled as he grasped his robes and tore them open, his body immediately enlarged as his muscles burst with a sudden increase in strength, he gave out a burst of crazed laughter as he looked around, Yun Jhin's eyes widened as he drilled into the earth at quick speeds to the point people would think he was an actually from the mole bloodline.

Seeing his actions made the other males puzzled but when they saw the light that was gathering around Prince Hanzen and that his form was currently getting uglier and stranger by the minute they realized that the man was going to self-destruct to take a lot of the army out!

Considering the females already ran out Prince Hanzen's actions could be called appropriate as he was going to die from the poison soon anyway, his life wasn't long either so self-destructing would be the best course of action here.

Some of the others who were near Yun Jhin tried to follow him underground but before they could the ground around them stabilized as the remaining energy from the formation entered the ground, this was the Empress's actions!

The Empress looked below the ground and frowned:

"One of them escaped... the Sage Realm experts also got a great distance between them and him... at least he can get rid of the army, GO AND EXPLODE FOR ME!"

Prince Hanzen looked towards the capital and the palace and then he smiled as he remembered his life from the moment he was born to his current situation, he lived a great life and he was pampered a lot by his mother, but she was always looking at him with hidden disgust as he was seemingly making her recall something she didn't want to.

The prince died with a smile on his face as his body detonated creating a mushroom cloud of berserk ki energy that went up to 1000 kilometers into the air, even blasting the atmospheric layer of the planet.

The self-destruction of a Sage Realm expert was quite strong, but considering he was a forced breakthrough and he couldn't fuel his explosion with life span the explosion could be considered rather small as it didn't even reach the capital, it was just very long but not wide, if a true Sage Realm expert around his stage exploded they might have been able to take down half the planet with them, and considering the phoenix planet was a rather big planet even among premium planets this showed the prowess of a sage realm expert.

Yun Jhin coughed multiple mouthfuls of blood as the earth shook so many times that his internal organs almost came out of his mouth, the contamination of death ki was getting closer to him but he easily warded it off, he felt like shit as he got back to the surface and looked around.

The Sage Realm experts were still alive and unfortunately, due to the explosion, there was nothing to absorb around anymore.

The females that ran escaped but not all of them, around a quarter weren't fast enough and they got mortally injured even though they didn't die instantly.

But they were dragged into the capital so Yun Jhin couldn't follow them by himself or he would be surrounded, considering his current injuries he didn't want to go there by himself.

Retreating in this situation would put his plan on the back for a few tens of years so he told the Sage Realm experts while he coughed out blood multiple times:


His eyes opened wide as his pupils burned with white and black color, he immediately transmitted some of the weaknesses he saw with his ocular technique by a soul link and some of the female sages started to die and drop to the ground like flies.

However the battle between the two peak male sages and the peak twenty female sages was the hardest to interfere with as Yun Jhin couldn't look through their defenses, they were almost Gods so he wasn't able to do anything here, all he could do was give instructions that could help the peak male sages to improve mid-fight and hope the others would be able to finish the middle and lower stages females first and increase the pressure on the peak females.

Suddenly he fell into the ground again as he could feel someone's fingers brushing his back and going towards his heart location, he didn't want to wait and see who it was as he dug tunnels through the earth like a professional mole, fuck the plan, as long as he was alive he could make a new one!

The avatar of a peak female sage frowned as she watched Yun Jhin slip through her fingers like a loach she wondered why the hell was he so fast underground.

However, the avatar then vomited a mouthful of blood as she rushed back to her owner but the connection between them suddenly broke as the owner died and so did she. Her attempt at assassinating Yun Jhin ended up with her death, keeping one's avatar into the body would enhance the user's strength up to 1.4x times, so when the female who was already having a hard time to keep up with the males even in a 20v2 situation lost the strength boost of the avatar, one of them immediately died!

Yun Jhin's eyes narrowed as he felt the energy that was currently trying to invade his body disappear, that meant the owner of it who tried to assassinate him died, he got out of the ground as he was around 200 kilometers away now he could still see the fight between the sages properly, Yun Jhin smiled as he saw what was happening, now that one of them died their formation broke up and they couldn't withstand the strength of the two males anymore, also the other male sages had finished the fight against the female sages and were going to team up versus the peak ones!

They couldn't kill all of them as some of them escaped but they still won!

If things continued like this Yun Jhin's plan would be successful!

That was when a voice from the palace could be heard:

"And I wanted to continue living for some more... what a bother..."

Yun Jhin's eyes finally widened so hard he looked like Prince Hanzen at the start of the fight, he looked around to see time being reversed and things returning to their previous state, they were back to the start of the fight and he could feel that everyone he absorbed somehow left his body and the system to return to their same positions as before!

He was back into the crowd and Ghin was patting his back with a smile on his face as he whispered:

"I will make sure to use the kamikaze plan properly, Yun, you should escape if things get too rough."

These were the same words that Ghin told him when the war started, Yun Jhin frowned deeply as he looked towards the capital and the palace, this was the special ability of the peak god realm, time-reversal!

As long as the one involved were below the God Realm time could be reversed for them, it didn't work on dying by old age though.

Prince Hanzen was looking down at his hands with wonder as he was alive, but then his face hardened as he got a message from his mother and he looked directly at Yun Jhin!

This wasn't good!

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