My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 131: Want an alliance?

Yun Jhin easily dodged Hao Tian's dagger as he shifted to the side and then unleashed his new cultivation base powers, creating a gigantic soldier of ki that he fused with transforming himself into a titan of over 500 meters.

Hao Tian cursed as he kept himself invisible, he couldn't leave the planet even if he wanted to, the tigers were rather poor and only the patriarch had spirit stones, he stood at the jumping pad formation for years waiting for the patriarch to come to help him but he never came!

While Hao Tian was rather strong and had his unique fortuned energy he couldn't create spirit stones out of anything, the outside of the planet was deserted and spirit stones couldn't be found, while the inside was now controlled by the Mao Tribe, what could he do in this situation?

So he decided to live his life normally and keep lookouts at the jumping pad formation to see if anyone would leave the planet, since the patriarch abandoned him and he wouldn't let himself be enslaved by the Mao tribe, he bet it all on leaving the planet and searching the wide universe for a way to become stronger faster!

With his cultivation base at the sage realm, he would be able to drift through the stellar space outside the planet with some difficulty, after all, only sages or above were able to travel in space without any impediments, also without the fear of running out of ki and dying in space.

What Yun Jhin did couldn't be called space-traveling as he was sent from one planet to another using the jumping pad formation, if he fell from the jurisdiction of the formation he would drift in space and run out of ki sooner or later.

Yun Jhin understood why he didn't leave the planet the moment he saw his frustrated face, it seemed Hao Tian couldn't control his emotions anymore as he glared at Yun Jhin and said:

"You got any way to leave this planet?"

Yun Jhin laughed as he looked at him and asked:

"Even if I did, why should I help you in this situation?"

Hao Tian jumped a few meters back as he looked into Yun Jhin's eyes and responded:

"There is no reason for us to be enemies anymore, I have failed to kill you 2 times and you failed to kill me two times, the war is over and I'm not going to resist the ruling of the Mao tribe, I just want to leave the planet, why don't we help each other out in this situation? If you want to leave please take me with you."

Yun Jhin eyed Hao Tian's expression as he kept a passive look on his face making it hard for Hao Tian to understand his thoughts:

"What could I get from helping you? Do you have anything useful that you wouldn't mind giving away, or maybe you would employ your own services?"

Hao Tian nodded:

"Could I propose an alliance?"

Yun Jhin approached Hao Tian as his aura increased in intensity, his gigantic body made Hao Tian feel inferior, but he immediately grew to a size bigger than Yun Jhin as he activated the same ability as he did, a white bloodline aura engulfed him as his power increased, he was competing with Yun Jhin to make himself look worthy enough for an alliance!

He realized that Yun Jhin was special, after all, with his cultivation base which was up to 4 stages higher he got his ass handed to him, even though Yun Jhin did it through being sneaky, if Hao Tian was strong enough, Yun Jhin's plans wouldn't have mattered much.

Yun Jhin shot a haymaker at his opponents face as Hao Tian caught the punch in his grasp, he was taller than Yun Jhin because of his higher cultivation base so it looked like a young teen fighting an adult.

Suddenly out of Yun Jhin's haymaker a wave of energy exploded to the point that it almost blasted Hao Tian apart!

But Hao Tian's injured energy body healed up quickly as he threw out a left-right combo trying to push Yun Jhin to the ground where he would mount him and try to knock him out.

But Yun Jhin easily saw through his attack and dodged his combo then counterattack with a corkscrew punch that approached Hao Tian's right temple at extreme speeds!

This was the simplest way of fighting one took when they used the behemoth technique, due to their immense sizes every other type of fighting couldn't be used properly or they could damage the planet, most of the time, this type of fighting would happen in space where there were fewer things to break.

The Mao patriarch could feel the currents of energy running around the planet from Yun Jhin's fight, but considering they didn't attack with such strength that they would break places around the planet, he decided to not interfere in this situation.

Yun Jhin's attacks were quick and targeted Hao Tian's weak places, but Hao Tian's defense was also pretty good considering he was an assassin type. However, Yun Jhin's fighting experience was way broader compared to this person, after he made a feint that Hao Tian couldn't see through. Yun Jhin's colossal arm entered through his opponent's chest and took out Hao Tian's true body from the energy construct.

The energy being started to slowly break into a multi-colored light that dissipated, Yun Jhin looked down in his palm only to see that Hao Tian transformed into smoke and disappeared, that technique again...

Yun Jhin found the escaping ability of fortuned ones to be one of the most annoying parts of their being, they were both annoyingly strong at times, or too slippery! If they were weak they could still run away because they had these self-harming techniques that somehow still didn't destroy their future achievements at all! Yun Jhin knew some of these techniques as well, but he wasn't lucky enough to find the ones that didn't rip through your potential.

Up till now he only used forbidden techniques that you could heal from with time and fresh blood. But from what he saw Hao Tian's technique was something that should cut his potential!

But it was unlikely to happen, if it did, how would he use it so many times? By now his talent should have been so bad that his cultivation should have regressed.

Hao Tian appeared a few hundreds of meters below Yun Jhin. Yun Jhin shook his head as he reverted from his behemoth form to look at Hao Tian, he didn't run away but it was obvious that his face didn't look well, he thought that he might make a draw with Yun Jhin, but now that he was beaten he couldn't ask for an alliance. An alliance was made between two people of similar standings or strengths, and Yun Jhin was above him in both regards right now.

He didn't want to compromise with Yun Jhin but there wasn't anything else he could do right now!

He wanted to leave the planet or else his growth may be stunted or he would be enslaved because he was from the Hao Tribe, his patriarch was injured and who knew when he would come out of secluded cultivation?

Hao Tian gritted his teeth as he took something out of a small spatial ring that he had tied around his neck, Yun Jhin didn't see it before as it was kept below his clothes, a colorful rock appeared out of the spatial ring and Yun Jhin narrowed his eyes as he took a better look at it while thinking:

"What is this? Rainbow Metal? Unlikely considering it should have come from this planet, a strange cultivation resources then? Who knew what this guy's luck made him stumble upon if I can't recognize it with all of my experiences..."

Yun Jhin slowly got near Hao Tian and took the stone from his hand, Hao Tian gritted his teeth but he didn't say anything else, he tried to power the formation with the stone beforehand but there were no reactions, however, he realized that it was special the moment he touched it, he didn't know what it could do but it was special to him, he felt connected to it through his bloodline and soul.

Yun Jhin narrowed his eyes as he felt the texture of the colorful rock-like thing under his fingers, it didn't feel like metal or rock at all, it was actually soft like flesh, could it be a living being?

Yun Jhin hardened his pointer finger and tried to penetrate the rock to see what it was made from but his finger broke the moment it made forcefully made contact with the thing!

Yun Jhin looked at the rock thing in wonder... what could it be?

He decided to send some ki into it only for the ki to be refused, he tried to drip some blood on the surface of the rock, only for his blood to be thrown back to him by the rock-like thing!

At least he now realized that the thing was alive. He looked at Hao Tian and decided to ask him about it, only to get the same responses as what his actions told him, this was strange, Hao Tian confessed that he felt connected to the rock thing but it was also refusing to show its specialness to him.

Yun Jhin took out his halberd from the spatial dimension and tried to slash the rock into two, only for his halberd to bounce back and almost crack due to the rebound coming from the rock thing.

Yun Jhin frowned, with his current strength and the grade of his weapon he could easily cut through half of a middle-ranked planet and if he put his mind to it he could destroy a planet with a little bit of time. However, destroying planets wasn't something useful, it would reduce the available laws that the universe could uphold and reduce the amount of God Realm experts that could be created while also weakening the existing ones, a planet destroyer would quickly find himself surrounded by all of the available Gods, normally speaking, planet-destroying battles were forbidden in the mortal realm.

Yun Jhin decided to keep the stone-like being into his spatial dimension, it didn't seem to reject the spatial dimension as it fell in it. Yun Jhin looked at Hao Tian and asked:

"You think this is enough for me to let you leave?"

"Even you the owner, don't know what that thing is supposed to do, how am I supposed to find out what it is?"

Hao Tian gritted his teeth, he was pretty poor for the standards of a fortuned one, that was the only thing he had and he now lost his only treasure, he doubted that his dagger would fancy Yun Jhin's attention, after all, he saw his halberd and realized that his weapon was way better than his.

At this point, Yun Jhin wanted to kill Hao Tian but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop his escape technique unless he was in the same realm as he was, after he became a Sage his power and battle power would increase a lot, but he wasn't sure if he would be able to create his avatar even after he emptied the Death Black Tortoise pool. He had great requirements for his avatar and the energy he could absorb into it would be only of the highest quality he could find, the pools of upper ranked planets or above would be his targets, however, due to that his avatar would take a longer time to condense. He also needed to break through to the 9th stage of the Emperor realm.

Yun Jhin looked Hao Tian up and down once more, would he let his pride down and sign a contract with him?

Yun Jhin created a contract made out of blood-red ki from the empty air and threw it at Hao Tian, Hao Tian read it for a short while before his face morphed into a dissatisfied look as he glared at Yun Jhin:

"You want me to become your errand boy and follow you around for 3 years? You basically want to make me your slave?"

Yun Jhin laughed as he said:

"That's up to you, all I wrote in the contract is that you have to follow me and you can't attack or scheme against me, nor can you do anything that would be against my benefits, we would be basically make an alliance that would only benefit me, as the weaker party shouldn't you be in ecstasy that I gave you such a good contract?"

Yun Jhin's contract was very good for Hao Tian considering his current situation, but fortuned ones were rather prideful beings for no reason regardless of how and where they grew up, they would always keep their heads up and say that they would only kneel towards their parents and master, Yun Jhin found them to be quite dumb this was how they would mostly find themselves in conflict with one of those silk-pants young masters.

But in this situation, Hao Tian wasn't against your average silk-pants, he either had to sign the contract or remain on the planet, Yun Jhin could easily throw him out of the formation if he tried to follow him through when he left.

Hao Tian was in a dilemma as sweat started to pour from his face even though the surrounding temperature was below 0 degrees. What will he choose?

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