My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 139: Recovering some cultivation

Yun Jhin looked around for any signs of his room being tampered with but he surprisingly found nothing, finding a person that wasn't swayed by money in the neutral stars was something that could be celebrated, but there was also the chance that the pursuers couldn't have found him at all.

He checked his aura and found it to be a little bit different compared to before, it had a different quality to it and he couldn't certainly put his finger on what was different, but he was sure this could be one of the reasons why he wasn't found.

Now that he was a caterpillar he would have to focus on cultivation as he couldn't leave the star in his current look, he won't be able to change himself to his human form until he reached the sage realm.

Celestial caterpillar were peculiar beings, as Yun Jhin looked through the basic information that his bloodline gave him, while he didn't get many if any techniques, he did get basic information on the celestial caterpillar which he needed right now.

He unfolded his wings a little bit as he looked at them and nodded, they were his innate wings that would evolve when he reached the butterfly state and they would increase his speed to the point that he wouldn't have needed to use his spatial technique to escape from the pursuers if things were to happen again.

Yun Jhin rolled into a comfortable position as he inserted some spirit stones into the slot of his room's door increasing the time that he would be able to stay inside.

His eyes remained open as he couldn't really close them physically, but he used his awareness to concentrate on cultivating as he felt the celestial energy pouring from above into his body.

The celestial energy was very pure and it couldn't be compared to anything else that he ever devoured before, it's quality was way too high.

He could feel his regressed cultivation jumping as his body absorbed the energy greedily, from the former 5th stage he jumped to the 6th stage almost immediately that he started cultivating!

But after he reached the 6th stage the speed that he increased his cultivation with was lowered by a lot even though the quality of the energy remained the same.

Yun Jhin started to properly fuse the energy with his body baptizing it as his body refining stages were all reset at this point!

Since he evolved into a new being and shredded his previous body for this one all of his effort in body refining went to waste, that meant he had to cultivate again, fortunately, he had enough resource from the treasury that he could use to refine his body along with increasing his cultivation to its former heights and even go further.

He took out some herbs from his spatial dimension before he burned them and started to smoke them, this would increase his mental activity and make his blood flow quickly and easily so he could concentrate properly on dual tasking, cultivating both his body and ki at the same time.

As Yun Jhin breathed in and out the celestial ki coming from above rapid changes could be seen on his body, his carapace started to grow tougher and shinier as his relatively thick body and meat started to form pure muscles.

His body rank could technically reach the 10,000 as an artificial caterpillar according to the system, to break through the realm above the God Realm one would need a few things and one of them was the 10,000 rank body.

As his cultivation increased so did his body refinement rank, he would also pop some herbs or pills from his spatial dimension from time to time to increase the speed of his cultivation.

As he cultivated time slowly passed inside the inn, it was normal for people to enter closed-door cultivation for long times in such neutral star's inns, however, some times they would be attacked during their cultivation and enter ki deviation due to the plots and schemes of the owners, fortunately, Yun Jhin was pretty strong and there were very few people who wanted to offend people at the Emperor realm 8th stage and above, while Yun Jhin cultivation had been lowered, that didn't mean he had shown that to strangers voluntarily. After all, it would be pretty hard for rogue cultivators without backing to reach such a high cultivation stage and still not find a sect that they could join.

Cultivating was dull but also exciting for those like Yun Jhin, they would just stay still and absorb the energies of heaven and earth while supplementing them with either pills or herbs of special qualities that couldn't be transformed into pills.

Yun Jhin's cultivation base slowly started to inch towards the 7th stage after half a year of absorbing celestial ki and his body reached the 6,500th rank of refinement and it was still going up strong, he might not be able to reach the 10,000th rank before he reached the peak of the Emperor realm, but he would be pretty close.

As Yun Jhin cultivated the owner of the inn started to get anxious, even though he knew Yun Jhin's cultivation was a bit high and he could have backing, the more he stayed in closed-door cultivation the more it showed that he had resources that could let him cultivate and they would be of high quality as well or he wouldn't have stayed in there for such a long time!

The man frowned, he was considered to be rather young and chubby, he wore a formal attire consisting of black pants and a vest that hugged his chubby belly while also showcasing its size properly, his slicked-back hair and greasy complexion showed that he wasn't an honest man at all.

He wanted to try and sound out Yun Jhin and see if he could extort some money from him, neutral stars so close to the blood throne sect's territory got pretty influenced by their actions and they were all leading towards the chaotic neutral side rather than the lawful one, they would want to get money by hook or by crook.

Yun Jhin knew that those types of people would have it out for him so he surrounded the room with a formation that would wake him up the moment someone would approach it.

After some more time passed the fatty walked towards the room and said:

"This sir, you have used the room for such a long time and even though you have paid for it with the room slot, you now have to pay additional fees to use it anymore as there are people who want to get a room and you have been using this one for a rather long while."

Yun Jhin laughed as he told him:

"Of course, come inside and I will pay you the money."

The fatty's face started to form into a glowing smile as he hastily entered the room, the fatty's cultivation was around the sage realm and he wasn't a weakling, but his combat power wouldn't be anything big considering he was from a neutral power without much fighting present, he and the inn were from a merchant company.

The fatty slowly inched towards Yun Jhin and frowned as he looked at his body that increased in size, he was almost 1,5 meters tall now and his body was rock hard with muscles, the owner thought that was his true form as he felt Yun Jhin wasn't human the moment he entered the inn and requested a room, but he couldn't recognize his form at all, what type of caterpillar was he anyway?

Yun Jhin spewed a few spirit stones towards him and he caught them, they were all middle-ranked ones and they were the payment for the room, the fatty smiled as he looked at the spirit stones, he confirmed that Yun Jhin had some wealth on him, he wanted to leave and hire a mercenary squad for them to make some trouble for him so he could extort more money, but before he could leave the door of the room closed itself.

Yun Jhin's new celestial aura started to engulf the whole room forcefully and it made the fatty start sweating profusely as he almost kneeled due to the intense pressure coming from it, he could feel that Yun Jhin's cultivation didn't increase at all from the moment he entered closed-door cultivation as it was at the same realm, but that didn't matter as he a sage realm expert was getting pressured by an Emperor Realm one!

He frowned as he felt that if he fought with him he would surely lose, the matter got quite tricky as he felt that Yun Jhin saw through his plans of extorting him, the fatty gave out a sheepish smile as he bowed and said:

"I can see that this customer is quite strong and special at the same time, this fee should be given back as it will be paid for by the inn, I didn't know the guest had such a high cultivation base and I made an error, sorry sorry!"

Yun Jhin snorted as he said:

"Take the money and don't let me see you again if I don't leave the room by my own accord, also take this."

Out of Yun Jhin's form, a stinger exploded as it entered the fatty's chest and inserted itself properly in his heart, the fatty couldn't dodge or feel anything as he realized that his life was now in Yun Jhin's non existing hands.

The fatty bowed again and left the room hastily as he felt that he kicked a steel plate, at least he still had those spirit stones that he embezzled but that didn't mean much now that his life was in the hands of a stranger if he reported to anyone what he saw the spike would explode his heart and kill him instantly, this also applied if he tried to talk with anyone or try to attack Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin sighed as he felt his cultivation stabilizing at the 8th stage of the Emperor realm and his body reaching the 9,000 ranks, he couldn't improve any further as he used all of his resources, now he would have to buy more or find them, he already created pills from the resources that he bought from the Brilliance Radiance and Light sect and he consumed them to recover his cultivation base to its former state.

Maybe if he didn't lose his cultivation he would have already been half-way done with his sage avatar but man proposes and Heaven disposes.

Yun Jhin finally left the inn after a long time, the fatty walked him to the exit with a fawning smile on his face but the moment Yun Jhin left his face turned frosty, the merchant association that the inn belonged to had a God Realm expert presiding over it and he didn't believe the God Realm expert wouldn't be able to get rid of the spike and then track down the damned caterpillar who did this!

However, the moment those thoughts blossomed in his head he could feel his heart stop beating, black blood started to seep from the corner of his mouth as his eyes widened, blood vessels could be seen popping on his head as he fell to the reception desk head over and stopped moving, the poison from the spike inserted itself in his heart and he died even though he didn't do anything, the spike was supposed to trigger if he did anything physically as Yun Jhin couldn't see through his thoughts.

Yun Jhin shook his head as he didn't even look backward, he didn't leave loose ends like that!

Some people were eyeing his form as he could be considered quite beautiful for him being a caterpillar and most beast cultivators would use their human form when they would be on neutral stars, only those who found themselves to be rather proud of their form would strut around like this, but it couldn't be helped, Yun Jhin couldn't transform into a human even if he wanted to yet.

It didn't take Yun Jhin much time to find the herb selling shop only for him to be very disappointed at the lack of assortments of herbs that he could find in the shop, at most he could only buy one or two herbs that caught his eye but not more as they wouldn't be helpful for his new body anymore, both in ki and body refinement.

He searched the whole planet but he only found a few supplementary herbs that could be useful for him and nothing on the main range, he could also use the inner pool of the planet to increase his cultivation base but this neutral star was only of middle-ranking and its pool would be useless to him, the only pools useful for him would be upper and top-ranked ones!

Yun Jhin left the planet and started to look through the other planets inside his memories that could be considered top and upper ranked that was also nearby in the sea of neutral stars around him.

He remembered quite a few but unluckily their planetary pools were already dry after so much time passed, he couldn't find what he needed in their shops either, only some more complimentary herbs, he couldn't find the main ingredients he needed to further his cultivation! Unfortunately unlike the 4 sacred beasts planets, not all planets could recover their energy pools.

He also stuck as a sore thumb due to his looks so he couldn't act much on one planet's surface, after all, beasts could also be considered cultivation resources by humans and the way he looked induced some thoughts in those greedy human cultivators. However, as long as he had his stealth technique no one could catch him, especially now that he had his special celestial wings.

Yun Jhin sighed as he left another planet without anything else but some duplicate herbs or some new complementary ones, he was already on his hundredth planet and he couldn't find what he needed, should he go to the popular planets.. but with his current form he would attract unwanted attention.

Yun Jhin thought shortly before he decided to go on a hunt for herbs instead of going to buy them, with his current form he could get into trouble and he liked laying low if he didn't have plans or possibilities to do what he wanted or how he wanted.

Going back to get some more treasures from the Blood Throne sect territory was a no go due to Yuan Fang's existence, he would have surely put some more guards or formations around to detect his arrival, so for now he would have to search through his memories for some other places.

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