My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 143: Overpowered bloodline ability

Yun Jhin's body started squirming as his blood heated up constantly due to the continuous increase of demonic ki that went into the bloodline runes.

He could feel the heat traveling through his whole body quickly assimilating something that he didn't fully understand.

His body started to shed one layer, two layers, three layers of skin!

His body was getting enhanced at the same time as his bloodline ability was appearing!

He could feel his body's rank shooting up reaching 9,900 in one shot after he shed those layers of skin.

Also, his ki cultivation was slowly inching towards the 9th stage and the awakening of his bloodline ability was almost there!

Finally, after a while his bloodline runes were filled up with energy and his hot blood stopped rushing through his body at high speeds, it returned to its normal circulation pattern as Yun Jhin's head cooled down and he felt some foreign language and a technique was inserted in his soul from his blood.

"This technique... it's certainly worthy for the celestial bloodline!"

Yun Jhin got out of the ground as he used the technique for the first time, his body sprang up as his thick muscles started to multiply over his body, his bloodline aura intensified slowly overtime as everything around him started to get crushed and absorbed towards him at the same time!

Whatever was getting near him, either it being the surrounding demonic ki or the earth was being absorbed and crushed in his body at the same time.

This was an advanced predatory technique of the celestial caterpillars, while they were omnivores and didn't enjoy eating meat when they had to evolve into the butterfly form they would need to unleash a massacre to gain enough energy to evolve, or they could find a very rare herb but from the knowledge, he gained from the technique most celestial caterpillars would hunt instead of going to search for flowers.

Yun Jhin's technique was basically the gravity of a planet combined with an absorption technique that would make all the energy from the one he crushed and absorbed be fully his!

It was a technique with no weaknesses as it couldn't be disrupted unless he was killed, even if his head was severed and there was still a bit of life force in him, he could use the technique to recover!

Any energy that he didn't need could be used to heal his body continuously and that would consist of any energy he absorbed!

The technique worked up his blue cells so that they could increase his healing factor by 500%, this would exhaust his energy quite fast if he got any type of energy but as long as there were people around he could absorb there wouldn't be any problems.

This was a technique best used when he was besieged or when he ran wild in a crowd, at least the healing part, or it could also be used for extending a fight, if Yun Jhin fought someone that injured him he could rampage on his subordinates recover and wear the person down.

Considering the situation in hell this was a very good technique to have.

Yun Jhin frowned as he remembered about the situation in Hell, everything seemed rather similar to all of the places he had been up to now, they were all in conflict! If you excluded the Brilliance Radiance and Light sect who were living like gangsters and didn't have any problems, the universe was currently in turmoil!

The universe was never a peaceful place but there were too many coincidences, how come those two arch lords have found the treasure around the same time he wanted to enter hell?

As for the other situations they have been slowly unveiled by Yun Jhin but he still felt something was fishy in those regards as well, were the people from the Brilliance Radiance and Light such pussies that they were content only with the black tortoises? From what Yun Jhin knew their greed knew no bounds, were they that injured? Doubtful. Then why would they let the other three planets alone when they were still infighting before Yun Jhin came around?

Yun Jhin wasn't sure about many things even though he reincarnated so many times, he didn't know where the system came from but he accepted it because it was useful to him, but now he started to doubt the origins of the system, could a powerhouse above the God Realm look out for him?

He didn't know how the powerhouses above the God Realm worked or what they were supposed to do after they rose above that boundary but he was sure that there wasn't just one person who achieved this, maybe they controlled and restrained each other and the person which gave him the system didn't like that anymore? Maybe he wanted to break the balance?

Yun Jhin knew that he was being used but there wasn't much he could do in this situation either, he was solely depending on the system to evolve, evolution was a thing that needed time and work, it couldn't be done so quickly just by devouring other people, Yun Jhin knew because he had tried many times in his former lives to achieve evolution but he failed every time until he gave up, he tried with experiments both on the living and dead, on souls and his own families, but every time he made a result, that result would be found to be untrue or temporary.

Yun Jhin felt that the system was a boon to him but unfortunately he couldn't learn anything from it no matter how many times he evolved! He did recognize some patterns on evolution as he scanned his insides changing with his soul but they were so quick that he couldn't truly grasp them properly.

Could the person who gave him the system made it so he wouldn't be able to grasp evolution himself so he wouldn't ditch the system?

Yun Jhin realized that things went a little bit further down the rabbit hole than he knew but he had ignored everything up till now due to his concern of achieving a form that could evolve above the God Realm, now that he had it he could think about things a little bit more clearly than before, and what he realized didn't make him happy at all.

Yun Jhin's muscled body started to fly as it unconsciously absorbed both demonic and celestial ki at the same time, now that he was at the 9th stage of the Emperor realm, his body needed an immense amount of ki of high quality to create an avatar to enter the sage realm.

Yun Jhin looked around, he didn't need any ki pools for the time being as with a little bit of time he would get enough ki to create his avatar, but he could also rush the process to the point that it wouldn't take him more than a few months to breakthrough. But at this point his cultivation and age didn't match at all, he was barely around 100 years by now and the average Emperor at the 9th stage was around 25 to 50 thousand years old.

Only really talented ones could reach such heights at 10,000 years, but Yun Jhin rushed his cultivation a lot, combined with the fact that his body was continuously evolving at the same time made him special in more than one point. Surprisingly Yun Jhin found that his cultivation base didn't have any problems even though he rushed through his cultivation by quite a bit. Could these be the effects of the celestial caterpillar body or the system's working on his evolutions?

Yun Jhin sighed as he tried to find some forms of society, he needed to infiltrate it and gain some more intel, the devils he absorbed back then only knew the surface information that every soldier in the devil army knew, he needed to absorb some higher-ups!

Now that he was at the 9th stage, combined with his new bloodline ability he should be able to easily fight a common 5th stage sage realm expert.

The society in hell was based on strength, this type of hierarchy was pretty normal as everyone thought that the one with harder fists would rule, but in hell, this applied even further, you wouldn't be allowed to exist if you were weak! In other situations, righteous people would say that the weak should be spared but being weak in hell was sin! Regardless if you had treasures on you or not, just your existence would be a sin!

Yun Jhin was currently in the 7th layer and his cultivation base was strong even among upper echelons as the strongest person in this layer was at the 2nd or 3rd stage, the moment devils or demons saw him they would keep their heads down unless they were provoked, they couldn't truly recognize if he was a demon or devil nor which faction he belonged to so instead of provoking him randomly they would keep their heads down and report to their superiors about him.

Yun Jhin knew that if he made himself visible to these people the higher-ups would surely flock to him, but at this point he could pick a faction and say he belonged to it, then help the other faction, helping the demons would mean no ties as the demons were dumb and they would believe him.

However, helping the devils meant he had to deal with people such as him, there was a chance he could make a bigger payout if he played his cards well but there was also a high chance he would be betrayed after the job was done.

Yun Jhin could feel that he was followed by a demon and devil and found it to be pretty weird, people from opposite factions were following him? Demons and devils were easy to identify if you were being tailed, the demon's aura was wild and they couldn't hide it properly, while the devil's aura was oily and it felt like you were being watched by a snake if a devil targeted you.

His body disappeared as he used his stealth technique which made the party of two fluster as they appeared and looked around seemingly searching for him.

Yun Jhin appeared above them as he used his aura to crush both of them in the 7th layer's ground, he looked at them both and analyzed their auras, they were both at the 1st stage of the sage realm and it seemed they broke through recently, the demon's muscles were currently bulging as he tried to resist the aura, the devil was a ravishing succubus that gave Yun Jhin some watery eyes trying to seduce him.

Yun Jhin snorted as he said:

"Why are the two of you following me? And what's up with the two of you being together?"

The succubus tried to move her body to accentuate her big cleavage but Yun Jhin's aura pressed her to the ground so hard she couldn't move at all.

So she took a big gulp making her chest bounce up and down as she said:

"I only arrived at the same time as that big lug over there, our soldiers saw you and my master told me to bring you to the city, he said that you would make a great general, and seeing that you are recently ascended from the lower layers means that you don't know much about the whole situation in Hell."

Yun Jhin waited for the big blue demon that was currently being crushed into the ground say his two-bits as well:

"Urugual thinks you look strong!"

It seemed this demon didn't improve his intelligence much even though he had been through so many cultivation realms, but it was normal for most demons, only the more talented ones would be able to improve their intelligence and strength at the same time.

"Urugual's master said that if I see strong newcomer, Me should bring him over for a clobbering introduction!"

Since Yun Jhin's appearance was strange as if he wasn't a demon nor a devil at the first glance both parties tried to scout him out, this was the perfect opportunity to get more intelligence without alerting the other layers, he could infiltrate their outposts and gain the intelligence he needed...

Yun Jhin frowned, this was a little bit too familiar, something strange was going on as if he was led by the nose directly to a trap, his intuition told him something was wrong with this but he didn't know what, could Yuan Fang's arm reach into Hell at this point, or who else would give him such a dangerous feeling?

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