Helena POV:

BbI asked Mr. Harry if I could leave that place. I also told him that I am not interested in attending the party. But,he said that Mr. Chase insisted on us to take part in the party at any cost. He said that ,Chase has specially told him that this party is arranged on account of the great success of the meeting and they had a lot of interest on our company.

He then said that it is our minimum responsibility to follow his words and moreover they have given us their next contract too. You've done a great job by the way, Helena. We'll be soon informed regarding our next project with this company. And I wish you to take up the next project too. Finally,Mr.Harry said,

"I don't think it would be good if we don't go there. Please try to understand Ms. Helena...".

After listening to Mr. Harry, I was unable to speak out a word. Because,all that he said was true. Not being able to face Chase is completely my problem. I think there's no point in bringing my entire staff out of this happy mood just because I don't like it. And moreover, Mr. Harry has given me another responsibility. I have to work on it soon. My problem is only with Chase. Then!

What's wrong with the rest of the company?

I thought I shouldn't meet Chase again. But life took me to a place where I get to meet the people I don't want to.

" Aw yes! Truly man!Earth is round!"

"So....... Helena! Don't be foolish. Don't lose your opportunity. Let's be friendly with everyone there ", I motivated myself.

My only problem is,

" If Chase gets to know that I loved him, he might insult me that I don't deserve him just like Hailey said. He may laugh at me. I can't bear that. I can't hear such insulting words from the man I loved.....". This is what fearing me inside. I told this many times. But still, I feel like this thought is hunting me.

Huh! Finally I reached my room. I got changed and sat on my bed. His image began to flash on again and again in my mind.

Though I don't want to meet him,I looked at him many times secretly in the meeting. He's my weakness. I can't stop myself from looking at him. On one hand , his thought is giving me refreshment and happiness. While on the other hand, this is making me cry.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. I've lifted the call but,no one spoke on the other side. This happened three times . There came another call from the same number.I got very irritated and I lifted the phone.

Me: Hello! Why aren't you speaking? Are you too free that you keep on calling me repeatedly? I have a lot of work to do. If you have something to say then, 'Speak'...

Person on phone: ( Trying to join letter to letter) H e l l o....

Me: Oh man! Finally you've spoken. Who are you? How can I help you?

Person on phone: (Filling some strength in voice) Helena! This is Chase...... , Chase Edwards.

Me: What?

Chase: Hm yeah! I'm Chase. Helena ... don't you remember me?

Me: ...

Chase: I'm Chase. We used to travel in the same train everyday. Don't you remember me?( Trying to explain more)

Me: Y....e....s. I do...

Chase: How are you Helena? .

Me: I'm fine,thank you. And you?...

Chase: I'm good Helena.( Actually ,I wanted to say that I missed you ...)

By the way, you did really well today.

Me: Thanks Chase....

Chase: ( I actually missed her voice. Whenever she calls my name, I will fly all over...)

Me: You there?

Chase: Yeah!

Me: Ok then.....

Chase: Oh wait! I have something to say.

Me: What is that ,Chase?

Chase: Actually Helena, can we meet tomorrow? Please....

Me: But, Chase... After two days I'll be there at the party right!Then?

Chase: But Helena... I want to meet you before that personally. I have something to say. I'd be happy if you come tomorrow.

Me: What's there to talk with me , Chase....

Chase: I'll say everything soon. Just please come to the Brent's restaurant tomorrow.

He hung the phone before I was about to say something.

What is he trying to say?

Well! Should I go tomorrow?

If I don't go, it may hurt him again. He might have observed me running out from him when he tried to come to me to say something. Okay! I can't hurt him again. I'll go. Yes! I will.....

Chase POV:

I waited for this day from the past few days. It was about 8'o clock in the morning. I was preparing myself for a good look infront of my strawberry. I had a hot shower and picked up a black formal suit. I trained myself infront of the mirror,how to speak to her after the meeting today. Then,Jason started teasing me again.

He too got ready for the meeting. Actually,he was very eager to see Helena. I again warned him not to behave weird infront of her. Later we took our car and started at 9 am.

I was eagerly waiting for her. It was about 9:25 am. Then entered my 'Angel'....

She looked very beautiful in her formal suit. She was very pretty with her pale skin which is blushed evenly. She appeared absolutely stunning and I guess everyone will be ready to fall for her easily.( But I won't allow anyone, by the way).

I thought I should surprise her for a while, so I asked Jason to go into the hall first so that she'll think Jason as the CEO. I stayed outside looking at her secretly. Yeah! She thought Jason as the CEO. Haha.After sometime,I entered the hall. I'm sure this time she'll get surprised. Yes! She did! She began staring at me. I understood why she did so. She too might have missed me. For a few minutes,she didn't speak anything. She was just left in her own dreams. Then ,her manager sighed her to start the meeting.

I know that she's a good designer. But, I never thought that she'll make such beautiful designs. They were awesome. She's really very talented. I felt very proud of her( laughing in myself). I listened to the complete meeting. She did well. I think she deserves this appreciation. When the meeting was about to end, I decided something. I wanted their company again to take our next project. Moreover, I wanted to give them all a party so that she'll too attend it. So, I asked everyone there to take part in party that is going to be arranged in about two days. To my good luck, everyone agreed for it.

Later, everyone left. I wanted to talk to her. So, I roamed all over the building, searching for her. Finally, I found her in the ground floor. But, I observed that she ran out of the building along with her team members,when she saw me coming towards her.

" Why did you do that Helena?"

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