
Jason's POV:

Helena! Do you know how Chase used to be exactly two years ago...?

Going back two years from now, Chase and myself were doing masters in "Pacific States University", which is well known /popular for business management and the field of computer science. It was here,the same place in Los Angeles, California where we used to roam all over the streets when we were students.

Chase always said that he loved this place where he had got lots of good memories. But later,his intention changed when he had heart break here,in the same city.

It was the first day of college. We were very excited because we can meet lots of new people, each being unique. Coming to me in particular ,I seriously decided to find my love atleast then because we were always quite students until then. We felt it would be useless and a complete shame if we remain as the same stupid kid.

Chase was obviously the most handsome hunk in the college. He had lots of fans there, especially girls. Whereas ,I was the same playboy always. We did all the naughty things we wished to do earlier, in our 2 years of span here during our masters.

I used to stay in Chase's house since we were relatives. We were brought up together. We were very close and our mentalities are so similar that every stupid thing that runs in my mind, simultaneously runs inside his brain. We used to share every single thing. It was about a week since we were going to the college.

One fine day, we woke up late in the morning and so we got up hurriedly and moved to the college. We've got a strict professor for our first hour that day. We were standing outside busy in planning something to get rid of our professor's tantrums. Chase is so naughty that he pushed me inside without my intervention.

He began laughing outside and I was dumbstruck when the professor began staring at me with broad red eyes. I understood that he was about to showcase his temper tantrums. I remained silent trying to bear all his anger. Chase ,on the other side was laughing outside and seemed as if he was about to die of laughter.

After my professor was done, Chase slowly entered the room as if he's the most eligible innocent and then stayed by my side. I gritted my teeth and sighed him as if I'm gonna kill him that day. The entire class was laughing at us...." Sorry ! At me!"....

There I found a girl , laughing the same way as others were doing,but Chase's eyes went on her. She was wearing a blue jean and a pink crop top with a shrug over it. She had her hair curled and was falling over her shoulders. I found that Chase is still looking at her. In order to avoid him appear weird infront of everyone in the class, I patted him with my shoulder to bring him back on to his senses. He then looked at me and we both took our seats as insisted by our professor.

She sat right beside Chase's seat and I sat on the other side of Chase. The whole day , Chase kept on staring at her. I felt he has got his partner and I'm the only one left now.

In the meanwhile, after all our schedule was done, Chase ran away to find the girl. He wanted atleast to find out her name. As a true friend, I followed him. He found her in a car, but she was already moving by the time we reached there. He was  disappointed a little as he missed her.

We then took our car and went home. He looked very anxious to know about her. It's been a week ,but still it's the first time seeing her in the class. Chase started describing her the whole night which I felt bored a little and so unknowingly, I slept.

It was the next day, and this time we attended the college very early as Chase wanted to find and talk to her. We sat in our asusual seats and began waiting for her. There she arrived.

This man,who's ready to drown his self-respect, again stared at her. But for a change, the girl too smiled at him.

I felt the line was clear for him, so I moved a little and shifted my position.

It was the very first time Chase showed interest on a girl. I felt it interesting....

I observed Chase asking for her name. But in return she gave him a smile everytime she liked the same question. The same thing happened for a week. They both looked , sometimes smiled at each other during the lecture. I've been observing everything going on between them .

One day, our dad(Chase's dad)informed us that he had a get together arranged at home. So, he wanted both of us to be ready by the evening for the party.

Both of us planned to wear formal suits and very quickly we got ready for the party. Chase was busy thinking about what her name might be.....

Whereas I was waiting if I could find some pretty girl here.

The hall was filled with businessmen all over with their families.  We were introduced to lots of top class professionals. We felt little bored and awkward at that moment since we haven't found anyone of the same age.

We pity each other for being in this position. Then our dad,Mr. Charles Edwards called us again. Reluctantly,we went....

He introduced us to his dearest friend Mr. Robert Pattinson and we gave him a fake smile.

But there entered someone who grabbed our attention completely. She's a girl almost of the same age as ours '. We can't see her face since she was busy talking with someone and her back faced us. We looked at each other with a question mark filled face to find out if atleast one of us knew who this girl is...  But we had no idea about her.

But ,then Mr. Pattinson,grabbed her hand introducing her as his daughter,

" Hailey Pattinson".....

Our jaw dropped on to the floor looking at the girl,since she's the same person Chase has been trying to talk with. We were struck for few seconds. She extended her hand offering a shake hand with us. She then smiled at us as if she already knew us as Mr. Edwards sons.

Finally Chase is happy that he got to know her name..... Whereas I was still in shock....

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