Jason's POV:

"What did she say, Jason?", asked Helena.

She looked desperate to know what happened that day. Everything was fine between them until then, but the actual  problem started when Chase got to know her true colour.

Quickly,Helena poked a question...

"Jason.... Does Chase's father and Mr. Pattinson knew all about this??"

Y - e - a - h ! ! Let me continue...


Chase was shocked listening to their conversation. I saw tears running down his cheeks. While they were talking and laughing, I balled my fists since I was unable to control my anger and tried to open the door. But Chase stopped me doing that. He wanted to know the entire play that was going on behind him.

Then I stayed calm and began listening to their stupid talks....

After keen listening,I understood that they were talking about Chase...

The conversation went on....

Hailey: You know what , you're much better than that idiot...(chuckling)

That man: Whom do you refer by 'Idiot' Hailey?

That man smirked asking this question....

Hailey: Who else on earth will be such an idiot than Chase??

That man: Aww! I pity him.... Haha

He might have no idea about us. . .

Hailey: I don't care... whether he does or not.... And I know how to ' manage ' in a better way or to ' control ' him....

He might be dreaming about me now..... Haha

That man: You are very smart Hailey...

"  Proud of you...."

Hailey: Yeah! I know that. Do you know how foolish he is. He used to roam around me. He stares at me all the time as if there's no tomorrow. Every act he does, makes me laugh hard.

That man:  That's so funny...

Hailey: You know what, you must look at his face when he talks to me...

That man:  haha..... (after a pause)But what if he gets to know all about us?

Hailey: We've been together since an year ,but he has no idea about us ...right? Then ..... what frightens you so much?

That man: ......

Hailey: I thought I was almost caught when you called me that day when I along with Chase has gone for our first date...

My mobile phone is with Chase and suddenly it started ringing. He read out the name displayed on it.

He asked me who 'Michael' is... My jaw dropped on to the floor seeing my mobile with him.

He was about to pick up the phone but then I rushed and managed to say that it's some sort of wrong number.

That man: When did all this happened Hailey? You never told me about this?

Hailey: I thought it doesn't worth telling you all this nonsense. It's not the only time that happened....

That man: Are you serious ?

Hailey:  Yes! This happened once more but, this stupid pretended to listen to all the shit I say... Hahaha...

Chase was very angry at her at that moment. He appeared as if he's ready to slap her hard. Michael left the place soon... Now, Chase was totally frustrated with her behaviour...

With a complete red face,he slammed the door open. I too went inside along with him.

Hailey was shocked seeing Chase there.  She understood that Chase listened to everything she spoke with Michael seeing his angry face. She tried to join letter to letter cooking up something. But her trial went in vain when Chase frowned at her.

She tried to act but she has not succeeded this time. Chase truly loved her. Even she knew it well. But she cheated on him.....

Chase simply asked her why she did all this... 

After a pause she started laughing at him and opened up everything after making sure that there's no chance to escape.

" What are you thinking of yourself ...Chase? How did you even imagined that I would love you. Isn't that funny...

Look ,you've seen Michael right? He's my boyfriend and I'm going to marry him,not you.... You understand?

I never loved you Chase... Because you don't deserve me....."

" I don't deserve you? What does she mean by saying this?"

This question hit him hard.... He never expected such ruthless words from the one he loved the most....

She then continued,

" You know! Michael is the top class business man in Los Angeles....

We've seen each other and fell in love soon. Our relationship is something different and definitely not like ours... "

She began laughing....

"But why did you act as if you loved me ? And how about the marriage proposal our parents brought up?"

Chase asked....

" Haha hell with the proposal!!!

I don't care .... Do whatever you want.... ", was her final answer and she left....

Chase was completely drowned listening those words from Hailey. He dreamt a lot about their married life.

But everything was gone in few seconds...

She didn't even care about her father's self respect. On the other hand, Chase's dad has announced their marriage proposal officially. The marriage date is fixed and everything was set up for it.

Chase never wanted his dad's reputation get spoiled because of him. He was in between the devil and the deep sea. Only I knew how he felt ... 

I can't tell you every single warning Hailey posted on Chase ,Helena..... He was badly fed up with her. He used to hate himself for loving such a heartless girl.

Chase spoke one last word, "Why?"

The answer from her broke his heart forever.....

"You are just a random guy!!!", was her answer.....

Chase had a pity for Hailey's father, because even he doesn't know all this. And when he came to know about what his daughter did, he felt it a shame and vacated his business from Los Angeles.... Mr. Edwards,lost his friendship too....

Infact Chase's father wanted his son to get married to Hailey only after knowing that they loved each other. He respected his son's love. Chase too knew it.

Now he hated himself for letting somebody else pull down their family's reputation. He went into depression,never spoke with anybody except with me and Mr. Edwards.

He rarely came out and after taking some time he took up his father's business....

He forgot how to smile but I was told by Mr. Edwards that he has seen a change in Chase after he got to meet you.... Helena..... Only then I came to him to see him happy after a long time.

You are an important person in Chase's life now.... And I know you're definitely not like Hailey....

Firstly , I was shocked seeing Chase happy after a very long time. Because I knew how he used to be after breakup. But,you made him smile.

After a long pause....

"You are the reason for his happiness... Please don't leave him Helena.....", I added.....

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