I had a sound sleep yesterday. I don't know when I slept exactly thinking about him.And moreover this winter's cold breezes made me sleep for an extra time. Today I don't have my mom and dad at home.Being lazy to prepare breakfast myself,I ate ruffles which is my favourite snack.

It was about 8'o clock. I had my shower and then I applied a little foundation. I tied my messy black hair into a bun. Actually today I decided to talk to the stranger by hook or crook.With all the confidence and courage, I stepped out of my house and reached the station.

When I was about to enter the local train, I saw the stranger in the train sitting in his place. I moved in and managed to hide somewhere far from him. I thought to observe him from a distance for some time.He was looking around for something ( may be someone I'm not sure).He started rotating his eyeballs just like a notty kid.He appeared even more handsome with his cute expressions. I really enjoyed watching him secretly.

He looked through the window just like I do everyday waiting for him.His dark brown eyes which caught me very tightly were partly covered by his silky hair.He began tapping his fingers like an anxious student waiting for his results.He also started biting his lower lip.All his abnormal activities made me laugh.

A man suddenly entered there and sat in my place. I thought it's time to move,otherwise I'll fail to get even a single seat in the entire compartment.When I was about to move,the stranger said something to the man in my seat and very soon the man vacated from my place.

"What did he say?"

" Is he really waiting for me?". I wish it is true.

While I was laughing,he suddenly looked at me.My jaw dropped on to the floor when he saw me laughing.

" Oh no! I was caught"

"What the hell!"

I understood that I am in between the devil and the deep sea.So, I had no other choice than moving forward. My every step towards him tensed me a lot.But somehow I managed and sat beside him in the empty seat.He then turned towards me and looked deep into my eyes.

"Oh my God!", it's ridiculous.

Looking at my face filled completely with fear,he gave me a huge smile and said,

"Hey! don't get scared. I'm not going to bite you".

Saying so he laughed again.Having a sense of relief, I joined him.

"Again....... caught"

His eyes caught me again. It's really very difficult to take my eyes off from him.

While I was staring at him,he suddenly gave me his hand, introducing himself.

"Hey! I'm Chase Edwards and you?"

I smiled literally and shook my hand with him and said in a low tone,

"I'm Helena Davies".

For a few seconds we looked at each other.We couldn't hear anything. It seemed like we were the only ones in this whole universe.His expressions melted me completely.But,our eye contact was soon broken when we heard his phone ringing with high pitch.

We both came into our own senses and I looked outside whereas he went on attending his phone.

It seemed little awkward for both of us.Moreover,to my bad luck,my station has arrived.He appeared to say something but he stopped when I stood up to step out of the train.Then he greeted me,

"Nice to meet you Helena Davies".

And I said,

"You too Mr.Chase Edwards"

I left that place soon. On my way to office, I started thinking,

"Does he feel the same I do?"

"Or is it just my imagination?"

"What did he say to the man who sat in my seat?"

With all these thoughts, I moved into my office...

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