Parents go too far


At this moment, Li Liping seemed to hear the thunder in the heavy rain, as if he was struck by lightning!

“This… this… Mr. Chen Qian, why don’t you think about it carefully, and we…”

Zhang Qide didn’t dare to let him say anything more at this time, and pulled his hand away from Chen Qian’s hand.

“Go, go, go. Don’t try to poach our Peking University. I’m warning you!”

Zhang Qide was so excited now. If it weren’t for the large number of people here, he would have wanted to stand up and sing a song to cheer up. !

Li Liping was very unwilling and wanted to say a few more words to Chen Qian, but Zhang Qide had already taken the lead and pulled Chen Qian towards the bedroom.

“Come on, come on, classmate Chen Qian, let’s discuss signing the contract…”


Zhang Qide closed the door forcefully, leaving everyone in the living room in embarrassment.

“Hahahaha, Teacher Li, don’t be too disappointed. Come and have a drink of water.”

Principal Zhang Shouyi tried to smooth things over and poured another glass of water for Li Liping.

But how can Li Liping still think about drinking water now? He was so heartbroken!

However, as a experienced head of the admissions team, he still managed to come to his senses.

Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, disappointment and decadence are not advisable. The battle is not over. There are other students who need to be dug out, especially Jiang Ruyue!

“Xiao Zhou, let’s go!”

Li Liping stood up suddenly, his eyes filled with fighting spirit again. Miss Huaqing stood up and followed Li Liping out.

“Teacher Li, please stay and have a meal…” Li Qingmei kept trying to persuade her.

Unfortunately, Li Liping decided to leave and did not agree, so he hurriedly left Chen Qian’s home.

A minute later, the bedroom door slowly opened a crack. Zhang Qide opened his eyes and looked left and right. Then he completely relaxed and opened the door with a smile.

Chen Qian held his forehead helplessly.

In fact, they didn’t discuss any contract at all from the moment they entered the bedroom. Zhang Qide kept leaning on the door, listening to the noise outside, and motioned for him to be quiet.

That cautious look can only be said to be due to rich experience and many losses!

Soon the two returned to the living room. Zhang Qide took out the contract that had been prepared from his bag with high spirits, filled in all the conditions, and handed it to Chen Qian’s parents.

After their parents read it, they handed it to Chen Qian.

Chen Qian looked at it and found that the contract was very simple and had no problems, so he signed his name.

The stone in Zhang Qide’s heart finally fell to the ground. He encouraged Chen Qian again and hurriedly got up to leave.

Li Qingmei and Chen Jianhai tried to stay again, but Zhang Qide refused to stay for dinner at all.

Chen Qian roughly guessed the reason. After Zhang Qide and others left, he took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Ruyue.

“Lao Jiang, you can go back.”

“What’s wrong, are you done over there?”

Chen Qian smiled: “Yes, I signed with Beijing University, and they have left. I guess they will be looking for you next. ”

Okay, I’ll go back now.”

“Let Jiang Chun go back by the way,” Chen Qian said.

If Jiang Chun’s score exceeds the admission line, the admissions phone number will definitely be called, but if the score is not high enough, the admissions team may not necessarily come to your door.

But since we have already gone to his own home and Jiang Ruyue’s home, it is still very possible to go there.

“Okay, let me talk to Jiang Chun.”

As soon as the phone was hung up, the principal and others looked over in surprise: “Have you made an appointment to go to Beijing University together?”

Chen Qian nodded.

Suddenly, everyone’s faces looked a little strange.

Teacher Li from Huaqing, the trip to Qingliu City is going to be uncomfortable!

But soon, Zhang Shouyi reacted, held Chen Jianhai’s hand with a smile on his face, and kept saying congratulations.

Wang Jingguo also smiled and patted Chen Qian’s shoulder without saying a word, his eyes full of pride.

Chen Qian was stunned and immediately understood that he was going to give money!

“Brother Chen, you have raised a good son!”

“Where, principal, look what you said, your school has trained a good son!”

After some pleasantries, Zhang Shouyi got to the point: “This time In order to commend Chen Qian, the city will award one hundred thousand yuan. Naturally, our school will also reward one hundred thousand yuan. I hope Chen Qian can continue his efforts in the future and become the pride of our school!”

Chen Jianhai did not expect that Peking University had just given away the money. Someone wants to send money again?

What about such a good thing?

He quickly thanked him: “Thank you, thank you so much, thank you to the city, and thank you to the school for your attention!”

“Son, come here quickly.”

Chen Qian also quickly came to his father’s side, with a very humble smile: “Thank you, principal, for your cultivation.”

Zhang Shouyi was very pleased to hear this. It was not in vain that he had secretly observed Chen Qian for a whole day. At that time, he knew that Chen Qian was definitely a diamond in the rough!

Look at this little one, he looks exactly like me when I was young!

It seems that the second uncle also said something, a student named Chen Qian fell in love early?

How can it be! It’s definitely not this Chen Qian! Even if it is, it is all a misunderstanding!

“Instead of thanking us, we should thank you. You have set a good example for the students in the school!” Zhang Shouyi smiled from ear to ear.

At this time, Chen Qian glanced at Wang Jingguo imperceptibly: “Principal, you are serious. If our teacher Wang hadn’t given up on me, I wouldn’t have the results I have today.” How could

Zhang Shouyi not hear the meaning in Chen Qian’s words? Not only did he not mind, but the relief in his eyes was even greater, and he immediately nodded in affirmation: “Of course, Teacher Wang is responsible and responsible, and everyone in the school sees it. Teacher Wang is also a rare good teacher!

” Wang Jingguo on the side was stunned for a moment, and he didn’t expect that the conversation would reach him.

He naturally understood that Chen Qian wanted to get some benefits for him, and he couldn’t help but feel a little moved, and he was filled with emotion in his heart.

Ten minutes later, after being persuaded by Chen Qian’s family, the teachers also left one after another.

However, Wang Jingguo secretly promised Chen Jianhai to have another drink in private in two days, which made Chen Jianhai look forward to it very much. He thought that the remaining small treasury must not be discovered again, otherwise he would lose money for a small drink.

After the teachers left, the whole family was still happy.

Chen Jianhai and Li Qingmei took out their mobile phones and never put them down. They made plans for a college entrance banquet in a week and kept busy informing their relatives and friends.

As for why it was a week later, it was because the principal said that all the rewards would be received within a week.

As for the scholarship from Peking University…

Zhang Qide seemed to be afraid that Chen Qian would regret it. Before he left, he kept saying that it would be paid within three days…

Chen Qian just sat on the sofa, listening to his parents use their own Versailles tone at school. , making phone calls one after another.

Chen Jianhai: “Oh, my Chen Qian just took the entrance examination to any school. Didn’t I just want to have a party for college entrance examination?” ”

Look, you have to ask about which school, it’s just Kyoto University, it’s the college entrance examination.” I got full marks! It’s just that Beijing University gave me a bonus of 200,000 yuan! It’s nothing!”

Li Qingmei: “You must come then! By the way, how much did the famous brand lipstick you bought last time cost? With it?”

“Eight hundred yuan? So expensive? My son just got full marks in the college entrance examination this time! It’s only 750 points!” ”

No, no, no, I won’t buy it. Peking University will only reward 20 yuan this time. The scholarship of ten thousand, including the rewards from the city and school, is only four hundred thousand. I can’t spend it randomly, I want to save it to marry my son!” After listening

, Chen Qian really couldn’t stand listening.

unacceptable! My parents are simply more outrageous than me at school!


seeing how happy they are makes me really happy too!

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