Forced Buying and Selling

Of course, Chen Qian did this intentionally. He was once disgusted by those shameless software manufacturers. They wanted to fill your phone with all the software. As long as it was a piece of software, no matter what it was for, they had to give it to you. Get a wallet that lets you borrow money and stuff it with a bunch of useless features.

What’s even more disgusting is that as soon as these softwares arrive abroad, they change their behavior, become extremely clean, and clearly display double standards.

Now that he can straighten things out, he will not miss this opportunity. This is why he is willing to help those software manufacturers adapt. For Liya, the adaptation work is just a casual matter, and it is done by Galaxy Technology. Adaptation also makes it easier to quickly seize the market.

If they don’t help with the adaptation, it’s hard to say whether the software manufacturer agrees or not. Even if they are willing to adapt, they will still use MOSS to develop it. This is no different from Liya directly taking action.

It can be said that the excellence of Hongmeng system has surprised everyone, but those users who use mobile phones from other manufacturers are not happy at all.

Seeing that the system will stop serving today, others have also upgraded the Hongmeng system, what about them? What should they do?

Soon, all mobile phone manufacturers that did not cooperate with Galaxy Technology were scolded on hot searches. Netizens scolded them while placing new orders for mobile phones, which made Yu Dazui and others extremely happy.

But what they don’t know is that other mobile phone manufacturers are also confused at this time. How can they say that the sanctions system has sanctioned them? So what do we do? I’ve been licking you for so many years, and now you’re abandoning us?

For a while, everyone tried their best to contact Lao Ming. Finally, an hour before the system stopped serving, the Ming Commercial Department issued another document announcing that the system stopping service was only for enterprises such as Galaxy Technology, which reassured netizens.

However, on the surface, it seems to have calmed public opinion, but netizens are actually like Spiegel. Except for a few people who really don’t have the budget to change their mobile phones, others place orders for new mobile phones without mercy.

After all, it’s okay now, what about later? Who knows when you, Lao Ming, will fall ill again!

Chen Qian also laughed out loud at this.

Time soon came to zero, and the Android system of the Galaxy Technology faction officially stopped serving. However, just when everyone thought that this incident had come to an end, Galaxy Technology launched another force.

Almost immediately after midnight, all computers in the country, including computers in government agencies, whether domestic brands or foreign brands, all-in-one computers or assembled machines, once again received the Hongmeng system upgrade push, and it was a mandatory upgrade!

That’s right, Chen Qian wants to kick the Western system out of the game in one fell swoop! He would not miss such a good opportunity.

He had already said hello to Chen Quan, so there were no surprises from the agency, not even the slightest movement.

But netizens were furious!

“What the hell, what’s going on? How did Galaxy Technology bypass Microsoft’s upgrade?” ”

Oh my God, my computer has also been forced to upgrade. I have a DOS system! Is this okay?” ”

My Linux too Upgraded…”

“My IOS too…”

“No, since Galaxy Technology can be upgraded across platforms, why couldn’t my American phone be upgraded to Hongmeng OS before?” ”

Yes, that’s right…”

Regarding the Internet Chen Qian ignored the public opinion and once again immersed himself in working hard in the laboratory.

Why not upgrade other phones? It’s simple, because he doesn’t want to. He still remembers the faces of those mobile phone manufacturers back then. He helped them forcefully upgrade the Hongmeng system. Isn’t this something he can’t live with?

Computers are different. Once used, computers last a long time. Computers are also used for many work-related matters. The mandatory upgrade is to allow people to adapt in advance. This will not be a good thing in the future.

But no one will buy computers with other systems in the future, otherwise they will find… that they can’t be used at all!

That’s right, Chen Qian just buys and sells by force, what the hell!

Miguo, Washington, capital and spokespersons from all parties have gathered together again.

“What’s going on! Why can Galaxy Technology upgrade their Hongmeng system across platforms!” Dals glared at Bill Gass and yelled angrily.

Bill Gass’ expression was quite ugly: “Mr. Dals, I am also very confused about this issue. It stands to reason that unless Galaxy Technology hacks the computers, it cannot be done.” ”

But computers all over China were hacked at the same time. The computing power required for this…how is it possible!”

Dals took a deep breath and turned to look at the person in charge Gao Tong: “How are the people sent to China?”

The person in charge Gao Tong shook his head: “Galaxy Technology has always refused to contact our people. Now it seems that the restriction on their EDA did not cause any trouble to them.” ”

Mr. Dals.” Duke on the side suddenly said: “The matter of silicon-based extreme chips What? I wonder if Taiji Electric has investigated clearly and whether their technology has made a breakthrough.”

Dals’s expression became more gloomy: “The official investigation on Taiji Electric was completed two days ago. I can tell you with certainty that Taiji Electric has There is no breakthrough in Taiwan Electric’s technology!”

“Chen Qian’s public thanks to Tai Base are, in Chinese terms, nothing! They are deceptive! Tai Base has not even contacted the other party, so how can he express his thanks!” ”

So, Did Chen Qian do this on purpose? Why did he do this?” Someone suddenly asked.

Everyone was silent. After a long time, Masig asked and answered: “To… stir up dissension? Or to delay time?”

“What’s the point of delaying time?” Duke sighed: “As far as I know, Chen Qian is It’s hard to figure out what he is thinking, but I think the most important thing now is what should we do next?” “If

Taiji Electric does not manufacture for China, we have to admit it even if we don’t want to admit it. , it should be China’s lithography machine technology breakthrough.”

“Now EDA can’t limit the opponent, and the system can’t limit it. It’s even been turned against the general, and the chip can’t limit it…” ”

What else can we do? ”

The conference room fell into silence again. After five minutes, Dals took a deep breath and slammed the table: “There is no need to rush to impose restrictions on Galaxy Technology or even China. Just look for opportunities slowly. I believe You won’t let me down.” ”

On the other hand, no matter how far China’s technological breakthroughs are, as long as they haven’t invaded our market, there is still room for recovery!” ”

I decided to join forces. Strengthen the blockade of sanctions against China! It is strictly forbidden to export any high-tech products from China to the international market!”

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