My Lady Fairy

Chapter 1192

Before leaving for Canada, Yang Guo devoted himself to studying his speech on Ted.

Normally, Yang Guo's own speech has no problem, and it has been honed by a hundred touring speeches last year. Just copy it.

However, Ted's speech is different.

It only gives you 18 minutes to state your ideas, not a long speech that often lasts for oneortwo hours.

Besides, Yang Guo's speech is mainly aimed at people from western countries. Although language expression is not a problem, it is obvious that Chinese speech logic will not be popular.

So Yang Guo needs to make a lot of changes and preparations

On the weekend, Yang Guo and Qiqi strolled in the community park with Jin Jin and Da ma.

Zheng Yujie encountered some difficulties in the negotiation between the United States and Amazon, so she stayed in the United States for the time being and was ready to talk with other channels.

In this way, Yang Guo had to go to her home to pick up big motor. After all, it's not a matter to always be taken care of by the nanny. The nanny can only take care of big Motor's food, drink and Lazar, and certainly won't take it out for a walk as carefully as the owner.

Big motor came home, the happiest thing is Qiqi, because she has another docile and powerful mount.

Although Da Ma is a little older, he has been taken good care of by Zheng Yujie this year. Let alone Qiqi, even Fang Beibei can camel up. And although it looks even bigger than gold, its fluffy and lazy appearance makes people look not afraid.

In contrast, the energetic and jumping gold is a good playmate, but it is not a good mount. When Qiqi wants to ride on it, the gold wriggles uneasily, making Qiqi very unhappy.

"I don't like gold anymore. Gold is not obedient." Qiqi pouted and complained to her father.

Yang Guo smiled in his heart. He knew what the reason was. He silently said, "mainly when you grow up, you will be strong and gentle. Otherwise, who can camel you? Your gold is exhausted."

However, in the evening, Yang Guo answered a phone call and frowned.

Zheng Mingsheng wants to see him

Why did Zheng Mingsheng want to see him

Yang Guo won't foolishly think that the reason why Zheng Mingsheng wants to see him is that he received the award that moved the top ten people in China. Although Yang Guo himself received constant interviews with leaders after returning from the capital, there was no need for a provincial governor like Zheng Mingsheng to meet Yang Guo for such a small matter.

And there is no friendship between them. It seems that they haven't met many times, even less than the number of times Yang Guo met commander he Jiuming at brother he's house.

The latter has a good care for Yang Guo, on the one hand, because of the strong relationship between Yang Guo and he Wenzhuo, and on the other hand, because Yang Guo is skilled and has made contributions to safeguarding the property safety of the motherland and the people.

Suddenly received the notice from Zheng Mingsheng's secretary, Yang Guo's mood was uneasy, and he didn't know why. Maybe it was because he was Zheng Yujie's father

With such a nervous mood, Yang Guo was a little absent-minded when he had a meeting with several classmates from the remote support education community in the school the next morning.

It was afternoon when he came to the provincial Party committee. Zheng Mingsheng was very busy. In front of Yang Guo, there was a municipal Party secretary who came from below to report to Zheng Mingsheng.

After entering, the secretary did not make tea for Yang Guo, but took the door and went out. Zheng Mingsheng looked up at Yang Guo, pointed to the sofa chair in front of his desk and said, "sit down."

His tone was neither hot nor cold, but his official prestige in a high position loomed.

Yang Guo sat down somewhat embarrassed, and then accepted Zheng Mingsheng's examination for three minutes.

In these three minutes, Yang Guo's mood was like taking a roller coaster, from uneasy to violent, but it was wonderful that he suddenly became calm in the end.

Not only the expression, Yang Guo's eyes also became calm. He didn't know why. He didn't seem to be so afraid of Zheng Mingsheng, and he had a calm "soldiers will block the water and cover the earth".

After Yang Guo's expression changed, Zheng Mingsheng took a deep look at Yang Guo and sighed slightly in his heart.

"Nice guy." Zheng Mingsheng has no regrets in his heart, but there are still regrets.

Think about how Yang Guo appeared in the vision of the Zheng family like a lengtouqing, and how the Zheng family disdained him. Even Deng Baoyan ran to Yang Guo's hotel and made a scene.

However, only later did they find that their daughter and each other were just friends. The so-called boyfriend and girlfriend were pretended

At that time, Yang Guo probably didn't have a girlfriend, but they didn't expect that lengtouqing at that time could grow to such a level in a few years

Although not in politics or business, Yang Guo's rapid academic progress cannot be sustained. The Zheng family can look down on it and secretly scold the literati for being cheap, but Yang Guo took out the "achievement" of the national leader's meeting with CCTV to award him the award of moving China's top ten people, and the Zheng family can no longer ignore Yang Guo

Yes, now in the eyes of the Zheng family, Yang Guo is as excellent as a popular steamed bun. Even Deng Baoyan, who despises Yang Guo the most, began to think that Yang Guoda got the standard of choosing a son-in-law of the Zheng family.

But it's a pity that you didn't like it at the beginning. Now Yang Guo has become a famous grass owner

During the Spring Festival, when Zheng Yujie was not present, the Zheng family discussed whether Zheng Yujie should take the initiative. Yang Guo is still a good match for Zheng Yujie. More importantly, Zheng Yujie likes Yang Guo

"Children are happy, which is more important than anything" was said by Zheng Mingsheng's brother and sister-in-law, which is very different from what she said when she despised Yang Guo.

However, just when everyone was holding Yang Guo, Zheng Mingsheng clearly opposed Zheng Yujie and Yang Guo.

Zheng Huakang and Zheng Laozi are still alive, but he has rarely made any decisions for the family. Zheng Mingsheng seems to have become the speaker of the family. His words are the same edict.

Zheng Mingsheng opposed Yang Guo, but Deng Baoyan was surprised. You know, when everyone opposed it at the beginning, Zheng Mingsheng was willing to give Yang Guo a chance. In fact, it was just disapproval, disapproval and non-interference.

Now Zheng Mingsheng's attitude has changed 180 degrees. Why on earth

Only Zheng Mingsheng knows the reason.

Because it is impossible between Yang Guo and Zheng Yujie. Zheng Mingsheng, who has been in power in Guangdong Province for two years, knows the relationship between Yang Guo and Zheng Yujie best.

It's absolutely innocent. No one has crossed the thunder pool.

Even Zheng Mingsheng asked people to investigate Yang Guo's whereabouts. In addition to more frequent work contacts, the communication between Yang Guo and Zheng Yujie is basically one hand countable in private. If there is really an affair, how can it be like this

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