My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 108: Princess Long Moon's Request

"Why is this here with you?" When I saw the watch phone in Princess Longyue's hand, I was really taken aback, and at the same time I felt a little bit enlightened. I haven’t seen this watch phone for a long time, because every time I speak to the villagers of Riyue Village on the high platform outside the Riyue Temple, I need to change clothes, so I put this watch phone on. It was placed in the bedroom of the Sun Moon Hall. After I went to the female orc tribe, I never saw this watch again.

After returning from the orc tribe, I also asked the Three Saints about the watch, but they all said that they had never seen it, so I never found it. I didn't expect it would be on Longyue Princess in the end.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I took your personal belongings while you were away."

Princess Changyue was apologetic on her face. I saw the apology on her face and didn't say anything. I just reached out and took the watchband in her hand.

Because I haven't been charged for a few months, the watch and mobile phone are naturally turned off. I don't know how many times Leng Ao Nu contacted me during the time I was turned off, but I think it has been a lot of times. I took the watch and phone that Princess Changyue gave me, and I was a little excited. Thinking of Yanzi and Leng Aonu who hadn't seen each other for months, I felt that my long-held memories were gradually being awakened.

"My Lord, the night you came to our were talking to your friend outside the Sun Moon Hall, and I happened to hear it."

There was a trace of guilt between Princess Changyue's eyebrows, "I know, you seem to escape to our village because you seem to escape from the Han government."

The words of Princess Longyue made me stunned. It was only when she said that I remembered that when the hot girl called me that night, Princess Longyue was indeed taking the shade in front of the railing outside the Riyue Hall. At that time, I thought she hadn’t heard it. I know, just pretending to be deaf and dumb. This woman's scheming seems to be more delicate than I thought.

"That day... did you hear it all?"

Princess Longyue nodded slightly:

"I have good ears since I was young, so even though you were some distance away that day, I heard your call."

I feel a little guilty after being said that by Princess Longyue, I don't know what to do.

Seeing that I was a little bit troubled, Princess Longyue smiled at me and said: "Don’t worry, Lord Lord, those are your secrets, I won’t tell anyone. I just hope Lord Lord, you Don’t leave our village. Be able to stay in our clan forever as the faith of our clan."

Princess Changyue gave me a reassurance pill, and I felt a little relieved when she said that. Holding the watch in my hand, I looked a little unnaturally at Princess Longyue's elegant and quiet jade face, her long slightly curled eyelashes, and two crooked eyebrows.

Being watched by my gaze, Princess Longyue lowered her head slightly.

"My lord, I... can I ask you something?"

"What's the matter?" I asked, looking at Princess Longyue's somewhat embarrassed expression.

"My lord, I am 27 years old this year. There is a rule in our clan that before the age of 25, people in the clan must conceive and have children," Longyue Princess said in a low voice, with a hint of pleading and shyness in her voice, "according to the clan. Gui, I should have been implanted for pregnancy 2 years ago. However, I was not ready to take over as the patriarch, so I begged my mother to postpone my childbearing period by two years. Now, my mother... She has gone, and I have become the patriarch. I should take on the important task of nurturing the next generation."

A little shame flashed across Princess Longyue's face.

"My Lord, I know that, as a man, you have the ability to conceive our women. Both my mother and my grandmother hope that our people can pass on the lineage on their own, grow the ethnic group, and break away from the implantation of the Han government. I don’t know... you can Can’t you let me conceive? In this way, even if you leave one day, Lord Lord, at least our people will have a new Lord born, and in that case, our people will be able to break away from the Han and become independent..."

It turns out that Princess Changyue hopes to give birth to a son for me.

Princess Longyue’s sudden request made me a little surprised. Speaking of it, I am not without thoughts about Princess Longyue, but the elegant and indifferent breath of Princess Longyue always makes me lessen it. Compared to me, The only thing is that the three saints and the wild female wolf head can inspire men more.

Longyue Princess Mingru Haoyue's eyes were a little sincere, which made me startled a little. Looking at the faint sadness between her brows, and smelling the faint scent from her body, my heart began to beat. speed up.

Speaking of which, Princess Changyue is really a peerless beauty, she belongs to the kind of woman with a little Lin Daiyu's sentimentality.

Seeing that I didn't reply to her immediately, Princess Longyue looked a little disappointed.

"I know that my request is very excessive. If my lord is unwilling, I will also receive implants in the county..."

"I am willing." I suddenly interrupted Princess Longyue. Princess Longyue looked at me in surprise with a faint joy in her eyes. Then, facing Princess Longyue, I stepped forward and reached out. Gently stroked her long hair.

Princess Longyue’s hair is really long. My hand slid down from the top of Princess Longyue’s silky head, followed her hair, slid across her waist, and then touched her butt, but still Did not touch the end of her long hair.

My sudden action made Princess Longyue's cheeks slightly blush. I looked at Princess Longyue up close, and then, I felt Princess Longyue’s strong and incomparable fragrance, and my body instantly seemed to be It became hot like a fire, and this feeling was like eating albizia fruit. I couldn’t help it anymore. I hugged Princess Longyue’s slender waist and looked at her white face. Red lips, kissed.

"Hmm..." Princess Changyue screamed, but didn't resist, just put her hands weakly on my shoulders.

My lips are moist and soft.

Princess Longyue's lips are also very fragrant, and the kiss on it is like a rose petal. The fragrance is pleasant and makes people can't help but want to kiss for a while.

"Hmm... Lord Lord..." Finally, Princess Longyue left my face slightly. She blushed and said to me, "Lord Lord, go to the bathhouse at the back of the Sun Moon Hall..."

The words of Princess Longyue made me startled at the same place.

I looked at Princess Longyue affectionately, or greedily. Princess Longyue blushed a lot. Without saying anything, she took me to the open-air bath at the back of the Sun Moon Hall.

I followed Princess Longyue's fluttering hair, looked at her slender and slender figure, and just followed her into the bath...

By the bath, Princess Longyue slowly unwrapped her white tulle dress, and as the white dress was taken off little by little, Princess Longyue's perfect white body like a beautiful jade was revealed. In front of me.

It's so beautiful, so white...

It's like a jade carving.

Princess Longyue raised her head and gave me a slightly shy smile, then she turned slowly, her long hair like a waterfall fell straight down, facing the steaming hot spring, Princess Longyue step by step , Walked slowly down.

Long black hair was inserted into the water, and twisted black shadows were reflected on the surface of the microwave rippling hot spring water.

At that moment, Princess Longyue with a long figure and a slender waist was really beautiful. The thick white air lingered all over her body, and the fragrance was overflowing. She was like the goddess of water slowly emerging from the center of the lake, making people heart-stricken. Shenchi.

Princess Longyue's round fragrant shoulders slowly sank into the transparent hot spring, undulating layers of ripples, and her long black hair floated slowly in the water one by one. As long as the long hair floated, Princess Longyue's Zhang Jiao's face was already facing me.

"Please come down, my lord."

Because of the beauty of Princess Longyue, I almost lost my mind. I have to say that Princess Longyue is really a natural stunner. I can feel the beautiful scenery of Yunnan in her body.

In the 21st century, I have heard that there are many beautiful women in Yunnan and Sichuan. I think that if in the 21st century, Princess Longyue can really be regarded as the beauty of the allure.

As if being led by the fragrance of Princess Longyue, I walked towards her step by step, and Princess Longyue's dreamy face was slowly covered by the mist.

There was a plop.

I untied my clothes and got into the water, and the warm feeling gradually enveloped me.

Princess Longyue’s black hair was attached to my chest, I lifted it up gently, and saw Princess Longyue’s show.

It smells really good, especially the hair.

After being wet by the hot spring water, Princess Longyue’s hair smelled stronger, and I couldn’t stand it anymore.

"Chang Yue, you are so fragrant..."

"My Lord, if you like it, please smell more..."

Princess Changyue’s head lightly leaned against my chest, she rubbed my chest with her slender hands, and my hands were also protruding down her smooth lower abdomen...

Playing with the moon in the water, what is life?

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