My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 130: Male version of "Mulan"

Seeing a group of wretched girls who suddenly started, I took off half of my clothes and pulled them back.

Seeing Xiaobai and I in the room, the female soldiers headed by the wretched girl were all taken aback.

After four days of absence, the wretched girl's expression seemed to become deep and serious. Seeing me, the wretched girl's eyes were stagnant, and then said:

"you're awake?"

This is the first time the wretched girl greeted me, and I hurriedly nodded back with an awkward smile:

"Yes, I... just woke up." My voice is not heavy, because I am afraid that if it is too heavy, it will make other female soldiers suspicious. Of the four female soldiers who entered the room, only the wretched girl knew that I was a man, and the other three did not, so I must pay attention.

The wretched girl glanced at me, then nodded, but the smile on her face was relatively simple:

"I thought you would become a vegetative and lie down for a year and a half, but I didn't expect to wake up quite early. These days, Chief Lin has been so busy for you'disabled people'." Although the wretched girl said in a tone It's relatively relaxed, but I can see a gloomy look on her delicate face, as if she is unhappy. I think the death of her subordinates four days ago has left a deep imprint in her heart.

"It's really troublesome for you. If only I woke up sooner..."

"Taking care of the wounded is the responsibility of Battalion Commander Lin. For me, I didn't do anything except to carry you back like a corpse. Although I am a deputy commander, I have no real power. Basically, our battalion Everything is up to her.” The wretched girl moved her gaze slightly and looked at me carefully, “Except for sometimes when I have a lot of work, I will help Chief Lin to share the burden. Usually I live with you and eat together. , Train together."

"The three of you are all new recruits, uh... It was arranged by Battalion Commander Lin, then we will be members of the same battalion in the future, and we will live together and take care of each other. If there are difficulties, everyone will eat together, and if there are difficulties, we will take care of each other. ."

The wretched girl looked at me and Xiao Bai, and the female wolf head on the upper bunk, and said lightly.

"Sister Hai, shouldn't you add another sentence that everyone who has money is greedy, and if there is a girl, everyone should have fun together?" As soon as the wretched girl's voice fell, a hackneyed female soldier behind her said with a smirk.

"Yes, yes! One more sentence, everyone wears pants together, and everyone wears a hood!" echoed a round-faced girl with a baby face next to her.

The wretched girl squinted at the two comrades behind her, narrowed her eyes, then looked back at me and said, "Don't listen to their nonsense, none of them have learned well..."

"That also depends on who you learned from..."

"Oh, who? Why don't I know, is it your prenatal teacher who has been dead for 30 years?" The wretched girl sneered at them.

"Yes. And her surname is Gao and her name is Haixin, and she is respected as Sister H."

Hearing what the wretched girl said, the thief-eyed girl and the round-faced girl both hid their mouths and laughed. The wretched girl frowned.

There was another woman who was very tall, about 1.8 meters tall, a head taller than the wretched girl. Although not as tall as a female wolf head, it was quite tall. But from the outside, the woman does not look like a Han Chinese. She has thick eyebrows, big eyes, white skin, a straight nose, and a sharper facial contour than an average woman. She seems to be from the Middle East or from the Hui ethnic group.

This Hui woman seems to be not very good at speech, or it may be because of the national language problem that she seems to have less common language. When the round face girl and the thief-eye girl were jokes, she just smiled shyly, but said nothing. .

"Ahem! In short, everyone is in the same battalion, and all the six of you are in the same company except me. The most important thing in the army is not individual talent, nor is it crowded and powerful, but unity. Otherwise, then again. The elite legion, no matter how many soldiers, are a handful of ashes."

What the wretched girl said is quite reasonable, although it seems that she usually likes to fight with other female soldiers, but when it comes to key points, she is still very measured.

"Yeah. Thanks for the reminder from the deputy battalion commander." I thanked the wretched girl.

"Well. Let’s get to know each other. I’m Gao Haixin. I used to be the company commander of a company. I was promoted to the position and now I am the deputy battalion commander."

The wretched girl thought for a while and said.

"I'm Tian Xiaoyun from Hefei, Anhui. Call me Xiaoyun." The thief-eyed female thief said with a smile.

"That...I'm Cui Ruoyan from Weifang, Shandong." The round face girl grinned.

"Inas." The Hui female gave me a Hui-style name.

I wrote down their names with a nod, and speaking of them, their names are not difficult to remember.

"I'm...Li Xiaohang, she's Qiu Le, and she's...Zhu Shan. We are all just transferred in, so please take care of me." I thought that the hot girl had asked me not to use my real name before. Replaced with the names of the three dead female soldiers, and then pointed to Xiao Bai and the female wolf head to introduce them one by one, saying some common polite words in their mouths.

When I said the names of the three female soldiers, the wretched girl's expression changed, but she soon returned to normal.

"Well, we all know each other. Let's get along well in the future. We have to get up early tomorrow. Our cooking camp would have to get up early. Everyone should rest early and recharge their energy."

The wretched girl dispelled the doubts of other female soldiers before they could speak, and let us rest early. I have to say that when I calmed down, I was pretty fanciful. As I said, the wretched girl hesitated, and finally stepped forward, patted my shoulder, squeezed my eyebrows, and gave me clear eye pupils. With a wink, she said to me casually: "You are all new here, please pay attention. Commander Lin takes care of you very much, should you ask you to take care of yourself?"

Hearing this to ordinary people will only think it is an ordinary exhortation, but it is different in my ears. The wretched girl is reminding me that I am a man and I must be restrained in the future and don’t make a fool of myself in the barracks. , Showing his feet.

"Yes, Commander Lin said, we will all pay attention."

"That's good."

I nodded in time, and then gave the wretched girl a positive look, and then the wretched girl was a little relieved, then nodded and turned away.

The rest of me and Xiao Bai looked at each other, looking big and small.

The lights went out after 10 o'clock in the barracks, and today it is already a little late. But it didn't take long before the whistle hissed outside the barracks.

After hearing the whistle, the wretched girl, the Hui girl, the thief-eyed girl, and the round-faced girl all climbed onto their bed as quickly as possible. The wretched girl was on the bed opposite to me, and the thief-eyed girl faced Xiao Bai, and the Hui nationality Female and round-faced girls are on the upper bunk of wretched girls and thief-eyed girls. After hearing the whistle, the four took off the camouflage uniforms and army pants they were wearing as quickly as possible, and then climbed onto their bed neatly. The speed is really fast, worthy of being a person who has been trained for a long time.

The four women swiftly climbed onto their bed, making Xiao Bai a little dazed. When I was in a coma these few days, she and the female wolf head were basically looking after me in the hot female’s room, and the female wolf head stayed with me every step of the way. Xiaobai also guarded me, so they never left me before I woke up, let alone shared a room with other people. Today is the first day. If you don't worry about it, the female wolf head is the most worrying thing about me. In this new and unfamiliar environment, I was afraid that something might happen to her, who didn't understand anything.

Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to look at the female soldiers after they took off their camouflage uniforms. However, after the whistle outside the camp buzzed three times, the lights went out. The room was suddenly dark, and only the intercom watch was left. Ray lights. In the army, except for the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander, other soldiers are not allowed to carry personal mobile phones, let alone make calls. They only have a walkie-talkie watch for receiving higher-level tasks.

But what makes me rest assured is that the female wolf's head doesn't seem to cause trouble. When I was in the orc tribe, I discovered that the female wolf's head has the same habits as a dog. When the light is dark, she will shrink up and enter a kind of half-asleep and half-awake. state. And since she came to the city, she has seen too many strange things, the female wolf head has learned to be silent, so she will not go crazy under normal circumstances. After all, she is not a real wolf, after all, she is still human. The female wolf head was sleeping on the upper bunk alone. This room originally had 8 beds, but there were only 7 people in our room, so the bed opposite the female wolf head was empty. Speaking of which, the female wolf head was actually occupied by one person. There are beds.

"Master, then I'm asleep. Hey. So many people sleeping together, it's so fun in the barracks." Xiaobai dragged his clothes in the dark, with a white face and black eyes that I could barely see even through the darkness. arrive.

"It's fun, are we here to play? Go to bed early!" I softly reminded Xiaobai, this silly girl, no matter where she goes, she always has a play mentality, and she didn't realize that my identity as a man was exposed. The trouble, she just smiled and told me it was fun, so I let her stay silent and go to bed early.

Xiao Bai stuck out his tongue at me. Although the room was dark, I could barely see her expression. After sticking out his tongue, Xiao Bai got into the bed.

I reminded Xiaobai to go to bed early, but when I got used to the dark environment, I turned my head accidentally, only to find that the wretched girl was sitting cross-legged on her bed, with her hands entrusted, sitting like a statue of a Buddha.

Wretched girl...what are you doing?

"Deputy Battalion Commander, what are you doing?" When I saw the weird behavior of the wretched girl in the dark, I couldn't help but ask softly.

"Hush...Don't disturb the deputy commander. Xiaohang, don't you know? Our deputy commander is practicing!" I was wondering, but the thief-eyed girl who was also sleeping in the lower bunk lowered her voice. The answer to my astonishment.

Practice? !

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