My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 138: Surprising but not dangerous

The hot female is standing on my left side, while the female wolf’s head is on my right side, and Xiao Bai is a little further to the right. However, because of the limited space in the bathroom, everyone is close to each other. There is no gap between standing alone.

There is a shelf where clothes and towels can be hung above the nozzle, and the changed clothes are placed there.

The action of the hot girl is quite neat. After all, she has been in the army for many years. She took off her camouflage uniform as soon as she unbuttoned her hands. Although she was a battalion commander, she also wore it when she was instructing the soldiers to train. Camouflage uniforms.

The hot girl frowned when she saw me staring at her and glared at me:

"Why don't you wash it soon?"

"Oh..." I didn't dare to be in a daze, and quickly began to take off my clothes. I took off my camouflage suit and underwear, revealing my chest muscles, which were not very strong. After that, I took off my army pants. The white **** are gone, but I didn't take them off, otherwise I would wear them for help. I am simply the male version of Mulan.

Xiaobai took off her underwear very consciously. This silly girl especially liked to soak in hot springs when she was in Riyue Village. She was happy when she heard of taking a bath, and she began to take off her clothes without saying a word. As for the female wolf head, it is naturally up to me to help her pick her clothes. Now the female wolf head can already undress.

"Ah..." At my insistence on the female wolf head, I took off her underwear and panties, her naked and thin body screamed in a little panic there, I threw the female wolf head's clothes on the shelf, and then opened it. The sprinkler started to spray on the female wolf's head.

"Hmm..." The head of the female wolf was soaked in water. I held her by the hand to prevent her from escaping. The head of the female wolf was like a child, dodges around, seemingly not wanting water to hit her body. , But in the end she was still drenched by me. Seeing the female wolf wailing, clutching my wet clothes, showing a little girl-like uncomfortable expression, I suddenly thought she was very cute.

I sprayed the head of the female wolf with a spray nozzle. The female wolf’s head trembled and avoided her body. As a result, I was soaked in the water. From the top to the bottom, it was all soaked. The perfect curve flows down.

Of course, while helping the female wolf head to take a bath, my gaze also kept looking around, lest anyone discover my abnormality. In fact, it’s impossible for me and the female wolf’s head to not attract attention from others, because others wash themselves by themselves, while the female wolf’s head and I pull and pull, one person pulls the other. One, while the other is constantly resisting, and even making a scream, it is impossible to do such a behavior without attracting the attention of others.

Some female soldiers cast weird glances at me, especially when I saw that I was bathing in underwear while the female wolf head kept howling. Their eyes were even stranger. They seemed to think that we were not normal.

I naturally noticed the gazes of the female soldiers around me, and I was very nervous. I was afraid that they would find something wrong. At that time, I speeded up the washing process. Originally, my body was full of dirt. I wanted to wash it well. But under the surprised gaze of a few female soldiers next to me, I was also a little vacant.

I try not to stare at the female soldiers, just take a shower, and although the female soldiers feel surprised, after all, most people can’t think of me as a man, so I wash myself after a few glances. After all, the bath time is limited, and people don’t have much time to stare at you!

In this way, after I rinsed the female wolf head casually, I turned off her sprinkler and let her stand by and wait, and then I started to bathe myself.

I think I am quite smart, at least none of the women present has discovered my heresy.

And I was also taking a shower while secretly writing and eyeing the female soldiers around me.

"Yo, Xiaohang, you are here too." Suddenly there was a familiar figure behind me. I was startled. I turned around instinctively, but I was shocked to see the thief-eyed girl, the round-faced girl and the Hui girl. Actually just came in to take a bath.

The situation at that time really scared me out of my soul. I hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the thief's eyes, but it was too late, because the thief's eyes had fallen on me.

"Hey, Xiaohang, you really have a flat chest, ha." The thief-eyed female has thief-eyed eyes. She saw my chest at a glance, and she suddenly stagnated, with a smirk in her eyes.

"..." The thief-eyed girl didn't seem to notice my strangeness, which made me a little relieved, but a little at a loss.

"Haha, Xiaohang, why do you wear underwear to take a bath? Are you a special addiction? Haha?" The words of the thief-eyed girl are really not ordinary, but the more I listen, the more it makes me feel flustered. If this continues Being suspected by them is troublesome.

"Xiaoyun! Hurry up and take a bath! Don't waste time here, there are still a lot of people waiting in line!" Fortunately, the hot woman was on the side. She saw the thief-eye woman asking me this and that, and she came forward to stop it in time.

"Yes, battalion commander!" Frightened by the hot woman, the thief-eyed woman stuck her tongue out and didn't dare to say anything.

"Get out!" The hot woman glared at the group of female soldiers who were not doing business all day. Because the barracks of popular women are cooking soldiers, the relationship between the upper and lower ranks is not as strict as that of other infantry battalions or special forces camps. In addition, the popular women are not very young, so it is common to ridicule between superiors and superiors.

After the thief-eyed girl stuck her tongue out, she took the round-faced girls and went to other places in the bath room to take a bath. And I didn't dare to neglect any more, and hurriedly washed my body, then quickly dried my body and put on new underwear. At that time, the hot girl was standing next to me, next to me, pretending to wipe my hair to help me wind it up, waiting for me to put on new underwear before she returned to normal.

And after changing into the new underwear, I was also relieved. It was really dangerous just now, and I almost showed my stuff.

"After washing, go out quickly!" The hot woman frowned, looking at my half-dry and half-wet body, and said.

I glanced at her with some gratitude, and then helped the female wolf head put on new underwear. These underwear and **** are all distributed in the army, and each woman has three underwear, three underwear and three camouflage uniforms, which are used in turn. Some of these clothes were left by Li Xiaohang and others who died before, and some were brought by popular women for us.

After I got everything done, I took the female wolf head and Xiao Bai hurriedly out of the bath room. Xiaobai is a silly girl who likes to take a bath. She actually said that she wanted to take a longer bath. At last she stuck out her tongue when she saw my angry face and stopped taking a bath.

When I took the female wolf head and Xiaobai out of the bath room, I really felt relieved to escape from the crime scene.

I'll take it... It's so troublesome to take a bath, how can I get mixed up in the future?

I finally realized the hardships Hua Mulan suffered when she joined the army. I think as a woman, she must be countless times harder than me when she joins the army, right?

Thinking of this, I walked back to the bedroom.

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