My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 185: The richest man in the world of women

In that way, Commander Chen and I reached an agreement temporarily. Because I am not a soldier, or even a person of this era, the laws of this era cannot restrain me at all. I didn't actually have to obey Commander Chen's orders.

Commander Chen is very curious about me as a man, just like all women who know that I am a man, they are very curious about me instinctively. She asked me a lot of things again. Some things I answered her truthfully, but some of my little secrets were embarrassing and didn't tell her.

In a word, Commander Chen became familiar with me somewhat.

"You and Lin Junxia are now Chinese hostages captured by the bandits. Now that the bandits' base has been captured, the war will come to an end soon. I will send you to the mainland at that time. As for your other Two friends, I will send them back to the inland hospital as wounded soldiers, and you can take care of the rest of the matter by yourself."

Commander Chen set up the itinerary for Junxia and me in a few words. After all, Commander Chen was still on my side, or she still cared about how I interceded for them when she was in the Spider Queen’s base. At that time, I too. I was given a lot of whips for her. Now that I think about it, those whips are not for nothing. At least Commander Chen has a good impression on me. Adding to the fact that the Spider Queen forced us to happen, we are still in a relationship now.

"How do you plan to develop the Golden City?" Commander Chen asked me before leaving.

"I don't know, but Junxia should understand. At that time, I will find a lawyer as a guarantor to keep the agreement between us in the form of a written contract. And, if you are really pregnant with my child, I will also The 1 billion for you is regarded as compensation for you."

"You are really lavish. You took out 1 billion in one breath, just to make me a guarantee that it may not be true. Moreover, your child is also really expensive, actually worth 1 billion."

"In fact, it's nothing. This world is not the world I should come to. I am in this world. I am just a passer-by. I can't go back now. I can get through it in peace. One billion, 100. It’s okay, if I really want to say it, it doesn’t make much sense to me. No matter how much money, I can’t go back to the past and get back the things I want."

Probably because of the pressure of being an official, I feel that what I say in front of Commander Chen is very good, just like a conspirator and philosopher, and I feel a little capable when I think about it.

After all, the other party is a major general, I can actually talk about it, which is almost impossible for me in the 21st century.

"As the discoverers of the Golden City, you, Lin Junxia, ​​and Gao Haixin will become world celebrities once they announce their real names. Pay attention. Be low-key."

This was the advice Commander Chen gave me before I left the military account. I thanked her and finally returned to the medical military account without incident. Junxia and the others were waiting for me in a hurry. All the conversations told Junxia and Hot Girl. After hearing what I said, Hot Girl and Junxia were relieved. It seems that Commander Chen is indeed on my side. This makes me afraid to hide my identity. The hot female big breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, during the period, I still concealed things about the 1 billion security deposit of Commander Chen and I.

"This can be regarded as the best result. It seems that Commander Chen is still a very sober and able to remember the kindness." After listening to my account, Junxia said with a sullen face.

After receiving the assurance from Commander Chen, everyone's pressure was reduced a lot. With Commander Chen there, Junxia, ​​and Xiaobai and the female wolf head left the military area and returned to the big city.

Next, because of exhaustion, everyone went to sleep after a little discussion. Everyone suffered major and minor injuries. The most important thing is to recover from the injury.

The next day, I did not wake up until noon, when there was light in the military tent. Xiaobai and the female wolf head woke up at about the same time as me. They had been tired for several days. Now it is not easy to have a comfortable place to sleep.

The next day, we spent almost all of us in the military tents. We were remnants and hostages. There was no need to go to the front. It was just right to stay in the tents under the name of wounded soldiers. As for the wretched girls, they were called by the civilian soldiers to record a lot of testimony, recording the entire process of the death of the Spider Queen.

On that day, Junxia also explained to the International Association of Historic Sites the whole process of searching for the Golden City in further detail, and at the same time further confirmed to the International Association of Historic Sites that we were the first discoverer.

The International Association for Historic Sites has recorded our video as evidence in the archives, but the specific verification time for the second audit has not been set. Due to the ongoing fighting in the Huanglian Mountains, the International Association for Historic Sites has delayed sending personnel to the field. The specific time of the investigation. Of course, because of the major events in the Golden City, the International Association of Historic Sites will come to investigate and collect evidence as soon as possible.

The next day, all of us spent in the military account. And from the latest information on the suppression of banditry, after a new round of bandit suppression operations, the headquarter of the bandit has been completely destroyed. Most bandits have escaped from the underground base near the Huanglian Mountains and fled. Going to the poor settlements of southern Vietnam, the suppression of bandits can be said to have initially won. The next step is the gradual investigation and cleaning operations. These operations are different from large-scale assaults. The complete elimination of convective bandits requires years of investigation and cleaning. These things, for me, are actually not very relevant.

Because there are only two things I want to do the most. One is to leave the frontline of the war and live a stable life on my own, and the second is to quickly confirm the ownership of the Golden City.

For this matter, I discussed with Junxia and the wretched girl for a whole day.

In the end, Junxia found a feasible solution for me. If the Golden City cannot find a buyer, we will start a company by ourselves, and then develop and auction the ancient cultural relics. Of course, this process is very long and complicated, and the contacts involved are also very wide. Now we have basically no development conditions and foundations except for the discovery right of the Golden City. Therefore, we are also very involved in the development of the Golden City. Headache.

On the third day, things suddenly turned around, that is, a private helicopter suddenly landed in the military camp.

The people who got off the helicopter were actually three archaeologists from the International Antiquities Association and a foreign reporter.

The first thing they did after they came to the military area was to contact me, Junxia and others. They wanted to investigate our identities and confirm the authenticity of what they found in Golden City. It is said that they spent a lot of effort and walked many doorways in order to rush to the war-torn border to investigate the Golden City.

The person in charge of the dialogue with the people of the Antiquities Association was Junxia and the wretched girl. The people of the Antiquities Association asked me to meet with Junxia and the first discoverers of eight monuments, including the wretched girl, and asked us about the specific process of the treasure hunt. Junxia understands some of the characteristics of the Golden City best, so she naturally came forward to discuss it.

The people of the Antiquities Association first confirmed our identity, so we gave our respective certificates to the people of the Antiquities Association. The IDs of Xiaobai and the female wolf head are naturally the ID cards of Qiu Le and Zhu Shan, and my ID is the ID card that Junxia helped me forge. My name on the forged ID is still Li Jian. The mother’s orphan was adopted and raised by the Lin family. This is the identity on paper created by Junxia for me. At the beginning, she spent a lot of effort to help me create this fake identity certificate.

After confirming our identity and comparing it with the people on the video, the people of the International Antiquities Association confirmed the identity of our group of first discoverers. After confirming that we are all normal citizens, the people of the Antiquities Association asked Go to the field trip.

At that time, the military was just about to send personnel to the Golden City to find the body of the Spider Queen, so people from the Antiquities Association also went there. However, because they did not carry diving equipment, they returned empty-handed for the first exploration. Two days later, they airlifted a few sets of diving equipment and re-entered the deep water of the rift valley to conduct an inspection before finally confirming it. The existence of the Golden City.

At the same time, the military also found the broken arms of the Spider Queen and dozens of corpses of female gangsters in the Rift Valley. At this point, the news of the death of the Spider Queen has been thoroughly confirmed.

With Junxia’s permission, the staff of the Antiquities Association took a large number of photos underwater as evidence. At the same time, some archaeologists based on the photos and some historical documents, as well as the purity of the salvaged gold bricks, are valuable to the Golden City. A preliminary estimate was made.

They believe that if the volume of the golden city exposed and buried below the surface is calculated by 1:30, the value of this golden city may be more than 100 billion p gold, and that is only the most conservative estimate. I am afraid that the actual value is much higher than this. What's more, there may be a large number of murals, ivory and ancient cultural relics inside the Golden City. The total value of the Egyptian pyramids built by bricks may be between 200-300 billion.

After hearing this news, the wretched girl almost fainted on the spot, and the thief-eyed girls trembled in surprise, as if they were dreaming.

Of course, the development of the Golden City has also been opposed by many people around the world. Many people believe that the Golden City is a common cultural monument of mankind. It should not be privately owned, and it should not be sold and divided, but should be protected by the whole world. Many people blamed the loopholes in the law of the International Association of Monuments and should be amended immediately. Many international archaeologists are even more heartbroken for the possibility of the Golden City being dismantled and sold. They believe that keeping the Golden City as it is is more valuable than breaking it down into gold bricks.

For these reasons, the first discoverer of our group of golden cities is also caught in a dilemma.

In international law, we do have the possession of the Golden City, but the problem is that we are responsible for protecting the common cultural heritage of mankind. Perhaps we should not split the Golden City for sale.

This problem has troubled a few of us for a long time, but on the sixth day when the news of the Golden City spread like wildfire, Junxia suddenly received a call from a mysterious customer.

The phone call finally determined the final destiny of the Golden City.

"What, someone offered 250 billion p of gold to buy the Golden City?!" When Junxia hung up the phone and told us all the news, our jaws almost didn't fall off.

"Junxia, ​​is...who is it? What kind of big person is it, so rich and powerful? This is 250 billion!"

Junxia held the watch phone in her hand and said:

"Is the 26th generation heir of the Rothschild family, Luna Rothschild, her Chinese name is Lan Yueer. At the same time, she is also the world's richest man today."

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