My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

Chapter 171: wolfen Demon's last battle(2)

"Ultimate Skill," Stella whispered after he beloved used the ultimate power.

Other than two pairs of her usual wings, Stella brought out more wings, turning herself into a goddess. She swathed herself in the divine power.

Her abilities rose.

But as that holy power came out, Alex's body shuddered. He clenched his chest, feeling his heart pounding with quite a complicated feeling. It felt cold for a second, only to turn into a hotter feeling in the next second.

He breathed heavily, feeling something else coming out from his back.

[Stella Deathwill's Ultimate Skill has prematurely brought out your Winged Race Bloodline.]

[Your affinity with Wind Element has been increased.]

[Your affinity with Holy Element has been increased.]

[You have learned, Wind Tornado(S)]

[You have learned, Holy Touch(S)]

"Ah… Ahhh!" Alex couldn't read those messages as the pain stemming from two cold and warm energies clashing hurt him severely.

It hurt him so much that Alex couldn't think properly. He arched his head back, screaming out of his lungs. His eyes widened, letting out tears as his hues trembled from agony.

He kept shaking, barely able to hold his two swords.

But then, Stella's warmth spread on his back. She connected to him with her soft curves, kissing his hair as she embraced him tightly. In an instant, Alex stopped shuddering from pain.

No… He longer felt any pain.


Wolfen Demon's fist passed where Alex stood. His demonic energies hit nothing as Alex's wings brought him to the sky. He lifted his eyes, looking at Alexander Deathwill with immense hatred.

Alex panted, reciprocating the gaze from above, "What just… happened?"

The pain he felt would've broken every player's psyche. In fact, if Alex didn't have a strong belief in himself, he would've fallen too. He believed that the world was real, so he had often thought about many painful scenarios.

He was really close with everyone here, after all.

His love for Deathwill Sisters had kept him sane. Then, Stella's warm hug stopped two energies from clashing with each other. She stabilized them perfectly, letting him embrace the new power!

She whispered, "You can't use your wings, so I took control over them. They follow my wish now… You have to learn how to fly."

"I will remember this experience," Alex whispered… He then turned to Stella, "That was unexpected… but we are fine now, aren't we?"

"Yes," Stella faintly smiled.

Alex nodded gravely, retracting his eyes to Wolfen Demon, "I don't feel we can lose here."

[You have used Wind Tornado around your swords.]

[You have used The Dullahan's Mist around your swords.]

Two energies swirled around Alex's swords. They both were on the offensive, sharpening their swords tenfold. The power surged after two swords brought out Alex's Sword Mana he had developed in his headless form.

With that power, Alex's weapons became the strongest weapon the player had ever wielded.

He intercrossed the swords, staring at the hungry demon, "We will face him head-on."

Stella didn't question him. Holding him tightly, she used his wings to bring him down to face Wolfen Demon. Stella applied all strength-related buffs she could offer to him during their descent!

They fell decisively, carrying immense sharp energies with themselves.

Wolfen Demon parted his jaw, letting out the ear-splitting roar. From the depths of his mouth and soul, the demonic energy came out, becoming a pillar.

Alex didn't hesitate, "Keep going!"

The winged couple slammed against the red power, stopping their flight momentarily. The wild energies splashed during their intersection, fighting in an advanced battle of attrition.

It seemed like a draw, only for a few seconds.

"Wolfen! Do you think you are intimidating?! Do you think your roar can stun me like before?!" Alex shouted out of his lungs, his voice reaching Wolfen Demon's soul, "How can it be strong enough to influence me if all I see is your lonely and crying self?!"

Alex's swords moved forth, no longer held back by Wolfen Demon's roar. All demonic energies became waste before Alex's sharp weapons, splashing away as if running from him. They became wastes soon enough.

pᴀɴdᴀ At the same time, Alex kept going down.

At last, he faced Wolfen Demon just a few inches away.

He clenched his swords, slashing through the wolf's body. He drew blood, absorbing it for the future bloodrune craft.

However, Alex cut more than just his flesh. His swords cut through the hungry demon's concept, separating this power from Wolfen Demon's soul. In Alex's eyes, Wolfen Demon's soul was as if trapped in the red spider web.

His goal was to cut them all away to bring back his sanity.

"AAAAAARGH!" Wolfen Demon instinctively howled.

He hurled his claws at Alex, dealing considerable damage with his buffed body and new level. However, all those wounds scorched, soon closing up. That was naturally because of Stella's embrace!

Her eyes remained open, looking out for her beloved.

Alex kept tearing his way toward Wolfen Demon's soul. After cutting through most red threads, Alex's soul shook.

His eyes widened, his consciousness slipping away from his blue hues. He soon entered the hungry demon's body with just his consciousness!

Alex slowly stepped forward toward Wolfen Demon's soul, who was no more than a weak cub.

[For how long do I have to level up alone? How long will you force me to work for you, the soul grave-keeper? For how long do I have to endure this loneliness? I want… to show them my growth.

Bring them back… now… If you don't, I will force you… I will eat all hungry demons and get enough power for you to fulfill your wish, the soul grave-keeper!

That weird guy continues to become stronger! He even beat the shit out of that fucking dullahan!

I need strength! I need my people!]

"It's rude of you to call your Master a weird guy," Alex's voice rang out within Wolfen Demon's consciousness, waking his crying self.

The small wolf raised his eyes, staring at Alex in a shock.

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