My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

Chapter 230: You have more hatred than fear


Alex's clashed with his first enemy, Lochan.

[Lochan Lv. 80 HP: 18500 MP: 12040]

His battle started with his black sword landing on the noble's fist. The Dullahan King's sword quality was superb, and the power behind it was simply immense. Yet, Lochan's fist looked sturdy, trembling from the pressure but still holding fair against him.

But as Alex was already a dual-wielder, his other sword promptly followed the first. Carrying a feral wind, Alex's left hand threw a thrust laced with the same abilities.

His opponent blocked the second move with his other free hand. In his usual style, Alex would've distanced himself to go at him again. But with other arms, his reaction was to add another sword to the fray.

Thus, Lochan was actually the one to kick the ground, escaping a few steps behind to reposition.

'His second move was… slower,' Alex analyzed like usual, 'His left hand might be his weakness or the wind carried [Chilling Slash]'s coldness. If that's the case, I don't have to focus on inflicting damage.

I must carry the wind with all swords for as long as I can,' Alex smirked, ready to punish the man who insulted his wives.

As Remia's skills closed a few escape routes, Alex lunged at Lochan, his swords spinning to create the wind torrents.

In just a few moves, Alex confirmed his second theory. He grew more in love with the wind, continuously slowing down his enemy.

Alex's swords kept dancing around Lochan, not caring about him. His style became quite odd as if Alex only wanted to make a fool of his enemy. However, as Alex's eyes shone blue, he could see a perfect view around him.

pᴀɴdᴀ He saw through his opponent, too, extending his [Soul Freeze] effect toward his soul… In just a few more breaths, Alex surely would reach his goal.

'He can't focus because of four different swords. The strength behind my skills and equipment is also too much for him,' Alex analyzed further as he kept going at Lochan, not letting him take a break.

Alex was kitted out in high-quality items. He bought them through his gold income from the Deathwill Castle. His wealth was sufficient to keep him at a high level. At the same time, his wives used the growth-type items, spending their money only on consumables and other essential stuff.

His clothes were much different as Alex wore comfortable robes. Alex had [Deathwill] emblem etched on those robes, which would tell all people who had saved them. Alex would also expose his face so that people would understand it was him and his will.

Behind his long black and golden robes, Alex had leather armor. His defenses and offensive powers were top-notch, as his equipment came from a wealthy noble. His stats were raised naturally; then, he had Stella on his back.

"What's your fear?" Alex asked as his freezing effects started taking a toll on Lochan's body.

Lochan, who had been pretty active, clenched his teeth, "My fear is that I won't be the one to end your fucking surname! Fear not, Deathwill… You will soon see my full power!"

"I don't think so," Alex whispered without emotion, not looking down on Lochan but also not feeling anything for him, "You have more hatred than fear."

Unlike Damon Mouga, Lochan's whole purpose of living was to take revenge on Deathwill. He didn't want to fix his situation. He looked out for Alex and his wives, blinding his genuine desire with hatred.

He told his family that they would prosper after taking the castle. But in reality, it was just an excuse.

"In your next life, learn some humility. Maybe become a janitor and get respect for hard work," Alex uttered as his swords rose.

With that move, he blew a mighty cold wind at Lochan. That skill rendered the noble useless, freezing his body and soul. Naturally, only his eyes could move… And those red eyes looked so helpless that they weren't scary or beautiful.

Alex then hacked down, taking off Lachon's arms. The man couldn't scream or grieve at his loss as Alex had him in his control.

He took those arms as they were a good source of blood for his bloodrunes. Those were naturally written on his equipment.

Alex then looked into the red eyes, "You are like Elias Deathwill."

"Huh?!" Lochan screamed as Alex's Soul Freeze ended. His voice came out from his soul, booming in the vicinity, "What did you say?! You dare to tell me that I am a manipulative, heartless, and selfish bastard?! For years, I have worked for my family and surname!

I followed my father's rules and grinded for our future!

All lost! In those last years of desperation, I have thrown away all my principles! I can agree with that! But don't you fucking dare to compare me to that man!

NEVER!" With each word, Lochan's face turned uglier, soon looking worse than a wounded beast.

Alex shook his head, "You are both blind. If Elias was actually a good king who cared for his people, he would've made you a janitor. If he was a good husband and father, he would've noticed the treasures in his household.

That's what I wanted to tell you," Alex explained.

On his back, Stella used her new powerful feature. She checked her minimap, healing and helping her sisters. She casually listened to their talk, and when Alex mentioned her, her heart grew sweet.

Despite all her flaws, Alex loved her. And he would tell her that on every possible occasion, either intentionally or not.

Lochan arched his head back, laughing maniacally, "So you are conscious of it! Haha! Naive kid…" He looked down, sneering at Alex, "Has it never crossed your mind? To write your own rules?

Why the fuck do you follow that bastard's system?"

Alex narrowed his eyes.

"Get a reward for helping us? He shared his quest log with you, knowing we would hate you and his family. He set up that battle from the beginning.

He wants you to exert your strength. In his mind, you would never get any reward from us!" Lochan laughed, "You hate him. I can tell… But you are still inexperienced!"

Alex didn't reply.

Before coming to this world, Alex was a man who would always find a proper answer. He would find another path and eventually get it if he didn't. However, his problems centralized around his school, family, and friends.

He tasted the adult life in the Avander World. And he soon would taste it in real life, too, now that his compulsory school had ended.

No, he had already tasted it a little as he couldn't find an answer to Olivia's situation. He sometimes followed the rules imposed by the world and the system.

Alex's eyes shone with enlightening as he matured again: "I haven't become their husband because of the class. I never used that title to force them to love me. I made my own path.

And as Alex looked at the sword, he whispered, "His origins will be here. But what matters is the execution.

How I execute all at my disposal… How I develop it from now on… I am in a position where I can pave my own path… and ignore the world's judgment."

He let the Dullahan King Sword rest in his inventory. Then, Alex grasped Lochan's neck, whispering to the spirit within the treasury, "I will transport him to the prison. You have my access to it from now on.

As the treasury's spirit and protector, you and I, as the Deathwill Castles' owner, will study the bloodrunes together. We will find a way to take rewards without helping those people.

Their blood will be enough to get those treasuries," Alex's voice sounded grave, reaching Erin's heart.

She happily bowed to him, then immediately went to work.

Lochan disappeared, then two other guys whose faces looked much worse than Alex's enemy.

He looked at his wives, then smiled, "There shouldn't be any more dangerous enemies in this city. We will save everyone, then move to the north.

On our way, we will save people and find other hungry demons… And as we reach the main stage, we will see more answers."

Alex looked around the city. After sending all hungry demons to his prison, the dense fog dissipated. He didn't receive rewards as the three kingdoms hadn't declared any.

Alex didn't overthink it. He focused on himself and his beloveds. He also didn't need those people to open their arms for him.

"We will get answers by ourselves," he whispered.

And inwardly, Alex added, 'I will find an answer to our relationship too, Olivia. Let me be an asshole for a while, though… Harem is already an inseparable part of my life, and I want you to understand it…'

He wanted her to know that there was no way he would give up on them, no matter what Olivia proposed. But as she had never replied to his messages, Alex didn't know whether Olivia actually had any thoughts about him or plans.

He just swore to do his best for all people he loved.





In prison, Lochan reminisced about Alex's expression. His wounded body let out blood, which Erin gathered through spiritual senses.

'I feel content as that young man no longer will follow this bastard's system mindlessly….' He whispered, feeling some strange healing power coming from the prison.

Before his mind became controlled by it, Lochan collected his thoughts, 'Such a content comes from my old age… I should've guided you, my son, not my enemy…

Too much hatred… I have been blinded by it, just like he said…'

Lochan's eye let out a drop of a tear before brainwashing took over him.

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