My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 10 - Broken Spine? Use Magic

For a whole week I was unable to do anything but eat and train my magic while every once in a while my mom would come and cast a healing spell to keep enhancing my natural healing, but while she was gone I was using my manipulation and absorption ability as much as possible but even after a constant week long training session besides sleeping and hiding it from the others they were only up to almost level 1 and up to 5% respectively, so I figured that the best and fastest way to level them up would be to use manipulation in a more aggressive manner while the absorption would be used until it became either as easy as breathing or a passive that was always happening. But with that in mind I look around and see that father had hung up a animal hide to dry probably to use as extra padding for our beds, but to me it became a target to try out an idea I had so I focus and swing my arms around ending with my wrists together and my palms out in the starting form of Turtle destruction wave, I feel a little bit of energy leave my body and as a visible distortion appears it flies into the hide but barely moves it, so with disappointment I check my status to see if that was enough to level up my manipulation and I was happy to see that it did, and I focused on absorbing to refill my mp from the 5 mp that was used just for the fact that tonight is the night where the horde of monsters are supposed to attack me and my family. After worrying about that for a few minutes while my mp tops up I start to think of what I could do with manipulation? I know that I can use the raw form of mana to create a small ball and with some effort I can even create a square actually using the mana uses up my mp, which leads me to my next question how could I create the elementally charged mana I have read novels where the main character could create spells from just the raw mana and it even was highly effective at bypassing barriers and things with elemental resistances seeing as how it is neutral from the start.

Before I could start my experiments again my mom comes in for the daily healing so I ask her for some input hoping she has some insights into it. "Mom, So I can use raw mana but how can I make fire or water or even healing like you?"

She taps on her chin for a second thinking before speaking. "Well for healing its easy for me because It was the type of magic I was born with but for others it all depends on how much focus you can put into making sure the subject of your spell lives or heals even thinking of lessening the pain can be a good starting point as that is what the basic healing spells mostly do aside from a slight enhancement of natural healing, to put it into easier terms the spells I am able to use are able to attach severed limbs however the internal healing is up to the body if the body rejects the newly reattached limb it could cause problems for the remaining healthy tissue, or say there was dirt or some kind of contamination in a wound that was not cleaned out before it was closed those things do not just magically disappear, they stay in the closed wound and can fester causing numerous other problems so using healing magic is not a cure all it is a practice that requires knowledge of a body aswell as magic."

"Wow that is intense are all magic spells like that?"

"Most of the higher spells yes but the basic ones just require a base feeling and enough mana to create it."

"So say I create a small ball of mana and then send it towards a target but it only barely moves it, what would I have to do to make it stronger? Because what I think is only a matter of how much Mana I use to create it and send it flying, but as I just started sensing and using magic I am still pretty weak in the magic department."

"ah well to be honest using raw mana is a bit unusual there has only been a few documented dragons who were able to use raw mana without first training in an element first but its not as if I haven't heard of it, from what I remember it is a matter of mana usage but the main strengths of using raw mana are the neutral state its in that in turn reduces how much mana is required to use it as a spell, so while I'm here why not show me what your capable of doing."

"Ok but just do not expect anything extravagant but I will try and put to use what you told me." I used the form from earlier and this time I focused on increasing the amount from 5 to 15 and see if that can increase its function and after a minute of focusing to create and mold the mana into a ball I could see a faint purplish glow. Seeing that I push my arms forward and send the purple ball flying to the hide, this time however the ball flies faster and hits the hide harder even creating a small tear in the hide. "Ok so that was way better than the first time but after using up about 75 percent of my mana I feel extremely fatigued."

Saying that I look over at my mom only to find her with an open mouth and wide eyes. "Vexsus what was that purple glow, was that your raw mana?"

"Yea why as far as I know that was neutral mana, I added more mana but other than that yea."

"Well Vexsus in this world purple mana is the sign usually originating from unholy spells causing death or other things like that, I believe it would be best if we kept this hidden from the others now more than ever as the only other dragon to use purple colored magic was your ancestor on your fathers side who caused the downfall of dragon kind." With a look of worry my mother hurried up and cast the healing on me and then got up to leave no matter what I said or what I asked she ignored them all to leave as fast as possible which led me to think even harder on what my family drama was and what the color of my raw mana had to do with death. But pushing those aside I decide to get back to training with the time ticking down and the sun barely touching the middle of the sky I use absorption to get back to the top then I start to think that instead of just using what little I have for spells and such what if I was to use the mana I have already to try and suck in more mana and in turn increase my reserves, so with that in mind I circulate the mana in my body starting in my stomach then as I get accustomed to how it feels I start to send small amounts towards right next to my heart hoping to create a storage of sorts but each attempt only ended in the mana sent dissipating causing me to reabsorb more, But seeing the potential uses of a backup of mana to use in extreme situations I continue until finally I feel the mana stick to one of my heart chambers which come to find out a dragon has a pretty large one even as a frail runt the uplifting ding in my head goes off telling me I succeeded in my experiment but before I checked it I attempt my over absorption of mana because I thought of the absorption and my capacity as a muscle the more I used it and even over used it the better it would function. I was able to increase my MP by 10 after 2 hours of forcing mana through my stomach and into my heart storage and using the storage to redistribute the mana back into my stomach in a constant flow back and forth. Using that success as a board to jump off of I went back to trying to create my first spell and using up my entire 30 MP I focus and a bright purple ball appears in front of my hands and after pushing forward I discover that it required actual effort to shoot it off almost as if it had a physical weight behind it and after impacting the hide a small suction effect happened in which you could see the hide get sucked into a point almost like a small invisible black hole. A ding goes off in my head but I was to drained from that one spell to look so I focus on my mana storage and move the mana from there into my stomach which made me feel good enough to use mana absorption to top up the storage and what little space was left, I felt a little better after about an hour of using absorption but I can tell that my body needed to rest and recover naturally so after calling for my mother and father.

"Mother, Father I feel like something is going to happen tonight I do not know what but something inside is telling me that danger is approaching."

With looks of worry they look at eachother then down at me. "Vexsus you are right, there is danger approaching we have received word from Elder that scouts have reported a horde of monsters closing in on our home specifically we do not know what has attracted the monsters here but I can promise that they will not live to see the light of tomorrow." Hearing that I started to worry just because the warning from Gluttony was repeating in my mind that the horde was powerful, and it would be my test not theirs I need to get back to atleast limping even if I have to drag my legs I need to face this horde. Looking up at them I smile and with a large amount of force I lift my body up and sending my mana down to my useless legs I was able to force the legs to move slightly which caused my parents to become upset. "Son you cannot push yourself like this." "Please Vexsus honey sit back down you still need to rest even if somebody gets hurt I will be there to heal them you don't have to worry."

"You do not understand this is MY test I need to face this horde and show the world that I can fight, that no matter what it throws at me I can survive and become stronger."

At that time my heart stopped as I hear a voice outside scream "MONSTERS ARE HERE."


MP 20 -> 30 (30/30)

"New" Mana storage lvl 1 - able to store excess mana for use in emergencies.

Mana absorption 6% -> 15%

Mana manipulation 0/20 -> 3/20

"New" Spatial Bullet lvl 0 0/10 - shoot a bullet using space mana to create a distortion in space.. (the MC has not looked at his new stat list yet but I will make introduce this in the next chapter, just had to write it down so I wouldn't forget and come up with a new name.)

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