My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 105 - Catching Of The Beast

I walked up to the food pit and was greeted by many different people. some were my children and surprisingly I was greeted by a few of villagers from nearby. I was soon told by Kitsoma as I sat down that they had invited them to dinner so that we could start building a better relationship with them.

I nodded and started slurping down the soup. I was more concerned bout eating this deliciousness than dealing with people at the moment.

"So your just going to sit there and not even say hi? Wow and your the one who almost killed me."

I furrowed my brow. I knew this voice was familiar but what did they mean by almost killing them? So I looked up and my eyes opened wide as before me was a huge alligatorman. 

"Ho-ly Hell. Mcillian? Where the hell have you been? I thought you really did die back then. I was so caught up in the fight that somethings got out of hand. I mean hell even my own daughter got caught up in that.... But now....." My eyes started to glass over as my mind started to wonder off as the thought of how I'm failing her and everything I've done so far has done nothing to help bring me back my little girl.

That was when Kitsoma spoke up. "Yea, some things happened but we are sorry we didn't look for you. I'm guessing someone found you and helped you? Or are you just that badass that you survived and then healed up?"

Mcillian glared a little at us and I could feel the anger start to rise up in him. But soon it calmed down as a hand placed itself around his arm and a woman spoke up. She was one of the villagers we had first spotted before the fight with the fat ape.

"I found him. I was gathering herbs in the nearby area but hid quickly after the sounds of fighting started. I heard a loud bang and then like a meteor I spotted this large lunk sail through the air and crash nearby. He was badly burned and half of his body was gone. I was afraid he was going to die so I used what little healing magic I have and also used the herbs I collected to create a poultice."

"Yea, if it wasn't for her I would have died..... Listen I'm sorry for your problems but you and me need to have a chat Vexsus." 

The woman next to him only looked up with concern but soon only nodded her head as he waved her towards the others.

"I don't think now is the time Mcillian, He has some things he has to do and soon we will be very busy with trying to rescue Hannah. If you have any problems than why don't you come with me and the others of the council and we can discuss what needs to be done."

"NO! This man almost killed me and I have come back to get what's mine. Get up Vexsus It's time to pay your dues."

Mcillian then walked up to me and picked me up by the neck. I was still off in depression but was soon shocked out of it as his hand squeezed.


I had no answer for him as I just stared at him while he choked me. I knew the answer but I couldn't just say 'I didn't care enough for you, my daughter was dying and the least of my concerns was a mercenary.' That would just lead to more problems.

"PUT HIM DOWN, Can't you see he isn't there right now. They said his daughter was in trouble. Do you really think now is the time to do this?" The woman who came with him grabbed his arm and pulled. Eventually he let me go as I landed on my feet and coughed a couple times. 

I wasn't really hurt but I knew I messed up when it came to him. He put his life on the line and I almost killed him.... I deserved this, maybe more.

"I'm sorry. Lately I have been having trouble keeping my head straight, I've realized now that I haven't been the best and I'm trying to fix that. If you have any problems than by all means hit me until your satisfied. I'll even give you some of our treasures, but right now I need to do some things." 

I then turned around and walked back to the kid's tent. I just wanted to end another obstacle so I can hurry up and get my daughter back. I could just leave right now and end this by joining that bastard but what about the others? I couldn't just leave them... could I?

"YOUR A BASTARD VEXSUS....BUT IF YOU STILL NEED HELP I'LL BE HERE!!!" Mcillian yelled out, I guess he wasn't as mad at me anymore. Maybe he pitied me, maybe he just felt sorry. Either way I needed to focus. 

I arrived at their tent and did a quick sweep around the place. I didn't see anything so I let out a quick wave of detection to see if anything was in the vicinity..... Again nothing. So I sat down under a tree and took a quick nap. I still had the figurine that would act as a security alarm so I wasn't to worried.


I woke up and stretched but was greeted by darkness. I looked up and saw that there was a full moon out. 

"I guess I slept longer than I thought.... Well Time to get to work."

I went and checked on Missy and Jazzy in their tent and they were sleeping peacefully.

No prints or signs of disturbances were seen around the tent and the detection formation still had power to it so it hadn't gone off. Looking around I couldn't see anything.... But that's when it dawned on me.

"Where are the guards? Shouldn't there be patrols around here?"

"You finally woke up I see. I have been waiting for you, you left my precious to die so I vowed to kill you in his place."

Turning around I saw as from the shadows of the forest walked out the a woman with what looked like a cloak overshadowing their face. I quickly used Aura Vision and saw red swirls with green spikes almost like a porcupine. Something told me that the red I see is not the same as the red I saw around Romeo Earlier today. I couldn't exactly tell what the green meant but it wasn't good.

"Even after you nearly killed him he still offered to help you.... All you did was walk away without even answering him. You bastard." 

The woman then pulled out a short white knife and rushed at me. I was still confused about the whole thing but I was for sure gonna get some answers. 

I waited until she was closer and with a slap I knocked her knife away and then I slapped her down. I then picked her up with a mana hand and lifted her hood back to reveal her face.

? "Who the hell are you?" I didn't recognize her.

"Are you kidding me? We saw eachother at dinner, I'm the one who healed Mcillian as he laid dying. I'm the one who rescued him and vowed to kill you in his place."

Huh? I was shaking my head with confusion until a small bell rang in my head as finally a snippet of recognition revealed itself.

"OH... ok, so your the villager from before. I didn't catch your name and to be honest I wasn't really interested in finding out." I held her up in the air to be sure she couldn't pull anything but I soon was proven wrong as a green glow erupted from her cloak and it jumped from her and formed into a wolf like creature made up of vines and leaves. It had pieces of bark like armor that started to grow over it and once it fully formed I could see little leaf like things start to sprout and it turned into a large green colored wolf. 

Honestly I was surprised by how awesome it looked. I mean I watched how it transformed from a cloak into something that was now almost identical to a wolf... Well except for the color I would have guessed it was the real thing. I mean it was even drooling.

"MAIM HIM MY GUARDIAN!" She yelled and without blinking the green wolf jumped at me aiming at my face.

"Wow this looks cool, how'd you do this?" Asking this I created a cage of mana that trapped the wolf. I was initially going to just kill the woman and eat her but then she showed some promise. Especially this awesome looking wolf. I quickly analyzed it in hopes I could make one myself.

[Druid Guardian: Lapetus]

[High level guardian that protects the priestess of the woods.]

Well hell... there goes my wolf companion. But it still looked cool, and that was when I decided to force this woman to work for me and have this guy protect my base. She would be in charge of the farming and this guy would help the guards.

I smiled wickedly and started rubbing my hands together. "Hehehe. You should thank your guardian here, because of him you now get to live.... for a price."

She looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Wh-what price?" She then hugged herself and turned her body to face away from me.

"Oh no, I don't want your body, Kitsoma would kill me if I did that. Instead I'm going to put you to work and your wolf friend here will be our newest guard member. Get it... Guardian being a Guard? It fits doesn't it hahahahah."

After a few seconds the information finally settled with her and she went from fear to anger in .2 seconds.

"How dare you... YOu think yOu can just do whatever you want don't you? Well I will not be your slave you disgusting lizard."

"UGH. You just had to call me a lizard didn't you...." I slumped my shoulders and sighed. I may have the memories of a human but I'm a goddam dragon now. I'm not a fucking lizard and she will now know the truth.


I roared as I transformed into my true dragon form and towered over everything. I know it's over kill but a part of me absolutely hates being called a lizard, and right now I'm not exactly the most stable of people.

The mana hands that kept her and her guardian dissipated but they were soon wrapped by the shadows that surrounded us.

I leaned down slowly to make sure the fear rose up more and more inside her. It smelled delicious and a part of me wanted to eat her. 

After I was finally eye level with her I was soon hit by a pungent smell as a puddle of yellow was forming under her. 

Ahhh, I loved being able to do this to weak inferior creatures.

With a deep voice that shook the air I spoke. "As you can see little ape. I am not a simple lizard."

Just that sentence was enough to cause blood to flow from her ears. But showing off I raised my tail and with the point I touched her chest and poured my magic into her. I healed her body and as a bonus I created chains that surrounded her heart. She insulted me and in this world I held the power. 

"I just put chains around your heart little ape. If you do not obey me I will cause those chains to get tighter and tigher until your heart bursts."

"You will...." 

At that moment my head was rocked to the side as a flaming fist collided with my scaly elongated cheek.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH MY WIFE!" Mcillian shouted as he stood in front of the woman and glared daggers at me. He didn't show any fear but I could sense that he was covered in it.

"I applaud your bravery Mcillian. But your so called wife tried to kill me. SO as her payment for her life, I require her to work as a farmer and oversee the production of food for my base. If you disagree with this decision than by all means...... Fight me."

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