My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 119 - Heading Home (2)

"Wha..." Slash

In a flash I swiped with my claws and took off over 3/4ths of this little bastards face. His one remaining eye widened in surprise as the reality set in that he was going to die. The whole room was silent to the point that nobody breathed as I watched his life slowly leave and the light in his eyes faded away.

"That was a pleasure all by itself. Now, who's next? Is it you with the long spear that could only kill a pig? or maybe you over there with a sword so dull it couldn't even slice butter? Let me be clear.... You're all going to die down here..... The only Difference is who's going to die first?"

The guards all looked shocked and fear was becoming more evident on their faces. Some stuttered trying to apologize and beg for mercy while one of them had the balls to try and run away. Hey it might not be that courageous but atleast he did something other than beg.

I turned to look at the innkeeper but saw no signs of him, I turned to Gaia and all he did was shrug at my silent question. 

"Fat load of good you are, Just go sleep for a bit while I eat." I then waved him off before shooting out a spatial bullet that quickly caught up to the one that ran away. Granted I let him actually get out the door but the bullet already was devouring him before the doors even had a chance to close. 

I knelt down to the sniveling ones below me and I smiled. I could smell the fear wafting from them like an expensive perfume. I was drooling while looking at them and that made them shiver in fear even more.

I ended their lives quickly with a single slash across the throat before I started munching on the first guy. I quickly ate the guards and stashed the weapons and armor off to the side and behind the counter. Just because I can eat everything doesn't mean everything suddenly tastes good. If it's a dried up piece of leather than it's not exactly gonna taste like a 5 course meal, those were only in case I was in desperate need of nutrients.

Anyways, I wiped my face clean of blood and started roaming around the inn looking for my desert but it was starting to look like he actually got away from me. 

"Well shit.... Fat bastard actually got away from me, might aswell do a sweep just to see if there's anything shifty around here. Ooo maybe I can find a secret hatch that leads to a slave warehouse or something, that would be awesome. More people for the base filled with loyalty to their savior, hehehe works out perfectly."

I closed my eyes and sent out a wave of mana using Detection, it didn't take long before a ping came back that showed me a fake wall that covered up a stairwell leading down. I smiled like a fat kid looking at cake. Did I unlock some kind of clairvoyance? Am I really going to find a slave warehouse under this inn? More importantly, will the fat boy be down there waiting for me?

I walked up to the fake wall but was actually surprised by how natural and how seemless it looked. There was not buttons or latches nearby so I could only assume that either the innkeeper had something on him that opened it automatically or someone was inside that let him in. Either way I just 'gently' punched a hole through the wall and then with a good grip I ripped the wall away. 

The stairway was more of roughly shaped rock stairs leading down a semi circled tunnel. Every so often there would be torches along wooden support beams that helped hold up the roof, so whatever was down here was important enough for the people that oversaw it to make improvements and ensure it was taken cared of. 

It took a couple minutes of walking to finally reach a level area and there I saw a steel doorway with faint glowing runes all over it. I touched the door but was immediately zapped and thrown away by some kind of invisible force.

I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I looked down at my hand that touched the door and found that it was actually starting to regrow a few fingers. I guess the door was powerful enough to cause sever harm but for me it was only a few fingers.... Somebody definitely doesn't want people to see what's behind this door. But with every powerful rune covered door, there was the equally powerful rune covered power source. A~~~~nd there it was, hidden behind yet another fake wall this time made to look like the surrounding stone, gotta say these people sure know their stuff. Too bad they made me hungry.

"OH COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE. I'LL HUFF AND I'LL PUFF AND I'LL.... DESTROY YOUR WHOLE FUCKING VILLAGE NOW LET ME IN!" I added a little mana to my voice to really make sure they felt how serious I was hehe.

Soon I saw a slit open up in the door and a set of emerald green eyes were visible. No words were spoken as those eyes seemed to study me before the slit closed again and I heard the sound of gears moving and a sudden woosh of cold air as the door opened.

Out walked a purple haired woman wearing a sleek tanned shirt over a black business skirt. She walked up and bowed to me before speaking.

"Welcome good sir, to the Underground Pavilion of Wonders. The entry fee is 1000 gold or 10 platinum whichever is easier. We offer the finest selections of materials and objects anyone willing to spend can buy. May I have your name please?" She looked up at me with a cold gaze that sent a shiver down my spine. I may be stronger than her but her confidence in her life was what did it for me. Plus I recognized those emerald eyes from the slit in the door.

"I'm Vexsus, I came here because I believe a man I was chasing came down here. Did you see anyone come down here the last few minutes?"

"No sir, only Master Bruce. If you'll follow me sir I will waive the fee for today and you can relax in one of our unoccupied VIP suites until the auction gets started."

I nodded and followed her but something about this was definitely off. I was surprised that I didn't see any workers besides the one who walked in front of me but I wasn't shocked, i knew something like this was bound to occur, especially knowing my luck whenever I set off to do something. But never the less I wasn't going to pass up on a free VIP suite. I laughed inwardly at the thought that Gaia was upstairs sleeping on a shitty inn bed and here I was about to take a rest on what I hope is deluxe luxury.

The woman led me towards a silver colored door that was covered in runes similar to the entrance. The woman walked up and pulled out a stone that glowed a faint bluish glow and waved it over the door, the next second the runes faded from view as the door unlocked with a hiss and opened on it's own.

She turned and then presented it like a gift. "Here you go sir, right this way and I will inform Master Bruce that you are here to see him."

"I have a feeling he already knows I'm here but thank you anyway. Tell him 'The Lizard' is here to speak to him."

"Right away sir." She then turned in a controlled fashion and walked back out the door. The door latched and those runes started to glow again.

Infront of me was a wide black piece of glass that showed nothing but my dull reflection. Around me was a lovely wide seat couch that I could easily lay on with comfort and a small area that held finger foods and drinks of varying types. I gave them all a sniff but stopped at one particular ruby crimson colored liquid that came in a chilled decanter. It was a pungent Iron smell with hints of something sweet, I knew what it was but adding this to the collection of things I've seen in the last few minutes alone begs me to ask. Just what the hell is this place?


The sound of that voice brought me to the black mirror, beyond it was just a simple spotlight that showed the center of a stage that showed only a familiar man but this time he had on a rather fitting black and red tuxedo. As soon as he finished speaking the purple haired woman ran up on stage and whispered in his ear. Listening to her, he soon went wide eyed and looked up at me. He quickly thanked her before quickly rushing off stage.

It took a few minutes before I heard the knock at the door. I walked up to the door and automatically it opened to reveal the so called 'master' bruce that was surrounded by 4 buff looking followers. 2 men and 2 women that were fully equipped with strong looking armor and weapons. I smiled while bowing and moving so they can enter.

"Hello... Lizard, how may I help you?" This little bastard acted like nothing happened and played it off like some kind of aristocrat was visiting.

"Thank you for allowing me to participate today 'Master' Bruce. I know it must have been difficult to pull those strings. But I'm here to gather what I'm owed and I plan on continuing my journey." I took a step but was soon surrounded as the guards were each covering me from each direction with their hands on their weapons.

"I'm afraid that won't do you see, because I don't plan on dying today and instead I recieved a request for your hide with quite a hefty sum upon completion.... So if you kindly will just die?" Then he waved his hand and I felt a small gust of wind as a warm sensation started flowing down my body. I looked over and without even feeling any pain I was relieved of one of my arms.

This is going to be difficult...... But fun.

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