My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 139 Royal Guards Sure Do Taste Good

The guards that surrounded me only looked on with that same stone expression as I cut the dagger wielding one into pieces. I even quickly grabbed his daggers and stuffed em inside a quick spatial bubble. I smelt poison that wasn't just dripping off the daggers but was also an essential part of its makeup, maybe a nice spicy snack for later?

"Just step down and let me and my family pass ok? I just want to talk to my future wife Mara and that is it." I tried once again to be peaceful but these idiots only god angrier at me saying Mara is my future wife.... I mean it's true aint it? She's pregnant with my child isn't she? Maybe it was just my morals as a ex human but I wasn't going to just leave my child without me present in it's life.... Then again I was the one that got hit by a truck and left my son back on earth...

Anyways, The guards just kept staring at me as all at once they lunged towards us with different abilities and techniques. Some used a wind slash like attack and others sent multiple stabs and slices with their respective weapons. I easily tanked the hits or blocked them since most of them were just to weak for me to even care about. The ones that hit my body were soon dissipated into nothingness as my scales emitted spatial mana and consumed the weapons.

[Multiple Weapons consumed.... Digestion and assimilation of various materials.... complete]

I smiled as a popup appeared letting me know that what I saw before with Sylvania wasn't just some fluke. My scales acually are acting like a defensive form of my Devour skill and turning me into a weird version of a tank. The skill did say it would absorb some of the attack to buff me but I didn't think it would mix so well and produce this kind of outcome.

"You guys just back off... I will handle the puny humans, By the way which one of you called me a fucking lizard?"

"Dad that was the guy who you ate..." Greyson said with a deadpan look on his face and shaking his head.

"Oh, is that right? Well either way do you think it's time to reveal the true me? Or should I just make this quick and end the theatrics?"

"I vote to end it." Harper said with a raised hand.

"Me to." Grace spoke up while keeping an eye on the guards who by now were looking at eachother in confusion down at their broken weapons.

"Ugh, just do it dad I'm tired and want to go to sleep." Greyson said with a slight attitude since his patience was a bit on the thin side.

"I vote for theatrics.... But maybe that's just the part of you that I inherited dad.... But I guess I'm outvoted so let's just end this, Do you want us to join in or...."

"Nah, I got it, but should I save some of the meat for later on for when we set up camp?" I asked as a few of the bigger beefier guys looked quite appetizing. I was starting to get hungry again and that captain guy just wasn't cutting it. But the others nodded with excited and so with that I got to work.

With a quick Spatial blink I appeared behind a couple that had bunched up together and had a combination of a short double sided axe and a long metal spiked staff. I swiped my hand like a knife and easily cut off their necks. I created space bubbles and just threw the bodies in before the heads could even hit the ground. Ofcourse they wouldn't because my jaws were already wide open and caught them before a loud crunch could be heard.
"Ah tasty.... Ya know, the brain has become something of a delicacy to me. It holds all the knowledge you humans gained aswell as the sweet spots for chemical production, And boy when ya'll  are scare or excited the adrenaline rush is better than sex sometimes Hahahaha. NOW COME HERE!" I said menacingly as I continued to teleport around and on some I would just squish their heads while others I would devour whole after quickly shapeshifting. I didn't know how the mass of a human was easily passing through my throat but I wasn't going to rack my head for an explanation when magic was involved... Especially spatial magic.


At the same time this is going on outside, inside, more specifically inside a large room that contained a large table covered in a map outlying a huge country. Was several groups of men and women who were arguing back and forth. One group was led by Mara, surrounded by her counsel and other important figures under her rule, while on the opposite side of the table was a partially obese looking man who was red with anger while slamming his hands down on the table and a rather cold faced looking badygaurd next to him was trying to keep him seated and calmed down.

"Master Duke, you have to calm down. We are here as guests and this is not the way to act."

"Fuck you for trying to calm me down! This bitch was promised to me in exchange for me taking over this backwater piece of shit land. Only for me to come all this way and find out that she spread her legs for somebody else.... And a fucking demi-human at that! Tell me Culson How the hell am I supposed to be calm right now?!"

"AHEM, If I may Duke, I never promised you anything, I was only looking for some help with resources and such. If you were led to believe anything past that, well that is your own fault. And another thing, who I decided to have a child with is not something the likes of a pig like you to decide whatsoever. I think it's time we end this discussion as I will no longer be needing your services. Good day and I hope you live long and healthy." Mara said as she smiled and soon walked out of the room.

If one was to look closer, you would be able to tell that in her eyes she held a small amount of fear at what she just said, but she held out with confidence and despite the hateful things that the Duke said as she was leaving. she didn't turn back nor acknowledge whatsoever and only waved to a couple guards nearby that helped to escort the Duke out of the building.


Suddenly the whole manor seemed to shake as Mara and a few others grabbed onto the walls or whatever happened to be nearby to help support them as the tremors passed.

Mara's Faithful guard Tamachi looked around with his hand on his weapon as he spoke. "What the hell was that? Did something just explode?"

Mara smiled as she only shook her head and turned to walk towards the entrance with a quick pace. "No Tamachi, That was the work of an angry dragon who is just finishing his afternoon snack."


Going back a minute or so back outside we see as a figure appears just as our MC is finishing off the final Bodyguard.

"Man those guys were tasty, but also kind slimy since they were sweating. But oh, who are you?" I was licking my hands clean of the blood as I felt the aura of a newcomer appear. They appeared seemingly out of thin air like a ghost. they had on a dark covered hood and cloak that flowed like shadows but never fully revealed more than a quick look of what seemed like a human chin. On this persons back was a large stick with a bit of metal connected on the side with a large oval cut between the metal and the wooden pole.

"I have come here to send a message to the one known as Vexsus. My master would like to see you for dinner in a weeks time for a celebration of marriage between him and his new wife to be."

Son of bitch. Dark cloak guy that moves like a shadow and and who else could be the master with a new wife to be... I really hate this guy.

"Let me guess? Hannah is marrying Necro? Is this motherfucker really this cocky with everyone or just me huh? This asshole I swear to god..... Tell dipshit that I will attend with bells on." I shook my head but Hell I wasn't going to waste this opportunity to try and bring my dear sweet Hannah back to me.

"Master will be glad to hear, just a warning that no weapons or hostility on premises will be allowed and will be met with extreme measures."

"Yea, yea now fuck off." I waved the ghosty fuck away as I started to walk towards the main door leading inside. By now I was fuming and steam was escaping my ears when Kitsoma came and rubbed my arm while holding my hand.

"Do you think it is really a good idea to attend? I mean what if this is just a trap for you?"

"Ofcourse it is honey, but if Hannah is there than I will go and try and bring her back. It's my fault she left us and hates me, but I have to try, not for those fucks who I thought was my brother and sister but for the Hannah herself. There is no way that she is doing this of her own free will. Necro had to of done something to corrupt her and make her his. I refuse to believe otherwise."

"Yea, I guess... But honestly it just seems like to much to take on right now. I mean we just left our friends and family behind so that we can go on adventures and get stronger. Don't you think we should focus on that before dealing with Necro again?" She was looking at me with worry but I just stroked her cheek while kissing her.

"Hey, don't worry so much, I'm here and even still you are getting stronger every single day. By the time we get to Necro we won't have much to be concerned about." I turned and confidently walked up to a now open door with Mara staring at me with a smirk on her face and Tamachi looking around nervously at all the blood left over on the ground.

"You know you just messed with a Duke's property right? He's going to want some compensation if not your head."

"Yea, but I don't care, they called Kitsoma a whore and tried to kill me when I ate the guy who said it. SO really it's his fault for training such idiotic guys in the first place."

She laughed as she turned and welcomed us inside.


In a faraway land, inside a castle made from black bricks and bones sits a man on a throne made from the skull of a dragon. Standing next to him is a woman covered in a sexy, revealing black and purple dress. They are talking and looking at eachother longingly but is interupted by a puff of blackish smoke converging from the ground. From the smoke appears the person that invited our Mc to the wedding of his master and new mistress.

"Master, Mistress. The one known as Vexsus has agreed to come to celebrate your betrothal." The person bowed as they spoke.

"Good, good. Did you hear that honey? You're dear ol daddy will be attending our wedding. Do you think he will walk you down the aisle and give you away like a proper father or will he try and convince you to return with him and cause a problem?"

"You know aswell as I do that daddy will cause a problem. He isn't the kind to let things go so easily, He is a dragon afterall my darling." The woman then stroked the mans cheek before they kissed in passion. The man then waved the messenger away and rose up to lift the woman into a princess carry and walked into a side room before shutting the door.

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