My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 141 Ending Of The Duke

I watched as the guards walked up to me with confidence. Now I have to give credit where it's due, because these guys where staring up at me with confidence like they were sure they could beat me even though they were looking up at me the same way a I used to look up at the old tvs that wallyworld used to have in the 90's and early 00's

"Listen guys this doesn't have to end like this. I am a reasonable man, let's just sit down and discuss this like gentleman and I'm sure we can come to a non violent conclusion ok?"

I held my hands out with my palms up in a non aggressive position to show that I wasn't aggressive and I even smiled a little. I did everything that I learned back on earth about how to try and pacify a situation when it becomes hostile... And I know I usually eat first and say fuck it all later so don't come at me with all that bullshit.... I'm trying here ok?

Anyways so there I was trying to not be a flesh hungry monster and I look up over to the Duke and smile before speaking again. "Is that ok with you? I don't want this to become a bloodbath so why don't we act like men and come to a conclusion that benefits us both yea?"

The duke looks over at me with suspicion in his eyes but soon smirks as he looks over at Mara who is still eating along with the rest of my family at this point in time. "Hmm? I wonder Lizard, Does Mara have some kind of hold over you? Does she own you in some way I wonder? What would happen if I were to take her as my own? Would you become mine aswell, then what about these other demi scum? are they also included in this deal?" He looked at me with a smile like he is trying to get all of the benefits of the package before he signs the dotted line.

I had to swallow down the anger that was threating to boil over and erupt like a volcano. "Ahem, well I'm sorry sir but those are my family including Mara and unfortunately you cannot have them." I Chuckled on the inside and wondered what this fat little mans reaction would be if he knew that Mara was pregnant with my child hehe.

"That's right Duke, I'm Vexsus woman.... I mean I am pregnant with his child after all." Mara said non chalantly in between bites of of her food while she looked up at me with a mischievious grin before winking at me.

If this was an anime you would have seen my body fall down and blood explode at the sheer audacity of this woman.... Oh wait... she can read minds, I forgot.

I shook my head before I swore I heard a faint whistle and looked over at the Duke and holy hell was his face red, I mean his whole body was beyond red and into the realm of just a whole new color.

"Hey, hey listen, it was a night of passion, it happened by accident but even still she is mine Duke, so please just calm down and don't overreact. This is not your home so please act as such." I tried to keep calm and remind him of where he was but the look in his eye told me that he was beyond reason right now. His eyes was basically the same as a spoilt child that was told he couldn't have something and the buildup I was seeing right now was the calm before the inevitable tantrum to come....

"Dad, should we leave?" Grace asked as she looked a bit nervouse between the Duke and the guards and me. I nodded as I smiled down at her.

"Yea, I think that would be a good idea honey. Why don't you and the rest go outside while I handle some business in here with the Duke ok?" Before Grace could agree Grayson spoke up while rising out of his chair.
"Dad this isn't right. We can fight to ya know? I am strong enough to fight along side you, I can help you dad, I've trained so hard just to help you!" He clenched his fist as his gaze bore directly into my soul. I could see his determination but in my eyes all I could see was the bloody and broken body of my little boy after he tried to defend his siblings from a Royal Guardian that his Egg Donor unleashed on him. I was so scared of seeing that again that I wasn't ready to give him that chance yet.

I patted his shoulder and grinned. "I know you are boy. Just as I know Michael is ready to fight along side me aswell, but after that fight back in the dungeon with those Royal Guardian ants and seeing how bloody and broken you were... I just am not ready to see that again. I promise that during this journey we will fight together, but right now I just want to finish this myself ok? Please understand."

Grayson looked at me for a bit but the time for a family moment was up as the spoilt child's tantrum finally reached maturity and he started to scream and yell. I quickly raced over and through the guards and snatched up the family members who were to close and got them to safety as I had the others get outside of the house and had the servants leave aswell. I may not know them but they were not apart of this and did not deserve to be caught up in this bullshit.


Well that was a bit of a info bomb that I wasn't expecting. So the royalty of this kingdom is some shady people themselve are they? Meh, like I give a shit. Not like I'm gonna do anything like take over a whole kingdom just because they tried to sell one of my wifes to some chubby fat fuck in exchange for food.

As I was digesting this information the man child was slowly coming down from the peak of his tantrum and was in the descent phase as he looked around and saw as it was just him, his guards, and me.

"Where is my Succubus you goddam Lizard!? Bring her to me now before I have my guards kill you and skin you to make me a new satchel. While you're at it bring those that Kitsune and those 2 mutant lizard ant looking things. They look like fun playthings aswell. I expect them here right now you here me? Get them here now goddam it!"

By this point he was so wrapped up in his demands and his delusions of granduer that his perception of reality was distorted. so distorted in fact as to the point that he did not notice the smell of blood wafting in the air, nor the the smear that he himself caused as he wiped his cheek during his demands as if wiping away a raindrop. In his mind all he could see was the image of Mara, Kitsune, Grace and Harper bound and tied, naked and gagged while in various forms of tortorous positions of sexual acts solely for his pleasure.

The lump barely present in his trousers showed something was happening inside his head as I finished off devouring the last guard with swipe across his throat with my claws.

To their credit they were loyal to the very end.... Just so sad they were loyal to someone so mentally unstable and broken.

I walked up to the guy and waved my hand in front of his face, I guess I still had blood on my hand because as I waved blood flew off and speckled across his face like polka dots. But that did not phase him in the least. Nothing did. Even as I poked him in the cheek and even went so far as to slightly elongate my claw and stab into his fatty side. The only thing I heard from that was a slight inhale from the pain it caused but that was it.

Nothing in those eyes but the lust for my wives and daughters. "Give me my playthings now lizard." He said repeatedly, almost like a mantra at this point as I looked at him with disgust and slight pity. The lights were on but nobody was home if ya know what I mean. There wasn't anything more that I could do but swiftly end him and hope that in his next life he could be a stronger minded person and live a better life.

I take my claw and lengthen it before quickly jabbing it all the way into his brain and sending a jolt of electricity from my muscles into his body. I didn't want him to suffer for long so I tried to make it quick....

He convulsed for a few seconds but those were just the nerves. Something inside me could tell that he had already passed on as the light in his eyes had dimmed and they glossed over. I looked over him for a few moments with a sad expression because I wouldn't want anybody to go through that. Back on earth I was terrified of not being in control of my own thoughts, and to see someone be broken like this just made those fears resurface for a moment.

".....Welp can't let a meal go to waste can we?" Quickly shaking away the feelings I slice up the fat boy into bite size chunks and pop em into my mouth handfulls at a time until nothing was left.

I got to wondering something as I had a moment to myself in the quiet room covered in blood as I sat in a chair stairing out a window that overlooked a nearby forest.

*Hey Ira are you there?*

... I waited for a few minutes until a womans voice replied

*Yes I'm here, I was rather busy though darling what is it?*

Darling?.... *I was hoping Gula was there so I could talk to her is there anyway I could speak to her? or maybe you could give her a message for me? I was about to go hunting so I could get you an offering on my way in exchange for doing me this favor*

I waited for a few more minutes as silence overtook my mind as I waited for a response from the Sin of Wrath.

*She says she will meet you tonight ok darling? And I would love it if you got me a gift, please get me something big and mmmmm maybe something beefy. I gotta go baby I have to get back to a special meeting I was in the middle of.*

While Ira was talking I could of swore I heard a whip sound in the background and a manly yell asking for more but I think my subconscious was actively blocking it. But either way I was happy to be seeing Gula again after a while because It seems like after eating a few things and not getting anything in return like skills and stuff I was a bit worried that I was losing my powers from her. I just wanted to see what was happening and if she was ok mostly.

I finished up with my snack and started to walk out of the room and opened the door to a team of maids and butlers. there was one butler who looked very familiar to me and then it clicked... this was the same guy who I woke up to before me and Mara made a baby... the butler prick... except this time he looked even more regal and bowed to me.

​ "Hello, sir Vexsus, Madam Mara told us to wait for you to finish your meal and clean up after you. If you will be so kind as to follow Mika here to the lounge suite to meet up with the others while we get to work with" His eyes bulged as he looked around my body and into the room. Haha, that Mara, I guess she didn't tell him the length at which I go when I really 'enjoy' a meal.

I patted his shoulder as I walked by him. "Have fun, oh and if you find any leftovers? Save em for me?"

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