My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 150 Journey For Redemption Pt. 9

Me and the bear girl exit the cave and were travelling throught the forest towards my camp and along the way I would catch the small rodents and critters that I came across, It wasn't anything significant but it was better than nothing and hopefully it would help until something big came along.

"By the way, What's your name? I should have asked that when we first started talking or atleast given you my name but like I said back there I was a bit taken aback by the sudden change in voice and then appearance."

"Oh, yea I get that.... My name's Lula, what's yours?"

"Vexsus, I would say my last name is Pride but I've never used it. I've just gone by Vexsus."

"Oh, a Last name? and of one of the gods aswell? You must be a part of one of the seven Guardian races meant to protect the world from the Shadow Eaters."

"I mean I guess? I don't know about the others, but I was taught that Dragons were in charge of looking over a certain area, I put together that we probably had something to do with one of the gods since our last name was Pride but I am actually branded by the god Gluttony and Serve her, that's why I'm eating all of the creatures we find."

Lula stops dead in her tracks and looks at me with wide eyes. "You serve a different god then your name sake? How is that possible? You should have been branded from birth by Pride!"

I looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean? What are you talking about from birth? Nobody ever said anything about me being branded by Pride? I didn't feel anything when I was born or well technically hatched I guess... But still, The only brand I have is Gluttony, Oh and well Wrath aswell, but that's a different story..."

"WHAT!! You have a brand from Wrath aswell!? How the hell did that happen! I've only heard of stories about people being branded by multiple gods and they never lived longer than a couple months at most because of the overload of power that their bodies couldn't handle!"

"Ok, hold on, you're throwing alot of information at me and it's starting to overwhelm me along with alot of the unspoken information.... I say let's hurry back to camp and then we can discuss it back there with my group ok? Grab ahold of me and I'll make this quicker." I held out my hand and she nodded and grabbed it, but she grabbed it tightly and I winced as I heard a crack come from my hand as a few of the bones broke. Damn just how powerful is this chick?

I just shook that thought out of my head as I sprouted wings and pumped energy into my legs and quickly brought her closer and held her tightly to my chest. I leapt up into the sky and then shot off into the direction that I could see my group was in. I didn't have use Detection as this high up was enough to see the clearing that camp was made in.

I landed with a thud and the others suddenly jumped up and came rushing over to me. I held a hand up to say hi but before I could Lula started shouting at me.

"What the fuck was that you scaly bastard! You could have warned me! I'm a god damned bear for fucks sakes, does it look like I go up into the sky very often? You son of a bitch if you weren't cute I would eat you right here and now!"

I was stunned for a second but then a coy smile appeared on my face as I leaned down a little and looked her in the eyes. "Oh, so you think I'm cute huh?"

She looked at me for a second as what she said replayed in her mind and as the realization of what she said finally sunk in she yelled and then ran off. I chuckled while watching her run off into the nearby woods then I rose back and and instanly froze when I faced the others. Standing in there glaring at me with icy stares was my 2 wives who had calm but questioning smiles.

"Honey, who was that person?"

"Yes my dear, just who was it that ran off after calling you cute?"

Both of them walked over to me while swaying their hips in a seductive way. When they reached me their icy stares never left but they started to slowly touch and caress my arms and chest.

"Well my darling, Aren't you going to answer your dear beloved wives?"

"Umm, uhh, yea so you see, I was just going and hunting w-wh-when I encountered a huge bear right? I was going to fight it to the death you see but it turned out to be a Bear girl that I thought was pretty cute and that was actually very old and had some information that could be useful to me.... Sooo I thought I would bring her here and we could talk to her...."

By now I knew I was screwed but no since in lying since they would just find out anyways and it wouldn't do me any good. They looked at eachother and sighed before letting go of me.

"Fine but we have to sit her down before she can be a part of the Harem got it!" Kitsoma said while pointing at me.

"WHat!? I didn't want like that? I mean... Yea she's cute but you guys haven't seen her bear form yet, that shit was terrifying! what would happen if we were in the middle of doing it and she suddenly transforms? only my dragon form would be able to handle that monster!!!"


"Ugh great." With a sigh I turn around and there Lula is huffing and puffing with twigs and leaves sticking out of her hair but none of that mattered to her as in her eyes were flames of fury that were directed right at me.

"Calm down little fireball of fury, I was just saying how I was scared of your bear form and that if we ever had sex and you transformed that I wouldn't be able to handle it unless I myself transformed into my dragon form." I said calmly so as not to rile her up any further. I held back laughing as much as I could because a part in my head wanted to laugh so hard at seeing a woman as cute as her get angry. To this day it has been a mystery the world over back on Earth but man do we men still love it.

'BLEH' Lula was going to shout again but she stopped when she finally registered what I said. Then she got really red and embarressed and looked down shyly. "Y-Y-you think of me like that? You want to do that? With me?" She looked up at me.

I stepped back in shock again at the complete 180 of emotion from this chick. I looked quickly over at the wives but they only smiled at me with those creepy smiles and looked at me as if waiting for my response. I looked back at the bear girl who was now looking at me still red in the face but now with a different look in her eyes.

"Um, I mean, you are very cute, I would say gorgeous even in your own way even, I haven't gotten to know you very well so that isn't exactly what I want to do right at this moment. But I do find you attractive if that's what you're looking for?" I said to her and she looked down with a sad nod but then she looked back up with a smile.

"Great, then it's settled you will be mine and we will have litters and litters of bear dragons!" She skipped over to me and started holding my hand as she looked up at me. "So when should we mate? I have never mated before so please be gentle with me ok? B-but afterwards I'm ok with it if you want to get rough, I can handle it!"

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! WE NEED TO HAVE A LITTLE CHAT FIRST MISSY! LET'S GO!" Kitsoma and Mara grabbed Lula and hauled her off towards our tent all the while leaving me there with a stunned look on my face as my brain once again was left in a meltdown trying to decipher and figure out the bullshit of information that it was just given.

Gaia came up to me and started laughing is ass off while slapping my back. "Holy fuck brother! That was the best moment of my entire life, Was that really the bear that you said you were going to fight? She seems very.... head strong.... Are you sure you can handle that hahahaha."

I couldn't do anything but sigh as my shoulders slumped and I walked over to the campfire and sat down on a log and opened up a space bubble and dug in to grab a barrel out and plopped it down next to me.

"What's that?" Gaia asked as he sat on the log next to mine.

"This is from the tavern back in town. I've never really had a drink before and decided this was the trip to try it out, but seeing as how I just got a new wife really without even trying or without agreeing to it.... I figured why the hell not and tonight is the night to try and get wasted." I jabbed one of my claws into the barrel and with one hand I tipped it over my mouth while the brown liquid sloshed into my mouth.

It tasted like slightly stale bread mixed with honey and a sting that heated up my throat and my stomach as it settled there. Overall it tasted pretty good so I took a few more gulps before I passed it over to Gaia.

"Want some? It's not bad."

"Yea, I guess? I've never had any before either but hey tonights a night for celebrationg right Ahahahah!" He laughed before he tipped the Barrel and chugged the liquid and then set it down with a thud. Just between the two of us The barrel was already halfway gone and I wasn't feeling anything.

"It's supposed to make us drunk right? Do you feel anything?" I asked Gaia and looked over to him.

"Eh, not really? But ofcourse this was made by humans, I think if we would have brought along some of the stuff from Pride village and drunk it like we just did we would have already felt it."

"Yea, I guess. Let's finish the barrel and see if it helps."

As soon as we do that the girls come out of the tent and it looks like they all came to some kind of agreement. Gaia looks at them then me. "Looks like the wives have agreed to something haha, I'll take the others and do a couple round around the camp while you 4 discuss things." I nod as he gets up and walks away as the girls come and sit down.

"So we talked and Lula hasn't had any contact with anybody outside of that cave for a couple hundred years." Mara came out and said as soon as she sat down.

"Fucking what? How long?"

"200 Years Vexsus. She has been alone for over 200 years. She is a race of ancient Bearkin that had learned to harness the earths energy to live longer, apparently she was her tribal shaman's daughter and was taught how to extend that power further but in order to do so she had to sleep for long periods of time. But that's not the only thing, Tell him your last name Lula."

I was confused but then looked at Lula. She nodded shyly as she looked at me.

"My last name is Gluttony."

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