My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 154 Just Couldn't Be Wrong Could You?

Me and the rest of the group walked out of our rooms and into the common area, the girls looking marvelous and me looking awkward as all hell because I don't feel right being in fancy looking clothes. Just the way I was raised made me feel like I wasn't meant for stuff like this.... But anyways, I took a look at the others and the rest were dressed up aswell. My son's and Daughters were dressed up in dresses and suits that I found out were already sized and left in their rooms, How someone knew I don't want to find out because I will get angry, but I was going to overlook this for now. Gaia had a businessman suit on that fit him quite nicely and made him appear like he owned multibillion dollar industries, The little rugrats Jasper, and Victor both had on vests over dress shirts and dress pants. I could see them tugging at the fabric and the openings a little and could guess since they only wore light armor at the max that this kind of thing was a bit over the top.

"If. You. Will. Please. Follow. Me." A large Lurch looking motherfucker said from the exit of the common room that shook us out of our collective amazement of the fashion choices. As we were led down multiple halls I kept a watchful eye out and even tried using Detection but was soon worried as it was blocked off entirely, The only thing I could detect was that something far above me in the sky was producing some kind of aura or something like it that deactivated all abilities like it. I could still feel the flow of mana in my veins so I didn't know how far its effect was but I was already raising the alert in my head.

I leaned over to Gaia who was walking next to me at the back of the group and whispered. "Be prepared for anything, I can't use Detection because something is blocking me. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this."

He looked over at me with a look of slight worry before nodding and walking with more vigilance than before. I saw as his eyes started to observe more of his surroundings that previously and that was all I could ask for in the moment. I patted his shoulder as I walked a little faster to catch up to the rest of the people. I first grabbed ahold of Michael's shoulder and whispered.

"Be prepared, I have a bad feeling... Tell the others ok?" Then patted his shoulder and walked up to the girls. I grabbed ahold of Mara and Kitsoma's hands and squeezed a little to get their attention. The Lurch guy was just in front of us so I just looked at them with narrowed eyes and then raised them hoping to convey that something was wrong. It took only a few seconds before each of them looked at eachother and then sighed before nodding and started acting vigilant like the others but still keeping up the conversation and laughter like before.

I went over to Lula and with a quick motion picked her up and held her like a princess. She yelped but ultimately tucked her head into my chest as she nuzzled into me. I smiled and kissed the top of her head but soon whispered.

"Something doesn't feel right around here. I need you to be on the lookout in case I miss anything ok? My Detection ability is being blocked by something high in the sky, I can still feel mana flowing but I don't know to what extent I can use said mana. As the strongest one here before me, I need you to look after the group if something happens to me ok?"

I felt as her hands tightened around the loose cloth/armor imitation that was my body and she nodded before lightly slapping me to be let down. I kissed her head again as I did and then slowed down to the back of the group to be next to Gaia. If something happens, this position would be best to see and hopefully act before I need to React.

We walked through a few more hallways and I noticed that we were passing by hallways that were increasing in width, almost like they were made to allow large numbers of people through at once. A few had windows and through them I could see a large.... not really a building per say but more like an extended hallway that was the size of a building. I also noticed that in each hallway hidden away from view was a small eyeball that was watching us as we passed by. It was covered in small tendrils with smaller eyeballs and I knew that it was a beholder because hey I played some good ol fashion tabletop back on earth before the famous hero maker came to take me away.

I played like I hadn't noticed but soon it was hard to not notice as several skeletons with armor but weapons sheathed started to appear and slowly follow us. I was tense not knowing what to expect but soon we were led through a set of double doors decorated with black, purple and green roses that lined the door like vines. Once across the threshold something seemed to take my tension away as I saw as several actual live human families and even some demi human families had gathered on the groom side of the aisle. We were led to sit on the brides side and after a little bit of looking around I could see that none of the armored skeletons had passed through the doorway.

"Hey, you saw those skeletons right? Did they look different to you?" Mara asked me as she breathed a little shakily. I looked at her for a second before taking another glance at the skellys. I wasn't sure what she was talking about until I looked closer at their actual bones.... They were fused together. The bones that made up the rib cage was fused so well and so perfectly that it looked as if it was armor. Now that I was looking directly at them and not through my periphery I could see as the 'armor' was the actual bones themselves but just to a whole other degree of fusion as if someone combined 2 or more skellys together to create a supe skelly. Even the weapon itself was a bone weapon that gave off a powerful vibe and was actually apart of the skeleton itself and not carried on a belt or sheath.

I turned back around and looked at Mara with a questioning stare. "I know right? Just what the hell is Necro doing by gathering those here? Does he think we are going to do something or is he just trying to show off his power? Either way that bad feeling you had might not have been wrong."
"Dammit.... Ok, let's just see how this goes and hopefully big shot won't try to do anything, I don't really want to dig my hole any deeper than it has to be but if push comes to shove I'll blast out the other side of the planet if he tries anything."

"What do you mean?" Mara said as she looked at me.

"Hannah is... well basically she still won't forgive me, but I think I made a dent in the wall like I said. But right now the hole I dug with how I acted towards her or didn't come to her rescue was clearly written all over her face when we talked. She ranted and raved at me and I'm sure she would've taken a pound of my flesh of she could've. She was angry for good reason but again if Necro tries anything.... I'll have to prioritize the ones I have now over the ones I have lost."

I looked down a little but soon I felt as Mara slid her fingers inbetween mine and squeezed as hard as she could. That made me smile and chuckle since she ended up grunting a little since she couldn't really hurt me and it was obvious she was trying to do something like that.

"Thank you baby." I said as I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.

"Anytime honey. Now It should be about to begin."

Just about that time I saw as a shadoow materialized from a pillar next to the stage and out of it came Necro. He had on a fitted suit with stripes of Purple and Green, He wore slacks with the same kind of design and even dress shoes that had had shoelaces of the same colors. He wore a bowtie that had a small skull in the center and both of its eyes shone with those colors aswell. If you asked me what I thought his favorite colors were.... I would place some good money down on those two.

"Ladies and Gentleman, My beloved Wife to be will be here shortly but before that I just wanted to thank you all for accepting my invitation. I see that the nobles that I rescued from the neighboring lands that were besieged by the Shadow Eaters have come. Welcome and thank you for showing up once again. Now without further ado I would like to bring out the main star of todays event, My lovely wife to be.... The Future Misses Hannah Necro!!!!"

We all stood up and I even did aswell and started clapping as Hannah came from a door to the side of the stage and my lord did she look gorgeous, It wasn't a white dress but a instead she a powder blue dress with accents of clashing purple down her sides that made her curves pop out. Not something a father wanted to notice about his daughter but there they were. Her hair was done up in a style that reminded me of a honey dipper. She didn't wear a veil and her smile itself melted my heart because I could see just how much love she had for Necro. I was upset that it was directed at that asshole and not at someone I approved of but seeing her smile like that made me question whether I should try and be a bit better to the asshole or not.

As she got up on stage she took his hands in hers and they both looked over at me.

"Lord Vexsus.... As the Father of the bride and also I hear you own a territory now. I believe with that responsibility comes the privilege to oversee weddings am I correct?" Necro had asked me with a smile. I didn't know and only looked at Mara but she was just looked back at me with a huge smile that said exactly what I needed to know.

'Ahem' "Ofcourse, Sir Necro, I would be honored." I said as I fixed appearance and walked towards the stage all while screaming in anxiety in my head. Once on the stage I looked over at Necro with a smile and whispered through my teeth.

"This is some bullshit you know that right?"

"Haha, how many fathers get to marry off their daughter to the most powerful human in the world?"

'AHEM' Hannah coughed loudly at both of us as she narrowed her eyes at us. That was enough to make us stop, I could tell Necro had feelings for Hannah because he became timid and stopped fooling around.

I cleared my throat and started speaking.

"Everyone, we are here today to celebrate the marriage between my daughter Hannah Pride and her husband Necro!. Now Necro, do you have a ring?"

At this point a small imp like shadow creature appeared with a small box and gave it to Necro. He opened it and pulled out a golden ring topped with a bright soul blue sapphire set atop a small crown of crystal skulls that blended down over the knuckle.

(Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, what are the verses again? Dammit do I wing it? Shit..... Screw it just gotta do what I can.)

"Do you Necro take Hannah Pride to be your wife? through thick and thin, in sickness and health, till the end of existence do you part?" (Hehe, it might not be a soul binding contract but this is just my own pleasure for a necromancer like you.)

Necro looked at me quickly with a look of anger but it quickly faded as Hannah gripped his hand tightly. "I do." And he slipped the ring on her finger.

I smiled before turning to Hannah. "Hannah, do you have a ring?"

The same creature as before appeared and in the box came out a ring that was covered in red colored cracks, almost like cracks from a lava flow. It was topped with a Orange bright flame colored topaz gem sitting over a black setting of circular silver thorns. I was a bit intrigued at the reason behind the design but still it looked cool.

"Do you Hannah Pride take Necro to be your husband? Through thick and thin, in sickness and health, till the end of existence do you part?"

Hannah smiles brightly as she puts the ring on Necro's finger. He smiled back at her before they both turned back to me. I looked at both of them and smiled while patting their shoulders and gave them a huge hug. Then I looked up and towards the others.

"Everyone, please join me in congratulating this lovely couple and join me in wishing me many many years beautiful years filled with love and joy!" Everyone jumped up and started to clap and cheer as the two newlyweds start to walk down the aisle together. I could only do what I could and nothing more. I knew I missed some things but I got the point across and I'm assuming it wasn't anything magical since nobody stopped me or asked why nothing happened.

I stepped down and walked over to the others but in the corner of my eye I saw as a the people that were here from the town were still just sitting there. I looked over at them and then down at my wives and they looked at me with worried eyes before mouthing a single word.


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