My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 156 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 2

We finished the meal and the group met back up at the common room.

"So what do we think about Necro's proposal? Do we take it or do we leave it?" I had just filled in the group about what Necro had asked us and I wanted to get an opinion from them before we really set out. If they said they wanted to back out then I would take them back to the territory and then come back for the Dungeon with the ones who want to tackle it. After a few minutes of silence thankfully they all looked up at me with confidence and agreed to trying to conquer the dungeon.

"Sweet, so since this is the first official dungeon dive of our family I asked Necro for all the info he could gather about this place and he said he would be sending it in the morning. I still have a shit ton of equipment packed away in my space bubble so we should go ahead and figure out who wants what and what best suits who.

I opened up a large bubble and out spilled a mound of equipment that varied from 1-h swords all the way to unusual weapons like spike balls and boomerangs. There was different armor styles aswell that ranged from full body to partial that provided more ranged of motion for the speedier type of people.

"Ok, so first of let's go with the Kitsoma. I got a whip here that has a pretty good affinity with fire and even gives it a boost. I also have a couple rings that boost fire affinity aswell if you want those?" I sorted through the pile until I found what I was looking for and pulled out a reddish scaled whip that looked as if someone cut off the tail of a salamander and fashioned a ruby gemstone hilt to the end of it. As soon as Kitsoma grabbed it she sent some of her mana into the handle and it lit up like a someone was calling for aid to fight off a horde of urukai.

I slid the rings on her fingers and the the shine that came from the whips handle intensified twofold and almost blinded everyone until Kitsoma stopped sending mana through it. I was a bit confused on how that had any offensive uses but hey if we were going into a dungeon than it would be a good flashlight I guess.

"Now, next is Mara. I couldn't find anything darkness related but I did find something with a slight buff in causing illusion debuffs to work if you wanted it? Keep in mind it looks a little odd though."

"What do you mean by odd?" She asked while tilting her head.

I chuckled slightly and only bent down and pulled out a needle, like a sewing needle. "It induces a deep sleep in any victim it touches. I don't see how offensive this can be for you? But it does buff illusion magic slightly besides the sleeping property."

"Hmmm.... I mean, I can see potential in my side projects where this can come in handy but right now and in the dungeon? I don't think this will see much use. Maybe do you have anything that has something to boost just magic power in general? I can figure out something from there."
"Ok, I'll keep it for back home then, and I as for that I think I have something.... Ah! here." I pull out a bracer with a dull grey gemstone. Mara looked at it with a hint of dissapointment before quickly putting on a smile that seemed a bit forced.

"Oh, honey that seems.. nice."

"Haha, nice try, but this my dear will raise your magic affinity by a good percentage. imagine taking a fireball and then adding another fireball inside of that.... Ok, bad example.... So, basically it adds more explosive power to your spells, It adds an AOE effect to everything, even single target spells... so what is normally a icicle spear now with this brace becomes a icicle spear that when it lands a hit. It explodes and sends out shards of ice outwards in all directions."

"Holy hell are you serious! That is amazing! Wouldn't that be better for someone like you to have honey?" She shot up from her seat and ran over to grab it from my hands and put it on even after she said that.

"It's fine babe, My motto is that if it keeps you alive longer than that keeps me alive longer."

"How does that make sense Vexsus?" Kitsoma asked.

"So, I rely on other people to take care of me when I fuck up. So if they die than I die, If they live than I live. Simple." I said as I shrugged, I know I usually one man army most situations but I have a feeling this dungeon is going to make me rely on this team and make me be a team player. I will ofcourse be upfront and tank the shit out of everything but I will rely on them more than usual.

"Anyways, back to Mara, I have a set of armor that covers your basics. Arms, legs, torso, things like that. It's leather so it's flexible but it doesn't offer much more defense than what you would expect from that. I have a few sets like it if anybody else wants more flexibility versus defense."

I saw a few hands raise up like Jasper and Victor and Sara Jun, one of the 3 side mercs that I had join me from the auction awhile back as followers. Handing those out was a good way to not only make sure they were protected but also helped to uncover more of what I had stored away.

I looked towards Lula and and just pointed towards the pile of shit on the floor and like a golden retriever in a pile of fallen leaves she just dives right in and starts digging through. After a little while she pulls out a pair gloves that have a set of bear claws over the knuckles.

"Are you sure hon? You wanna get up close and personal in this dungeon? You know it's going to be a bunch of undead right, like zombies and skeletons and shit like that."

"Yea, I'm better at just bashing shit with my hands so figured might aswell use what I got. I can use magic to but we have enough magic users in this group and not enough tankers besides you. So I'll be upfront with you and take some hits. I can take my bear form if need be or just cast defense magic to imitate my bear forms defense so I should be just fine."

"Oh? Well damn baby that's pretty fucking impressive. I wish I had something like that! But what about the bites and infection? Don't the zombies have the virus that makes other zombies?"

The people look at me for a few seconds in confusion. "What are you talking about Vexsus? Zombies are only made from corpses from high concentration of negative mana or a necromancer. They don't have a virus that spreads and makes more." Kitsoma said with her head tilted slightly.

"Oh.... Well that's odd. In my old world that was the myth about zombies. They weren't real ofcourse but if they were then it was thought that if you were bit or scratched then they passed some kind of virus or disease that turned you into a zombie. Nevermind than just ignore me haha. Still learning new things about this world even after all this time I guess."

Kitsoma walked up and rubbed cheek and kissed me. "It's ok honey, I forget that you aren't from this world. I will always be here to help you no matter what so don't be embarrassed ok? I love you."

"Ah, love you to.... Ahem... Now, back to the task at hand." I shook my head before I smiled and kissed her and gave her butt a quick slap which made her jump and giggle a little.

I turned towards Gaia and smiled before I opened up a bubble and pulled out a long spear with a jagged golden scale with a row of different scales in a rainbow down the sides for the tip. He walked up to me and looked at it in awe before looking up at me.

"Is this what I think it is?" He asked as he looked back down at the slightly familiar scales. He shook his head before backing up but I stepped up to him and shoved the spear into his hands.

"Yes it is. They fucked us up and this is their penance. I don't use spears and you suffered because of my mistakes... I figured this was the best way to make it up to you. I snagged a couple scales from each of them and even added a few of my own to the mix and the handle is wood from the tree of silence. It will give you a buff to basically everything from strength to magic and even give you a weaker version of my Scales of the Void ability. You suffered the most because of me since we were children and you deserve this even in the slightest. Please brother, Take it with my apology."

I held the spear forwards toward him and smiled. I was trying really hard to not tear up but I meant every word, I caused him alot of pain but he stuck by me. He might have faltered there for a moment but he came back and did his best to make up for that mistake, He tried his best to take his confidence back from those bastards that we were hatchlings with... But now we are the only ones.

He smiled back and when he went and placed a hand on the spear I quickly grabbed his hand and slammed my hand like a spear straight into his chest. Blood sprayed across the wall while everyone screamed.

"VEXSUS WHY!!!!!" Kitsoma screamed as she rushed and tried to yank my arm out of Gaia's chest but I was not budging. I was grasping his heart in my hands and channeling pure mana into his heart and forcefully breaking the chains that wrapped around it while at the same time making sure his hands were gripping onto the spear. I was staring directly into his eyes the whole time with a smile while in his were a mix of intense pain and incredible awe as he felt what was happening in his chest.

"This is another gift from me to you brother." I whispered as all throughout the room loud audible chains could be heard breaking and Gaia yelled in pain before collapsing unconscious.

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