My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 158 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 4

I woke up feeling amazing, I had a great night last night and an awesome breakthrough with Hannah. After we both cried together she said she forgave me and that she was just waiting for me to stop being such an idiot and stop holding back about how I felt. She needed to hear how I felt before she could really forgive me. Even now she is too damn smart and mature for her own good.

As I started to feel the world around me I noticed that a pressure was on my chest and that there were two on either side of me. The two on my side was normal but the one on my chest was new. I opened my eyes and I saw as Lula was curled up with the blanket up to her chin as she was spread out over me. She was small enough that only her hands and feet were hanging off me, I smiled as I turned my head to look at Kitsoma and Mara but they were already up and looking at me with smiles themselves.

"Goodmorning my goddesses, how did you two sleep?" I asked as I gave both of them a kiss, but moving that much awoke the sleeping bear on my chest and she rustled around and looked at me while groaning.

"Why did you move dammit? I was comfortable." She groaned while rubbing her eyes with the blanket wrapped around her body.

"I don't see how my chest is comfortable with my body permanently being the cursed armor. Also... Are you naked right now?" I didn't feel anything when she was on me but than again I was trying to feel anything to begin with. Her face got a litle red and she nodded before she looked away.

"I was going to try and wake you up with my body but I got sleepy waiting...." She muttered with a pout that was so cute and it made me and the others laugh as we all got up and started to get ready. I leaned over and caressed Lula's cheek as we both stared eachother in the eye.

"Once we get back from this dungeon we can ok? I promise." I then closed the distance and kissed her deeply for a few seconds that left her panting afterwards.

"Mmm... mkay." She said with a wispy tone. She shook her head lightly and with a quick hop she started to quickly get dressed.

After a few minutes we left the room and met up with the others in the common room. Necro and Hannah were there waiting for us and Hannah was even preparing a quick breakfast for us all while Grace and Harper were helping her. I loved to see that my daughters were now starting to get back to how they were before everything happened and I messed it all up. I know that my children loved Hannah like their own sibling same as I loved her like my own daughter. But they thought it was best to keep the distance until I fixed my mistake....

"Hey kids, something smells wonderful!." I said with excitement. "I can't tell you how awesome it feels to see my princesses getting along again." I went over and gave each of them a hug before I went and sat down with my sons. I neglected them for a bit this journey and now it was time to give them some attention.

"How are you boys doing?" I asked as I sat down. I saw as Grayson was rubbing some kind of oil over a pair of white gloves, Michael was polishing and sharpening a greatsword that looked like it came from a viking Jarl's treasure trove. "OOOOO! That looks sick Michael! Where did you get that? Did you get that from the pile I left out?" I asked as I looked over at the small pile of leftover treasure from the space bubble from last night.

"Yea, I saw it this morning and just felt a draw to it from inside me. I grabbed it and I felt as if I could take on the whole world with it in my hands!" He said enthusiasticaly while he puffed out his chest and raised his arm with sword in hand like he had the POWER!

I looked at his hand for a second as I noticed that around where his scales touched the sword was starting to slowly turn from his normal color to a white. Not like it was being bleached but like what you would imagine a Holy robe would look like but in scale form. I tipped my head in confusion because that was the image that popped in my head when I saw it. Now why was that?

I just shook my head and then patted him on the shoulder. "Well it looks awesome son I'm sure you are gonna kill alot of zombies with that thing. Now Grayson, what's up with the white gloves? I know you use flames but do you really need gloves to do it? Are you also going to try and get revenge for the death of your Friend Brigadier General Hughes? Hahaha.... So sad.... RIP...."

"The fuck are you talking about dad?"

"It's a terrible day for rain..."
"What the fuck are you talking about? It's not raining! And we are inside!"

Ugh the feels of a weeb... "Ahem, Nevermind that, just your old man getting lost in thought. But anyways what's with the gloves? Those look pretty cool. Did they pull you in like the sword did Michael?"

"Eh, I wouldn't say a pull exactly, but I did feel like my flames would get stronger while using these gloves, and when Necro came in and saw these gloves he said something about him going to start calling me the 'Flame Alchemist?'... Then he pulled out this vial of oil and said it was enchanted to never run out and that it would enhance my flames even further."

"Good fuck you too Necro!" I said with excitement while jumping up and turning to look at Necro. He was already looking at me with wide eyes and a huge smile and nodding wildly.

"Ahem! Back to the topic at hand you two!" Hannah yelled at us and out of nowhere smacked both of our heads at the same time even though she was still over at the fire cooking.

Me and Necro looked at eachother and smiled before laughing and I turned back to Grayson. "That is a huge thing bud. It's just something from our old world that we loved that's all. Think of it as a huge compliment that he even considers you as someone powerful enough to take on that mantle. Here I'll add on my own thing to improve em."

I concentrated and held my hand over the gloves and held the image of the circle in my head as I imagined it being emblazoned onto the gloves themselves. After a few moments it was finished and I smiled as it was a perfect imitation. It may not work like it did in the show but It should help my boy make his flames more potent.

"Here boy. These magic circles will take your mana and will automatically turn it into a flame enpowerment spell. Since you can already create your own fire I made it strengthened your fire even further."

"Wow really? That combined with the oil should make me super powerful. Thanks Dad, Thanks Necro!" He gave me a hug and then went and even gave Necro a hug. I guess he was just to excited to control himself I mean hell I would be to if I was given something that made my already powerful skill even stronger.

"Ok, food's ready." Hannah said as she and the girls brought over platters filled with meat and eggs and bread. It looked so good and smelled even better. I was already drooling with a smile as Kitsoma handed me a plate.

"Thank you honey, Thank you girls, this looks and smells amazing."

"Thank you dad. Necro has a couple maids here who cook most meals and I learned some things..." Hannah said with a blush. I smiled seeing how happy she was to do stuff like this and I saw as Necro was happy to have her. I might have been mad at him for most of my life and wanted to kill him... But just in a day and seeing Hannah and how she changed has made me face some things myself.

"Let's hurry up and eat so we can get to moving out towards the dungeon. I have a few guards around the entrance and they are saying that the monsters are increasing in agression as we speak." Necro suddenly spoke up in urgency, He looked worried all of sudden and he started to shovel food into his mouth like he was a vacuum. The mood in the room suddenly shifted as everyone felt how serious he was and we all switched to doing the same and then hurrying up and leaving the castle. I transformed quickly and everyone packed in and Necro summoned a bone crow that was able to fly fast enough to lead me to the dungeon. We got there within the next few hours and when we got there we saw as a horde of skeletons and zombies were fighting against armored versions of different Undead and Night creatures.

I saw as Vampires and Werewolves were fighting side by side along with shadowy creatures that disappeared in puffs of smoke only to reappear seconds later behind zombies to destroy their heads and then repeat that process across the battlefield, I'm guessing those were shades or wights maybe? Then I saw as pale humanoid creatures with huge clawed hands and amazing speed were running through the horde and shattering bones and slashing rotten flesh with ease. Those looked like ghouls from what I could tell from some of the shows I watched...

Behind the defending creatures was a tent with some people standing guard and some patrolling in heavy looking armor and dangerous looking weapons. I landed nearby and soon they surrounded me and pointed the weapons at me. But before they could advance Necro showed himself and they all bowed and they made room as a woman in heavy armor with a platinum silver hair in a high pony tail walked up and slammed her fist towards her chest.

"Lord Necro. Commander Vannessa at your service." She said as she bowed. Necro stopped in front of her and patter her shoulder.

"Raise your head Commander, What is the situation? I brought some help but I didn't think it had gotten this bad. Sorry I couldn't get here sooner."

"No No, please don't apologize sir, we are honored that you even felt it worth your time to come here. We should have been enough but something happened within the last couple of hours that caused the monsters to rampage and soon a dungeon break happened and now what you see is how it has been since it happened. I have just come back from the frontline for my break rotation to heal and replenish my mana. I will go back soon my lord if you will let me please let me rest for just a few seconds." She bowed and begged, Necro just smiled.

"Please rest. I don't need sacrifices, I need everyone to stay healthy and living... well.... you know what I mean. Anyways, this is my wife Hannah and her father Vexus. He is here to help clear this dungeon and now if possible find out what's causing the rampage?" He said as more of a question as he looked over at me with question marks in his eyes. I chuckled as I nodded at him. Him smiled back at me before he turned towards the fight and took a step forward and raised a hand.

His face took a serious tone and a wave of darkness rose up a few feet in front of him before rushing towards the fight. As it washed over his people it seemed to invigorate them and while it washed over the skeletons and zombies it seemed to slow them down and even caused some of them to disintegrate instantly.

"Wow. Nice spell Necro, wonder how much mana that cost ya?" I asked with a smirk knowing he was just trying to show off with sarcasm dripping off everyword. That was when the commander rose up and was in my face in a flash with anger clearly written on her face.

"How dare you speak to my lord like that you overgrown lizard! You will speak to him with respect or I will plant you in the dirt where you stand!" She said and I got a good look at her face as I gazed down at her. Her eyes were red with how angry she was but it didn't take away from how beautiful she was. Her face cheeks were slightly full and had a puffy look exactly opposite from those angular stereotypes that you would think a vampire cheeks would be like. Her face was fuller and was a more oval roundish shape that made her eyes and her lips a huge focal point for anyone that stared at her.

"Wow." Was all I could say as she glared up at me.

"Great... he found another one." Mara said as she just flung her arms up in exasperation and Kitsoma just sighed. Lula just looked confused but as she saw the look in my eyes she soon just made an 'OH' expression and smiled.

"Hey! Focus Vexsus, You got a job to do remember?" Necro said as he snapped his fingers a few times in between me and her. I shook my head a few times as I reeled back and glared at him and saw as he only smirked while when I looked at Vannessa she only glared back at me while I saw as her cheeks flushed for a slight second.

"Ugh, fuck it. Give me a second and tell your army to jump back when I give the say so. Can you stall the horde so your army can fall back Necro?"

"I think so? I have enough mana for one more big spell but that's about it why?"

"Because I will blast through the horde and draw their attention to me and I will take down as many as possible while they attack from their back. My body and armor can take their attacks forever since I don't feel much power coming from them so I will be the best distraction while your army rests and recuperates."

"Honey... Are you sure? That is pretty dangerous. What if something happens and you get hurt or something unexpected happens." Kitsoma came up and said with worry in her eyes.

"It's fine, I need to release this pent up tension I've been dealing with for awhile anyways. These small fry are the perfect way for that. You ready Necro?"

"Yea let's do it."

I flexed my legs and cracked my neck as I focused mana around my body and soon I jumped through the air and during the hang time I saw as another wave of darkness went through the horde and army and then the army started to retreat while the horde seemed to be paralyzed. I landed soon after and started to send spatial bombs left and right to gather asmuch as possible and then switched to grabbing skellies and using them as clubs and shooting spatial bullets as I ran through and going as far as possible. Soon I felt a presence appear behind me and I was sailing through skeletons and zombies as I created a sonic boom. I felt immmense pain all down the left side of my body and my left arm was flapping in the wind like some kind of wacky inflatable tube man, I knew it was broken but soon the bones rebroke and healed as I approached the ground and ducked and rolled along the ground but I ended up skipping like a rock on water.

Soon I finally stopped after creating a huge skidding landing site like some kind of meteor and before I could get up a familiar voice I didn't think I would ever hear again spoke up right next to me.

"Hey cousin.... did you miss me?"

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