My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 162 The Dungeon Graveyard Pt. 8

I woke up looking up at the bottome of a tent and felt as a cool breeze was flowing through bringing a sweet smelling scent of baked bread and pastries.

"Mmmm, something smells wonderfull." I muttered but then the memories of the last day came flooding back and I shot up because last I knew I was supposed to be on the battlefield. I shot to my feet ready to fight but all around me was nothing but the confused faces of my wives.... and Vannessa... for now.

"Lord Necro told me to stay here in order to keep in eye on you and to report to him when you wake up." She said after I calmed down after a minute of getting my bearing straightened out.

"He did, but only because she was looking over at your unconscious body all worried like haha. Ya know for someone who hasn't known him for very long you sure are throwing off some heavy fuck me vibes Vannessa. Should we leave you and Vex alone in the tent for a few minutes? Don't worry he doesn't take to long... But boy those few minutes are heaven, MMM!" Mara said with a shiver at the end of that. She didn't have to say how long I lasted but atleast she tried to make me sound better than I actually was....

But ofcourse saying that made Vannessa flustered beyond belief and she took off stuttering something about reporting to Necro so I just shot a look at Mara before we all started laughing. I walked over and gave her a kiss before I sat down in front of a tray of food that looked suspiciously freshly cooked. It was a tray of cooked meats and bread and a side plate of pastries and even some form of doughnuts.

"Aren't we in the middle of a fight? How the hell are there people cooking right now?" I asked before shoving a mouthful of food. I may be wondering that but I was still hungry and definitely not going to pass up food.

"It's because of your barrier babe. Aslong as a squad goes around and takes out a good chunk of the creatures attacking, the barrier takes care of itself and stays active. As for Lizaria and Desmaros... Well Necro said that they are more than likely staying at the boss' room of the dungeon in order to stay out of the fight and in order to stay at the top of their game for when we make our way to them." Mara said that after she finished eating a chocolate covered doughnut whole but not before she seductively licked a bit of chocolate that had dripped down onto her finger while she looked directly at me... After this I am so taking a few days to myself and them.... Nothing but making Mara and I's child has more siblings.

"By the way Mara, I know it's off topic but how are you doing with the pregnancy? Some things have happened recently and I totally spaced out on that... I'm super sorry and had I remembered there was no way in hell you would have come here. It's only been what a few months maybe? I can't remember...." I lowered my head in shame but she just chuckled and waved her hand.

"Honey don't worry, my succubus side made sure that the embryo is growing up fast and strong. I'm sure that within the next oh? 4 month? Give or take? He should be ready to come meet his daddy!" She said as she smiled real big while rubbing just under her naval area. I nodded but then stopped as her words clicked in my head and the loading bar to the otherwise DSL hookup connection that was my brain finally connected.

"Hold on! HE! HE! Y-Y-You You You mean." I kept stuttering with a goofy grin on my face while looking between the girls but they were just smiling back at me. It appeared they all knew and were just waiting for Mara to tell me.

"FUCK YEA!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and grabbed Mara in a hug and lifted her up and started swinging her around laughing. She started smacking me to let her down and I saw as she looked a little green. I laughed as I apologized for being an asshole and being to giddy and not realizing what I was doing in a spur of the moment kinda thing.

"Holy shit, Mara really? How can you tell? Is it some kind of succubus type deal?"

"Yea, We can sense what kind of energy a person gives off and using that I could tell what gender our baby is. Are you really happy with this Vex? I know I forced this on you and you went along with it but are you really? Be honest." She said with a serious look and tone.

I was still grinning as I knelt down before her and took her hands in mine. "Mara Shadowhear, You may have taken me against my will at first. But after that I fell in love with you and have continued to be in love with you ever since. What we have is not the result of what you did but of what we accomplished together. Yea, things were a little forced and went a little fast. But it all worked out and to be honest, I am happy you found me and did things your way. I'm sure Kitsoma loves to have another woman to complain about me to when I fuck up haha... But nonetheless hon. I love you and this little boy is going to be born into love."

I kissed her hand and gave her another hug as she started to tear up as she pressed against my chest. I knew she felt bad about the way she did things and I'm guessing the pregnancy didn't make things anybetter. But I was going to make sure that she knew how much I cared for her and that little boy.

"Now let's eat so I can go tell our daughter about her new little brother ok?" I said but then narrowed my eyes as they instantly looked away and even Lula started to try and whistle albeit horribly.

"Are you serious? Did everyone know but me? For how long?"

"Since before we headed out to come here?" She said with a sheepish smile.

"Ugh man. Whatever it's fine. I'm still happy I got to find out so it's not a big deal." I just shrugged as I felt a little defeated and started eating. A short while later Necro and Hannah came in followed by a still cooked lobster faced Vannessa who wouldn't even look in my direction.

"Hey guys, thanks for the food. Mara just told me about the baby by the way. I'm so happy." I said while smiling and waving around a tomohawk steak.

"Congratulations dad. I'm happy for you, have you had a chance to talk to the others about this yet? It would be a good time to talk to them and see how they are feeling about having a new sibling. No offense to my step-moms.... Aunts? Still haven't figured out what sounds natural? But either way you should talk to your kids about this dad." Hannah said as she snagged a steak that I had uncovered that was hidden underneath a huge porkchop covered in mashed potatoes. She devoured it before I could even say anything and then just smiled at me all cute like like She didn't even do anything in the first place while I just sat there staring at her wide eyed watching her the whole time.

"I guess your right." I said as I kept staring at her and reaching for a new item off the tray. "They are important to me and they deserve to voice their opinion and be heard. After this they will be my next stop." I turned to let the wives know. I didn't want to sound demanding but I should have taken that approach from the start...

We finish eating and Hannah and Necro go off to do whatever the commander of an entire kingdom and his queen does... and then Vannessa decides to stay behind and 'guard' the girls as they relax and recuperate.

I walk off and look for my kids and was directed towards a group of four dragonoids as they shoot out violent magical projectiles out towards the creatures as they try and attack the barrier and that is when the voices become a bit clearer.....

"Why can't dad just trust us to fight with him! UGH!" Grayson yelled as a huge fireball erupted from his fist and exploded into a crowd of zombies and nothing was left within a 5 ft. blast radius.

"Probably because he doesn't want to lose us like he did Hannah... But I understand where you're coming from brother. HA!" Michael said calmly before shouting and slashing forward and a light slash in the form of a crescent shot forth and cut everthing in half for a good 20 ft. before disappearing.

"You two need to calm down, What if he hears you?" Grace asked as she waved her hand and an orb of water appeared and flashed blue before dispersing over her siblings and as the water settled over them I could feel as their energy and life refilled.

"Too late sister... He's already behind us." Harper said as she sent a Earth spear that was the length of a 6 ft. hurtling towards the zombies and skeletons while spinning and even creating a vortex of air. I was thoroughly impressed at how powerful my kids were and in my heart I knew I was treating them wrong but also in my heart I was still afraid that if I let them fight what if I made that choice and they got hurt or killed and I could have stopped it? What if I could have prevented it by fighting in their place?

"Hey kids, We need to talk. I know you want to fight on the front lines, and I should let you, but I'll be honest and say that I am afraid that you will get hurt.... I am afraid that you will get killed when I could've been there to prevent that or stopped it by fighting in your place. I love you guys so much and I know how powerful you are because you are my kids, my precious babies. But because you are my babies, I can't bring myself to put you into that danger...."

"Dad. We can't be coddled forever. you are the strongest person in the the entirety of our territory, but if we stay under your shadow forever than we will forever be known as your children but nobody will know us by our names alone.... I want to be known as Michael. Not Vexsus' son Michael. I hope you understand because if you don't then soon enough if things don't change then you will force my hand to do something drastic." He said as he gripped his sword and took a step towards me with a confidence in his eyes that I never saw before. I could feel the challenge as it laced his voice and I felt it start to emenate from the other 3 aswell as they nodded at me as I looked at them.

I looked a bit longer but then sighed and shook my head. "Fine.... Fight me then." I looked up resolutely. If they wanted to be known by their own accolades and prove themselves then they have to prove that they can handle themselves, the only way I will have a piece of mind that my baby dragons are not under my protection is if they can beat the strongest and by his own words, I was exactly that.

"W-w-what did you just say?" Grayson said with wide eyes. He didn't step back and at that I smiled. None of them did and that was a good sign, I smiled even more as Michael tightened his grip on the sword and lowered his stance a bit and started to pool his energy already. He was getting ready even as they others were confused.

"Fight me and if you win then I will stop being so overprotected. Michael said it himself. I am the strongest right? Well then if you can beat the strongest and prove yourself than you will prove yourself worthy to be known by your own names, by your own accolades. BEAT ME MY CHILDREN AND BECOME YOUR OWN PERSON!"

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