My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 170 The Dragon Of Destruction Pt. 2

I sat across from this shadow assassin looking woman while my wives stood on the bed behind me. I was happy to be awake finally but I was exhausted from the transformation that my body had underwent, it wasn't anything that was physically noticeable except for the fact that at one point in time my armor had fused with my, and I mean completely fused, to become my new scales and skin. I can feel the air now. I felt when I touched Kitsoma... Not just a weakened sense of touch either, I felt 100 percent each strand of her fur that my skin touched, It was like my sensitivity was turned up 300%.


My other senses haven't lagged behind either. My eyes can see past this womans shadow armor and see her true form underneath... She looks alright? I mean she looks like she could do with a steak or 5 and maybe laze around for a couple days.... What I'm saying is that she looks a bit underweight. Hungry But saying that now, I can see that she has built up a fine layer of muscle and is actually rather toned. She was pretty fast and attacked with accuracy earlier so maybe my judgement is a bit skewed.


Ugh... My ears keep ringing because of some kind of dog barking and growling and people yelling off in the distance, I heard what sounded like a body falling down nearby but considering how the others aren't reacting I don't think they hear this? But dammit what is this fucking awful smell??? Sulfur? Rotten eggs? Did the Kitchen open up a bad batch this morning? Either way I hope that whatever they send isn't what I'm going to be eating because I'm to hungry at this point to really care and I'll just have to deal with it.HUNgRY If need be I'll just send it to the abyssal stomach and go hunting for something else.

Internally however was a different story, My blood vessels and bones are now pumping out not only blood but also mana. To the point where I feel dizzy if I don't try and relax to keep my blood from pumping too much. Something inside me is creating an excess of mana that my body isn't able to handle and right now it's fighting back with adverse effects. If I don't figure something out quickly I'm afraid of what could happen.STArVinG! Is this what happened to Necro? Is the thing that was created after closing that Tear the thing forcing my body to absorb all this excess mana? I need to hurry up and eat because The Hunger is starting to cloud my mind at a rapid pace and my thoughts are starting to escappe me..

Just as the thoughts of how delicious this shadow woman might be and how I would enjoy the taste of her blood, the tent flaps opened with the wafting smell of roasted meats and baked pastries. My mouth started to drool as the platters were placed in front of me and I held on with what little control I had as I looked to everyone first but Kitsoma only smiled at me and waved for me to dig in. I didn't need anymore confirmation as I started to dig in and swallowing huge bites whole with chugs of water and some kind of delicious fruit wine that was brought in along with it.

"We know how hungry you are baby. We know you are lost in thought and can't hear it but honey, your stomach has been roaring this whole time... I mean really look at this poor woman in front of you. You have been really staring at her for a good minute now."

Kitsoma came and rubbed my shoulder and wiped my face with a napkin not fearing once that I would bite her. I stopped ofcourse, but then looked over at Shienna. She was backed up as far away from me but still seated in her chair rooted in the same spot with a look of pure terror in her eyes.

"You have been staring at her with a look of a predator honey. You let your true power leak out while you did it and now this whole camp knows your awake... I think this whole territory knows your awake. I mean you even made Necro faint."

Huh? I looked over and sure enough there he was passed out but still breathing thankfully. Is this because he is weakened? He is really this bad? We need to find out a way to help him. I looked back at Shienna and smiled.
"I'm sorry about that, It is the unfortunate side effects of being blessed With the power of Gluttony. If I don't eat often and in large enough quantities, well you just had a sneak peak at what could happen. Now on to business it seems." I picked up a drink as my lizard brain was now satisfied and my Gluttonous stomach was satiated I could act more civilized. "So, I hear that you intended to kill me? But now that you got a glimpse of my power what about working for me instead? I heard that you went against the rules of your clan was that correct?"

I took another sip from my drink as I waited for Shienna to calm down enough to answer me. She was staring at me like a rabbit would a fox or maybe even a wolf, but eventually she nodded her head and she cleared her throat and started to talk.

'Ahem' "Yes, I am from a clan that lives within the shadows of the Dark Mountains. Our species has adapted to live within and even control the shadows, but as a consequence we cannot handle the light of day without first donning the shadow form you see before you. My clan in particular specializes in assassinations, but what we all have in common is that we take clients via contract summoning with those we trust." She looked over at Necro at this time who was still passed out from my earlier display of uncontrolled leak of power.... He was however starting to move around a little more so he was starting to come around to consciousness here in a few more minutes.

"So, You knew Necro for quite a while I take it?" I asked seeing the look of adoration in her eyes. Since I could see her true form I saw the smile she showed as she looked down at him. It was full of love that she would only show when nobody could see it.... Don't worry I'll keep it a secret... Hehe, for now, I'm still a little ticked off about you trying to kill my precious fox woman... Mmmm... No focus at the task at hand dammit!

I slapped myself to focus but that just made everyone look at me in shock. I just smiled at everyone and wave my hand like it was nothing. "I was just trying to regain my focus on what was happening, my brain was starting to wonder off haha. Anyways Shienna."

"Hmm?" Shienna asked still lost looking down at Necro with those eyes lost in thought of what could be and I just looked back at my girls and chuckled as they only sighed with smiles, I turned around but then stopped and turned back around to look at Vannessa with a confused look??? How long has she been here? Has she been here this whole time? I mean yea I want her as one of mine but I didn't think she would be the one to just take the jump and stick around.

"So you finally noticed haha, yes I have been here this whole time you've been asleep, The others agree that it's time I joined. I know it's sudden but lives a bitch then you die so why not take a leap of love and see right?" She smiled at me as she walked up to me and leaned down and kissed me. I went bug eyed at how bold this woman was. I ofcourse returned the kiss as I raised my hand and stroked her cheek and brushed her silky hair behind her ear.

She leaned back a little and we just stared at eachothers eyes for a moment as her blood eyes looked directly into mine.  "Hmm, have your eyes always been this shade of Emerald? I might be mistaken but I don't remember it being such a deep green before... I feel like I could stare into them forever."

Hmm, another change huh? looks like I'll need to find a mirror and give myself a once over... But I just focused back onto the beauty that was infront of me and smiled. "Why don't we continue this when there aren't as many to watch us ok? Plus I just woke up and I'm feeling a little tired, and honey... You are making me want spend alot more energy than my body has at the moment."

She went bright red at that but she beamed a wide smile and lightly slapped my cheek and backed up and sat on the bed with the rest of the girls as I turned to look back at Shienna who was finally focusing back to me... Well I guess now it was my turn to not be focused haha, today was just a whirlwind of being unfocused huh? Ahwell it's just one of those days.

"Anyways, I think you should stay with Necro and protect him but include my daughter in your protection from now on. You will be apart of his information network and provide the necessary information to keep his and my daughter's life from being endangered. In return I will provide you with upgraded armor and weaponry that are made with my very own scales as material, how does that sound? I know you love Necro and you want to be with him and to be honest since you broke your clans rules, why not go through with it and take that leap of love that my Vannessa just took and see if He will accept you? My Hannah is a loving girl and I'm sure once she gets to know you and you two hit it off, she won't have a problem with it.... Although to be honest she is my daughter and a part Dragonoid so... Eh, you might have a small problem now that I think about it... Meh, Let's just go with she is a loving girl and just get to know her."

About this time Necro woke up with a start and jumped up to his feet with a shadow spell charging and aimed at me instantly but I narrowed my eyes and waved my hand at him as I unleashed pure mana that enveloped his spell like a cocoon then I closed my hand into a fist and crushed his spell into nothingness. I don't know if I could do this with every spell but concentrated spells like fireballs or spells similar to what Necro was doing just now I had an instint in my body shouting to do this.

Everyone was standing there awestruck and staring at me wide eyed and wondering if what they just saw was reality or not.

"D-D-Did you just Destroy my spell? You didn't negate it but full on crushed it! You fucking Destroyed my spell Vexsus!" Necro yelled at me with a mix of anger, surprise and the kind of curiosity that only scientist have when they come across something they find intriguing enough to study.

"Something inside me just told me that I could so I did. Plus why the hell did you try and attack me man? You know that was stupid to begin with."

"Well I just remembered that I felt a huge pressure and then woke up remembered that you were staring at Shienna like she was a piece of grade A steak so I had to do something. How was I supposed to know that you had already eaten... By the way why was I on the ground?" He scratched his head now that he calmed down and looked around.

"You fainted when Vex let his power leak out. He hadn't eaten in a couple days and so he lost control for a little bit. Also side note? We should really get to work on figuring out how to fix your problem man. You should have been the one to handle it the best out of all of us here, not the only one to faint..." Mara said with a smirk as Necro looked embarassed and sighed.

"Yea, I will but there is so much bullshit going on right now. Speaking of, we need to go because I have to show you what we found spewing out of a dungeon not far from here Vex. It's Hellhounds but they are bipedal! They I will need your help again because they are way stronger than they should be and something tells me that someone is interfering with the dungeon to cause these creatures to mutate and evolve at a rapid pace far beyond what they should be..."

I sighed as yet again I was being roped into doing something shortly after an exhausting event. F my life right?

"So Shienna, does my proposition sound good?" I turned to her and asked and after a few seconds she nodded. "Great, come back with us after we go and see the Hellhound so I can get your armor size and you can tell me what kind of weapons you want. I'm sure I have some other material to add to make the armor comfortable aswell to make sure it's not just a hunk of uncomfortable scalemail."

We all got up and left the tent after that, a soldier that was waiting outside saluted Necro and started leading us towards a tent that was outfitted to look like a Field laboratory. I was starting to sneeze and hold a hand up to my nose a lot more out here because that god awful smell was worse... Ah! Hellhound, now it clicks in my head! No wonder it smells like Sulfur around here.... But one hellhound shouldn't make it smell this horrible should it?



Fuck me.....

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