My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 174 I Hate This Guy!

I tried to get up but when I pushed my muscles even the tiniest bit I felt a wave of intense pain shoot through me... Wait that isn't right? I do feel pain in my body but what I just felt was more like something else hurt, Like something deep inside of me was wounded and broken. I laid there in a cold sweat as my brain worked through the problems, I heard Lizaria in the background but what I felt was more of an issue than paying attention to her.

I grimaced as I pushed to move my hand up and over to the bleeding wound and as soon as I touched it I felt like something zapped my entire body as it contracted and flexed every muscle and arched up as my mind went blank for a second.

"Vexsus! You shouldn't move right now, Dad cut a huge wound across your chest and basically flayed you open. You just touched your raw nerves.... We are able to close this but it's a very slow process. Everyone was worried because what this is now is nothing compared to how you looked after he was done.... I'm so sorry Vexsus, I'm so sorry." She started to sniffle and I saw tears rolling down her face as she tried to keep wiping away the blood that was oozing out of me. Her hand that held the the rag was shaking so bad that she was actually trying to use her other hand to hold it steady. If I wasn't in so much pain I might have laughed at this.

She kept saying how sorry she was and how she should have done something, anything, to stop me from being hurt.

By this time I heard the door open and in walks Kitsoma with a bucket of fresh water and some rags. Her eyes looked a little hollow and I saw dried streaks where tears had been. She stood there looking at me for a few seconds as slowly the hollow look in her eyes were replaced with recognition as her mind realized that I was awake. She ran over to me and placed the rags and water down to the side of the bed before turning to me and lightly grabbing my hand. I tried to give her hand a sqeeze to reasure her that I was going to be ok..... But the pain that coursed through my body but at the same time not forced me to stop.

I knew what this was, But I was afraid of admitting to myself what that pain was, I had read countless stories about this kind of pain but reading it and feeling it are two completely different things.

"M-My S-S-Soul....Gah.... My S-S-Soul.... Ugh" I kept trying to speak but I could only get a few stuttered words out before I was wracked with pain again... Whatever that fucker did caused me to lose all strength and reduced me to a sniveling bitch while I'm forced to watch my love cry over seeing me in pain. I swear I will get back at that bastard! I will destroy him slowly and when he is begging for mercy I will heal him and start all over from scratch. I will do this until he is nothing but a broken down husk and then when it is all over.... I will FUCKING HEAL HIM AGAIN GODDAMIT!!!!

"Vexsus No! Bad dragon!" Kitsoma said as she hit me over the head, lightly ofcourse.

I looked at her with a confused look but she just nodded towards Lizaria. I looked over at her as she was looking at me with fear... She wasn't backing away in terror of me so I was still confused.

"That's her dad dipshit! Even if he wasn't around her whole life she still doesn't want to see her lover and her father fighting to the death." Kitsoma pulled my attention back to her as she gracefully stroked my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"I know this is alot to ask you, but please, can you just let this go? For Lizaria's sake?"

I took a deep breath as I tried to calm down so I could retract the powerful waves of magic that flowed from my body. I sighed before shaking my head. "Yea, I guess I can, but dammit this hurts!" I tried to draw in some magic but only about 20% was able to stay within my body as the rest just dissipated into nothing. But I just used what I could get and focused on using what I had to channel healing towards the wound on my body. I tried to heal whatever was hurting within my body, or my soul, but it was in vain. I knew it was going to be but I just had to try.

Slowly as the large wound started to close I started to feel tired like I had just ran a marathon. My lungs started to burn and I could barely breathe, My muscles started to cramp up all over and I felt as if a cold sweat started to pour from my forehead. Kitsoma looked worried about me and tried to stop me but before she could do anything I had already gave up on using the healing and laid there trying to catch my breath.

"Vexsus... Your body is healing as much as it can, you should just lay here and relax ok? Don't try and use magic right now. All you will accomplish is hurting yourself further. We changed your bandages as much as possible, Me and Liz will be leaving and Mara and Lula will be here in a few minutes to take over. Until they get here just lay still and try not to do anything stupid. I know that is a very hard thing to ask of you but I need you to listen to me ok? Please Vex."

Kitsoma stood there with a stoic look on her face but the tears flowing down her face as she looked down at me told a different story, I fucked up again but this time the cost wasn't as bad as some of the other times, but this time it felt worse because this time I'm awake and having to watch as my love cried and begged me to not do something stupid again....

"Haaaa... Yea I will, I promise."
She nodded and turned around and left while Liz turned around once to give me one last look. I smiled at her and waved my hand for her to hurry up and go then I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep.

*Vexsus can you hear me? Something is cutting off a part of my connection with you, Vexsus?*

My eyes popped open wide as I heard Gula speak. I felt a pulse coming from my brand but it was weak, almost non existent weak.

"I'm here Gula, it's good to hear from you after so long."

*Vexsus Thank god you're ok! I've been trying to contact you for a few hours as soon as I felt our connection weaken, It felt like something cut it but thankfully our bond wasn't severed. I used some of my energy to restore what I could but I'm still slightly weakened. It will take a while for the connection to fully be restored but it's strong enough to let us communicate. What the hell happened Vex?" She asked with concern oozing out of every word. She was worried, but I couldn't tell if it was genuine concern for me or because I was her source of power.

"It's fine Gula, I made a mistake and now I'm paying the price, My lover Liz's father showed up and because he said something that pissed me off I attacked. But I guess that his power completely dwarfs mine and he not only gave me a huge wound across my body, but he also attacked my soul."

I heard a gasp from another person and raised an eyebrow. "Gula, is there someone else there with you?"

*Yes, it's just me Vexxy darling, I just couldn't stand by while Gula was acting so frantic. I felt our connection weaken aswell but I believed you were still alive, But to think that your soul itself was attacked.... This person must be very powerful.*

"I guess? I mean I don't feel any fear when I think about him, and I feel like I can gain the power to overcome his. It's just that right now I am weaker."

I heard a sigh come from Gula as she spoke up again.

*Dammit Vexsus! You need to focus on giving me more strength, the sooner you do that the sooner I can give you more power in return! You have been giving me some of your energy yes, but that is just the amount to sustain my current power. I need more from you. I need you to go and hunt a large amount of sacrifices for me Vexsus, The other Sins are drawing closer and Ira's barrier to keep them out can only hold on for so long.*

"Fuck! Does this mean that at this moment the other Sins are attacking you and Ira? How much longer can you hold on for Ira?"

*Oh honey I have more than enough power, Don't try and force yourself for our sakes. I can hold on aslong as I need to.*

*She is lying Vexsus, even as we speak the barrier around her domain is starting to shake. The Sins and their most powerful bonded are here in an attempt to get us. We don't have anymore time to wait. I will use my energy to heal your physical body but I don't have the strength to fix your soul. It will heal with time but for now I need you to push forward and get me more power, I am relying on you Vexsus. I will see you soon.*

With that I felt as our connection faded away and a green glow concentrated on my body. My muscles spasmed and my blood felt like lava as it flowed through my veins but I saw as the large wound on my body started to close at a rapid pace, Soon nothing but a fresh line was seen where it was. I breathed in a deep lungful of air as the physical pain was gone. I tried to draw in magic but the ache from my soul emerged. That was good to know and a test that needed to be done. Aslong as I don't use magic I would be fine and I could handle the slight dull ache that radiated throughout my body. I assumed this pain was because a Dragon's body is filled with mana always just the same as my blood.

I lifted myself off the bed just in time for Mara and Lula to walk through the door. I stared at them with a look of terror as They both were staring at me with their eyes filled with flames that I swore I could've seen myself being burned alive in.

"Hehe, um hi? Now listen before you get to worked up just hear me ou...." Before I could finish my sentence chains of darkness wrapped around my arms and legs and a pair of giant bear paws grabbed me and slapped me like a volleyball back onto the bed. I gasped as the air was knocked out of my lungs but I could handle it and I knew they weren't threatening my life.

"Kitsoma told us you might do something like this, She gave us permission to wrangle you however we see fit if it meant you were in bed resting." Mara spoke as she walked over and climbed up onto Lula's paws and sat down on one of her giant knuckles.

"You are supposed to be resting ya stubborn dragon! I can see your body was healed somehow but I still feel like something is wrong with you?" She cocked her head to the side curiously.

"My soul is still damaged and I will have to let it heal on its own. But before you two came in I was contacted by Gula." As soon as I said Gula, Lula turned back into her human form which caused Mara to slam down onto my stomach and knock the damn wind out of me again. Thankfully the chains disappeared as I started panting and trying to breathe but Lula almost ripped my head off as she turned it so that I was looking directly into her eyes.

"What did she say!? Is she ok? Can I finally talk to her again? What is going on Vexsus dammit speak!" She started to spout off more questions but I soon put my hand up to her mouth to close off the hot air machine so that I could get a word in edgewise.

"She is in trouble Lula. She needs me to get out and start hunting for her. Her and Ira are being besieged by the other Sins and Ira is the only one with enough power to put up a barrier to protect them, but she is losing power rapidly. I need to leave and start sacrificing more energy to them as soon as possible. Gula used more of her energy to heal my body but not my soul. Aslong as I don't use magic I can handle the dull ache I still feel but I have to leave now. Go tell Kitsoma what I said as I head out."

Lula stared at me for a moment but only nodded as she got up quickly and left the room. I looked over at Mara with a raised eyebrow as if to ask what she was going to do.

"What do you think? I will be coming with you to make sure you don't die or do something stupid and get hurt even worse. This way I can atleast limit how much damage you take." She got up and walked over to a closet that opened up to reveal a set of leather armor that was inside. It didn't look bulky and it looked like a large chunk of material was cut from it but as she put on the armor I saw why that was.....

"Why does your armor look like it's made to be lingerie? I mean It's not see through but you might aswell just go naked with the amount of protection this armor Doesn't give you! I mean hell your tits are little more than busting out of that thing! I mean not that I mind ofcourse but in a fight I don't think it will help you...."

This thing was just a little more than a leather bikini. It covered her abdomen and breasts but it had a huge cut out to show a huge amount of cleavage. It also went down to her knees but it fanned out into more of a skirt that rode up higher in the back so that when she turned and bent over I saw a teaser of her ass as just the bottom of her cheeks were seen....

"Hehe, honey this was made just for me to make my succubus powers easier to use. It's way easier to use my charm on people already horny than to make them horny first, even you have to admit that makes sense." She smiled at me seductively as she came and sat down over my lap as I raised up and wrapped my arms around her. I drew in a bit of magic while wincing in pain as I drew a protective circle over her armor and put a more concentrated one over her stomach.

"Vexsus, honey why?" She asked with worry but I only smiled up at her as I took one hand and started rubbing her belly.

"I couldn't live with myself if something happened to my loves, and this little guy needs all the protection he can get right now. Once he is born and big enough to train than I can get him ready for the world, but right now his daddy will go through hell if it meant that I could protect him better."

She smiled down at me and leaned over as our lips met and a passionate kiss ensued that lasted for a few intense moments that left us breathless afterwards. She dismounted off my lap and gave me a hand to help me up. "This had better be worth it Vexsus, your Sin is asking a lot from you ya know?"

"Yes I know babe, but if she dies than that means something less is available for this world. I don't know what happened for her to be so weak but I have the opportunity to help her. I can't sit idle knowing that."

"Ugh, fine, let's just go. I'm sure Kitsoma and the others will be coming with us so I feel pretty good about this." Mara smiled and chuckled as we both walked out the door and into the common area where the other 3 girls were waiting with their own unique armors on.

"We are ready Vex, Lula told us what's going on and while I do not like this, I understand already what you're thinking and I agree that we need to do something and fast." Kitsoma walked up to me and smiled after saying as we kissed. Vannessa looked shyly at me and Kitsoma kissing and I smirked as I walked over to her. She had donned her heavy armor just like when I first saw her but seeing her look shy and nervous made me chuckle as nothing about her heavy armor looked imposing now. It instead just looked like a cute girl to me.

"Hi Vannessa, thank you for coming with me." I said and as she turned to speak that was when I caught her by suprise and kissed her lips. They were suprisingly soft and supple which I didn't expect from a hardened warrior. But hearing the soft gasp of surprise followed by the soft moans of happiness as she leaned against me to deepen our kiss made me happy.

We parted after a second and looked at the others. "Ok, so do we have a hunting ground nearby that is filled with good prey?"

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