My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 2 - Baby Steps

I wake up with a massive headache so with eyes closed I reached out to my end table to get whatever drink I had there only to slam my hands into a rough surface. I opened my eyes to see that my hand is now flush up against a green colored egg that looked like it was covered in scales.

'Oh yea I remember now I got smeared like jam across a intersection by a truck and woke up as a newborn dragon, but hold on is it just me or has these eggs gotten bigger? especially that golden red on over there that thing seems like its as big as momma dragons head.'

After I realize where I was and what I am my stomach decides to make the loudest growl ive ever heard and shortly after a face enters my view from above as a sweet motherly tone calls out

"Hello little one did you sleep well?"

Noticing that I actually understood her I had a brief panic attack but after quickly recovering and not being able to speak yet I just shook my head no and rubbed my head.

"Aww my little one is hurting its ok it'll feel better after you eat here have some left over human that dared to come to cull us."

After hearing this I was a bit reprehensive about eating human meat but if it meant this pain would go away it looks like I will just have to suck it up and get used to my new bodies needs, so I took what I could only assume was a leg and after managing to get up the courage I took a bite out of leg and the moment I tasted the meat I became ravenous and devoured the rest of that leg and even made noises towards my mother to try and get more meat. After succeeding and getting more food I heard a ding in my head and then a screen popped up in my face

[Sufficient amount of sustenance acquired pain will cease]

.... Not only have I been reincarnated as a dragon of all things I even got a system, this is like a wet dream for any weeb in my old world, now to learn how to work this system and find out what exactly is going on

After a couple of hours mentally straining myself to the point where more than a couple times I forced out not so flattering noises, and after repeating numerous cliché phrases to summon the system it wasn't until I decided to say screw it and sleep for the night did anything happen. As I was resting peacefully and was just starting to drift off to dreamland a force seamed to suck my conscious into a different dreamscape and there I was presented in front of a Giant Green ball of some kind of translucent energy

"Welcome little one it seems you are not of this universe, nor is that your original body. Hmmmmm very curious indeed but that is nothing of importance for I the original sin of gluttony have appeared in this dreamlike form to give you my blessing and to give you direction in your new life as a newly branded descendant of my bloodline, even now as you sleep your blood is changing to support the things that my power is going to grant you, but beware I am not the only sin nor am I the only one that is currently watching over the world you were just born into, but first comes the branding."

The next second was the most intense pain I have ever felt in my life back on earth, it was like the sun was reduced to the size of needle head and traced a design onto the right arm of my dream body, if I was awake I'm sure that I would be smelling meat cooking, and after what seemed like forever the pain finally started to disappear.

"The branding is complete Seeing as how much that took out of your soul I will come again at a later date to view your progress, for now I will send you into a deep sleep so that your soul may heal from the damage."

From there the dreamscape seemed to dissolve until nothing but darkness was all around me and then finally my consciousness faded as a green light started to glow faintly from the brand.

I woke up the next day as a headache takes over 'so it looks like everyday is gonna start with a headache, I assume its because I'm hungry well looks like its time to act cute for food.' With that I started to chirp and what I can only hope comes off as pleas for help and before long mom came by with some food and it looks like this time its wolf meat, Thank whatever god put me here because even after my frenzy yesterday I was still a little off mentally about eating human flesh.

But this time after I finished eating a screen pops up in my face.

[Sufficient meat of the monster {Basic Lupine} has been consumed now assimilating DNA]

Shortly after that message a wave of immense pain ran through my body before I shut my eyes to try and concentrate on dealing with the pain but after a while it seemed like the pain only got worse so without thinking I screamed out and instantly both of my parents ran over to look at me and try and figure out what's wrong with me.

In a state of panic my mother started to glow green around her hands as a wave of a gentle breeze brushed past me I could feel the pain starting to subside but as the spell ended the pain redoubled and it even felt as if it offended by the healing spell cast on it, the pain eventually made me black out and the last image I saw was of my father looking at me with a gleam of expectation and interest in his eyes.

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