My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 21 - The Rescue

The world around me was nothing but a smoke filled haze as my life force burned away to counter the extreme danger I was in.

"WHAT IS THIS POWER, YOU ARE ONLY A YOUNGLING YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE THIS POWER! LEAVE THIS PLACE YOU NUISANCE BUT BE WARNED WHEN I FIND YOU NEXT I WILL BE AT FULL STRENGTH WITH AN ARMY OF DESTRUCTION AT MY CALL!" I heard this roar into my mind as a blast of spatial energy slams into me, with a flash of void and darkness I blink and see that I am now back at the camp.

I look around in confusion to see the other apprentices just stare at me in surprise. Lizaria was the first to get up and run towards me.

"Vexsus are you ok? you ran off so suddenly and then shortly after Master ran after you. We heard a loud explosion and then next second you appear as a tear in space happens. Where is Master?"

"I was trapped by some monster that wanted to 'study' me and it put up some kind of spatial barrier where only he had the power, Masters voice went off in my head saying that he was trying to rescue me but that I was in the presence of one of the original Shadow Eaters. It knew that Master was there trying to help me and almost killed me with some kind of pressure but I was able to use some kind of skill that I guess scared it, and it sent me here using some kind of space spell. I don't know if master is still there or not but whatever that thing was I do not want to meet it again."

they just stared at me mentally debating to believe me or not. That was until a loud boom goes off in the distance and from the direction I went. A huge cloud of dust swept over us aswell as a massive wind wall that sent us flying back. after we got up and got our bearings we could see flames and smoke rising from far away, we all look at eachother and with a unanimous nod we start heading in that direction looking for our Master. Only to see a ball of flame come hurtling over our heads and slam down creating a huge impact crater.

We go to examine it and find Master Lucan limply stumbling out of the crater.

"We have to leave now! I injured that monster which only pissed it off. We have to go, Vexsus since you bit off a chunk of Stoney and gained a new leg you are in charge of carrying me while we evacuate."

Sparing no time I have Desmaros lift Master onto my back and running as fast as we can considering Stoney's injury we get as far away as possible from that area while loud roars and explosions blanket the area behind us.

We run for what feels like hours surprisingly my body was able to withstand this amount of strenuous exercise way easier than before. Having no time to contemplate I just chalk it up to my transformation.

We get to a cave with no signs of activity around the entrance and after setting down Master with Lizaria looking after him. Me and Desmaros take a look inside the cave to make sure it was safe.

"Listen Vexsus what happened back there I'm sorry but my cousin is top priority I consider her a sister. my Auntie and Mother gave me the job of protecting her and I will not fail. My father and her father Left to continue their adventure but I believe that one day they will come back for us and take us on their adventures with them."

"I understand Desmaros I do I just need to have someone who can watch my back while I figure out this whole mess. Especially now that my sin is activating on its own, I need to understand how it activates and what I can do to keep it under control. I promise that if I can help it I will not put her in danger you have my word."

After our little heart to heart we finish up securing the cave and besides a small hole in the very back to that appears as though it was made in case of a cave in as an air hole, it was otherwise safe so we bring Master in and set him up against the side. I turn to Lizaria. "Lizaria please keep looking after him I will go grab some firewood and hopefully some food for us. Desmaros your on guard duty but first, Stoney do you have any kind of earth sense ability?"

He looks at me still with anger but after a few seconds I can see his mind is working and he eventually answers. "Yes I do its limited to only a few dozen feet around me but I am still training it."

"Great, once I leave consider this a great training opportunity for that skill because I want you to be on constant alert and help prepare incase something tries to claim this cave or get a easy meal out of our master."

After they agreed I left and using detection I was able to spot a few rabbits within only a few meters in the trunk of a tree. I sneak up to the tree and with a slow exhale I unleash my rolling fog, shortly after I can hear small hacks and coughs before silence. then I just had to dig a little bit and revealed 4 rabbits each with a different color. I bring them out and set them to the side then turn back to the tree. I figure next best way to get firewood instead of searching would be to just blow up a tree and pick up what's left. I use my smoke blast ability and blast apart a good part of the trees trunk then after picking up the rabbits I go back to cave drop them off and then go back for the pieces of firewood.

I take the firewood back and ask Lizaria to help start the fire. I notice as she conjures a small flame that her mana flickered. "Lizaria, have you rested since we got here? I only ask because I can feel your mana flickering."

"I'm fine I promise, but Master Lucan still needs help." and without saying anything else she turns back to Master and focuses another healing spell.

Desmaros stares at me with sympathy in his eyes because he knows how stubborn she can be. "Ok fine, I understand but you need to rest cousin."

"No Desmaros, he needs help and I am the only one here who even has the basics of healing spells."

I look between the 2 and then a brilliant idea popped into my head. I had this idea for a skill a while back when I was practicing magic but considering I had no one to really try it out on back home I decided to try it here with Ms. Stubborn. "Lizaria, look I get it you want to help as much as you can but if your running yourself ragged without resting then you won't be able to help anybody. I do have an idea though but I ask that if something happens that you don't blame me ok I just want to help you that's all."

She has a look of doubt on her face but after a short look down at Master who was still in rough shape even after her many attempts at healing she turns and nods to me. "I'll agree, I know that you wouldn't intentionally hurt me."

With her approval I feel like I'm back on track to gaining their trust. I walk up to her and place my forehead against her back. "AH, Vexsus your scales are cold."

"Whoops sorry not really anything I can do about that though I'll just be careful next time if this works." I caught sight of Desmaros giving me the stink eye from the corner of my vision after I said this.

After I focus on the task at hand I'm distracted again by how warm her skin is against my scales, and her smell filled my nose almost becoming intoxicating but I quickly shook my head from the distractions, and focusing even harder on the task at hand I imagine the mana funnel from my body into hers. After a little bit I slump to the ground as a gasp leaves her lips.

[Conditions have been met the skill: MP share has been granted]

"Vexsus what did you do I feel like I was renewed with energy?"

"Oh nothing much just discovered a new skill that's all, but on a completely unrelated note can I bother you for some food It seems my body has run out of energy and refuses to listen to me."

She chuckles which makes my chest flutter for a quick second. "Yes I will get you some food, its the least I can do." With a smile that could unthaw the coldest of glaciers she gets up and walks over to the fire that Desmaros took charge of and picked up one of the cooked rabbits that was covered in green fur but now only had burnt and charred fur.

She placed it in front of my face. "Here, and I promise after I help Master Lucan a little more I will lay down and rest for a little bit."

I nod and start to eat the rabbit, even crunching the bones and choking back what fur was left just to be sure I didn't miss a chance at a skill. before long I got the sound I was expecting as a ding goes off and I open up my menu.

[Earthen Rabbit Devoured. Auto Assimilation complete.]

?? Auto Assimilation I thought that happened only because I was out of control? does that mean that from now on my body will just assimilate without me agreeing? Granted I would never refuse to assimilate as that is the path to power but still to have that option taken away is a little disconcerting.

[Skill list Generated]

[Stone bullet] - after applying a little magic to a normal looking stone, the user is able to use the stone as a high velocity projectile to deal ranged damage.

[Burrow] - Using the casters naturally hardened claws, able to dig into the earth to hide or create a temporary home. At later levels increases what can be dug through.

[Quick step] - Using the casters compressed muscles, allows for a fast step in any direction.

I was definitely confused as I was given choices instead of just acquiring all of the skills. I ate the heart, the brain, the fur, even the bones. It made no sense that I was only given these small few choices on top of me being forced to choose at all, so I did what I considered a little weird I asked a question to the system itself.

'System I don't know if you can answer me but why is it when I ate the Wolf's heart I transformed and was given all of the skills but after eating this whole rabbit I was only give the choice between 3 skills, aswell as staying the same?'

[System query has been heard will now search database for suitable answer]

Holy shit it worked so now I just have to wait but thankfully I didn't have to wait long.

[Answer found: User was on the cusp of dying system override was initiated to increase survivability of host.]

? Wait does that mean that this system is a parasite? using the term host is indicative of being considered a parasite but it has given me so many things so maybe in return for giving the system something I am granted all of this? The questions just continue to rack up in my brain but I went ahead and chose [Quick Step] to augment my [Shadow Strike] ability but shortly after I was pleasantly surprised as a small gasp and a cough came from Master Lucan against the wall.

"Ugh now that sucked, I haven't used that move since I fought the last Space Dragon."

We all looked over with joy as our master woke up. but something in me was a bit disturbed by what he said just now.

"Master thank god your finally awake we were able to make it to a cave. With Vexsus' help we were able to get some food and start a fire." Lizaria being the closest started to say. Then Stoney came up beside her. "Yes, master it seems that even though me and Vexsus have some bad blood, he didn't think twice before going and doing what he could to help us. It will take a little bit of time but I feel like he is someone I can put my life on the line for."


Detection -> 30%

Rolling Fog 4/10 -> 5/10

Smoke blast 5/10 -> 6/10

'New' MP share lvl 0 0/10 - User sacrifices MP to refill others. For every 10 used, able to give others 1.

Quick step lvl 0 0/10 - Using the casters compressed muscles, allows for a fast step in any direction.

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