My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 24 - Quest Completed!

I stood there in confusion for a little bit longer to digest and comprehend just what happened.

'My brother hates me now for something that technically I did do, but she wasn't defenseless as a matter of fact if I was still as weak as I used to be I would have died. Then Aurum hates me as always but it seems like in my absence he gained a cooler head, I could work with that maybe instead killing one another we could have a friendly scrap then be on atleast a neutral basis.'

As I think of this I remember my true purpose for coming out this way and I hurry and open up my stat screen.


Variant Dragon - Smoke/Space

str 3

vit 8.5

spd 10

dex 1

con 3.5

Int 1

health 400

MP 30 (30)

stamina 420

Mental Fortitude Max - able to withstand mental attacks and lowers chances of mind-distorting effects

Pain Tolerance Max - able to withstand physical pain easier.

Shadow strike 4/10 - strike from an opponents blind spot to deal increased damage.

heat resistance 30% - able to withstand higher temperatures

Smoke breath lvl 1 1/20 - using your dragon bodies natural ability able to produce a smoke breath capable of causing obscured vision over an area and small amounts of damage upon being inhaled.

Smoke Stream lvl 0 3/10 - using knowledge of another world able create a concentrated stream of smoke capable of causing blindness and causing small amounts of damage upon being inhaled.

Smoke blast lvl 0 6/10 - by holding in a breath attack and allowing buildup, able to unleash a highly concentrated blast of smoke capable of causing large amounts of damage and ensuring blindness as well as lasting effects.

Rolling fog lvl 0 5/10 - using slow breaths of smoke able to create a slow fog to cover the ground.

Mana Manipulation lvl 2 15/30 - using the energy of the universe able to create natural and unnatural phenomena.

Mana Absorption !!!Max!!! - While concentrating able to absorb the ambient mana around the user to restore MP.

Mana assimilation lvl 0 0/10 - The user is now able to assimilate with the natural mana of the world to grow stronger the higher the stat the higher the requirement to gain stat point.

Mana storage lvl 1 (30)- able to store excess mana for use in emergencies.

Spatial Bullet lvl 0 5/10 - shoot a bullet using space mana to create a distortion in space.

Devour lvl 0 5/10 - consume flesh and energy of living and nonliving things, can store genetic material for healing or for body improvement.

Assimilation lvl 0 4/10 - using the genetic material from consumed flesh and energy able to strengthen the users body in different ways depending on what has been consumed.

Chimera lvl 0 0/10 - consuming enough of a species will grant the user the ability to partially morph and exhibit parts of the species devoured, later levels allow for more species to be used.

[Rage] lvl 1 0/10 - Focusing only on the anger within increase Str and Spd but lower all defenses.

[Ice resistance] - 20% - Capable of handling extremely low temperatures.

[Detection] 37% - By manipulation of the ambient mana the user is able to create a circle of awareness using the caster as the center.

[Hardened scales} lvl 0 0/10 - Increase in natural thickness in scales leading to a rise in defense.

[Vitality of the Boar] lvl 0 0/10 - assimilation of a magical boar species will grant an significant increase in users wellbeing.

[Light Magic comprehension] 15% - user has comprehended a small part of the use of the element of light 100% will grant full unlock of Light magic.

[Ice Magic Comprehension] 10% - User has gained understanding of Ice Magic.

[Lightning resistance] 0% - Able to withstand lightning elemental attacks.

[Lightning muscles] 2/10 - Using small bursts of electric the user is capable of enhancing muscle power by a percentage based on skill level. 'Alert' Skill will cause debuff upon ending.

[Pack mentality] 0% - The user will connect with others they trust to form a strong bond that increases teamwork aswell as small buff to stats dependent on skill level.

[Static hide] 0/10 - the user will now emit small bursts of static electricity over their bodies to provide defensive properties.

[Sealed Skill: Life Burn] - 0/10 - User sacrifices lifespan to greatly increase power to phenomenal levels potentially rivaling the gods themselves.

[MP share] lvl 0 0/10 - User sacrifices MP to refill others. For every 10 used, able to give others 1.

[Quick step] lvl 0 2/10 - Using the casters compressed muscles, allows for a fast step in any direction.

[Life steal] lvl 0 0/10 - The user is able to siphon the life force of his enemies. early levels require physical contact. Chance of absorbing life force equaling permanent stat boosts.

[Unyielding Vitality] - The user gains Immunity for 5 seconds after receiving a fatal blow.

I also got a nice surprise when I opened it as a notification that a Quest had been completed.

[Quest (Kill and Devour 5 monsters) has been completed] - User will gain audience with Ancestor shortly

Crap, ok so this is going to be another forced meeting before I get sucked away I had better get back to the cave. Using my lightning muscle skill I jolt back to the cave, I enter quickly which startled the others but I immediately speak up.

"Listen, The original Sin is going to call my consciousness away so I hurried to get back here I will answer any question after I return, I do not know how long it'll take please watch over my body."

At that moment they all had slack jaws but a ding went off in my head as my sight dimmed and my body crashed onto the floor. My spiritual body was then in front of a huge green gas. Except this time it had more of a humanoid shape.

"Welcome back little one, I see you finally completed my quest. To be more accurate you had completed this quest some time ago but I had other matters that was in need of my direct attention."

I bow slightly before speaking. "No problem Ancestor, I am grateful you took the time to see me. To be honest this is a bit unexpected and if I had not rushed back to my comrades in time my physical body would have been left in the middle of a forest."

The gas tilts its head to the side in what seemed like a thinking pose, It then raised a hand and floated it close to my body. "Here, this is a communication sigil. It will help us communicate better in the future, I was not thinking about your physical body being in danger." Its hand touches me and a sigil burns its appearance onto my head right about my left ear area.

"Back to the reason I called you here, I have decided to send you another test. Things with the other sins have heated up recently, Not only has Pride awakened one of her chosen but so has Envy, Honestly I can handle dealing with Pride, She is conceited yes but in the end she has a calm calculated mind. Envy however just wants everything that he thinks he deserves over others, even his cousin Greed is not so bad, he atleast can be bribed to leave me alone."

As my Sin kept talking It seemed like he was just ranting instead of really talking to me. I especially was shocked that Pride was a woman instead of a man like most people would think back in the old world, but to think that not only are the sins more personified in this world they in fact are family? Does that mean that my sin is related to the others?

"Sir, If I may interrupt for a moment, you said that Envy and Greed were cousins? Does that mean that you and the other sins are family?"

It stops and with what I assume shock spread across its face. "OH, little one please forget I ever said anything like that. It is not for a mortal such as yourself to know. Dammit if the others knew I messed up like this they would take away what little power I have left. Little one its time you go back I have said way to much already and please keep this a secret." Then with a wave of its hand I feel my spiritual body rush back and crash into my physical one. I get up with a massive headache sending huge pulses rocking my head.

"UGH, I hate it when it does that I always get such a huge headache afterwards. Can someone please get me some water?" With crickets being my only reply I slowly open my eyes to see that I am the only one in the cave. "The hell? Where is everyone?" At that moment I hear a loud crash and a pained roar come from outside then it hits me. 'Shit, Ancestor said that it would be sending me a test I just didn't think that it would be while I was still unconscious.'

I Race out of the cave in time to see a fireball wiz past my head and explode into the body of a big feline-like creature. Looking from where it came from I could see Lizaria being guarded by a wounded Desmaros and Stoney who was bleeding from a huge gash along his side. Lizaria must have been healing them when the feline creature attacked them.

"Vexsus, glad your awake. NOW GET OVER HERE AND HELP." Desmaros gives me a quick glance before jerking back to stare down a new feline that had stopped moving towards them. I race over and giving a quick glance around I can tell that the fight had been going on for a few minutes atleast. I could see trees on fire, some covered with frost and others melting in a pool of acid. Looking to Lizaria healing Stoney I shuddered as I saw Stoney's insides for a brief moment before his flesh mended together.

"Ok fill me in Lizaria what happened here? Where is master?"

She quickly looks over at me then retrains her focus on healing. "Master is away fighting the king of these Killer Panthers. He rushed away after wounding it and killing several of the smaller ones, which led to the king chasing it, I am thankful because there was no way we could have faced it ourselves. We are having trouble holding out with just the basic ones."

She finishes speaking just in time for a panther to leap off of a tree behind us and pin me to the ground. It sinks its teeth into my belly and starts to drag me away. I however had another idea as this was a new monster for my growing hunger to enjoy. I use my Vitality of the boar and Hardened scales to help endure the attack and it the combination even sealed my flesh around its teeth and the scales seemed to grow around the monsters snout.

'Haha great now perfect moment for this move.' I thought as I start to siphon off its life force. Sucking it dry of everything its body held. I only stopped when the husk of the creature was loosely attached to my body and flapped like a leaf in the breeze.

[Life force of the creature (Killer Panther) Rank 2 has been absorbed. Now granting stat points.]

Str 3 -> 6

Vit 8.5 -> 10.5

Spd 10 -> 13

HP 400 -> 500

Stamina 420 -> 520

Oh well what a lovely gift this was. What a way to repay me for the mistake of trying to drag me away to eat me. With a new way to get stronger in mind I look at the others with a ravenous glare flashing in my eyes.

"Prepare yourselves little kitties, I'm hungry"

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