My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 36 - The Dungeon Crawl

"Mast... I mean boss if you will allow it I will dispose of these goblin women."

"No Shorunt, I think I have another use for these chicks. And before you get any ideas it is not for that reason. I actually think that now would be the time to start on a plan I've been working on."

I look over the goblinettes. Goblinas? whatever I look over the goblin chicks and after a short glance I ask if they have any other skills besides just being used as stress relievers.

One of the braver ones who was fascinated by me contracting with Shorunt spoke up.

She pointed at herself "Me...Konna...Me....likes swing sword....hate being...used....will fight for... boss"

After she spoke up the other 3 got the courage to speak up there was besides Konna, there was another one who had a fascination with how fast I ran through the smoke and after asking how she could see me she said that she had a rare ability that enhanced her vision and allowed her to see the 'Aura' of the things around her.

The other 2 after frowning saying they were not really good at using weapons gave me the idea to go ahead and bring them along for an experiment I had brewing. I think that if I gave them help I might be able to awaken their magical potential if any.

"Ok before we head out lets go ahead and set up contracts ok. First Konna come here."

After her I did the others who were named Liosa, Tinoa, and Vinoa, the last 2 after becoming able to speak more fluently were found out to be sisters. So I was definitely confident of their magical potential.

[User has created contracts with 4 goblins. User has 5 contracts remaining.]

"Boss thank you for sparing the women, After receiving your blessing and knowledge the ideas that have been flowing through my mind are astounding. Your idea of training Tinoa and Vinoa to use magic is never before heard of for monsters like us. Usually people come into the dungeon to hunt us and gain the items that are dropped upon our death. Again thank you for taking pity on us and giving us a chance we will not let you down."

I went ahead and made Shorunt the leader of the newly made goblin squad. using the weapons and other things dropped from the dead goblins we were able to equip the goblinettes with fitting weapons. Konna got a decent shortsword and a small buckler like shield. Liosa was giving 2 daggers and I put Howy in charge of training her seeing as how he is the most rogue like. Tinoa and Vinoa were giving swords and shields for now to atleast protect themselves until I am able to get to a place to start awakening their magic.

After that we head towards an abandoned part of the cave that Shorunt said that all goblins avoid because of some beasts that emerged there awhile back. So I figured we go there take over the area and proceed to train ourselves before taking over the rest of the cave and controlling the goblins. I knew it was a tall order but after finding out what the future of this world holds and how the 'guardians' of this world were instead helping to annihilate everybody I decided to erect my own army and train them to become the best and strongest in the whole world and ultimately eliminate the Shadow Eaters once and for all.

I have Digger continue scouting ahead and every once in a while he would come back saying that there were cave bats and other creatures ahead of us. I used that as an opportunity to test the new recruits and had Kitsoma shoot a small fireball to alert our would be training dummies.

"Now these bats are going to be your first test. We will be here to help should things get to hectic for you guys but overall this will be all up to you."

They nodded and got ready the four women were upfront while Shorunt was behind them. He said a few short incoherent words and waved his staff over the others and soon they started to glow green. Just as the bats appeared and dove straight at them, Konna was the first to react by swinging downwards and getting lucky as she split one of the bats in half but because she used to much power she flung herself forwards after slamming her sword into the ground.

Liosa was doing fairly well between defending against multiple attacks and even going so far as to aim for the wings when she couldn't land a killing blow. I had to enhance my vision a bit with mana to keep up with how fast she would swing every now and again. It appeared that she had a latent skill that would activate but it looked like she wasn't fully in control of it. Tinoa and Vinoa looked quite hilarious swinging their swords in a squeamish fashion mostly trying to keep the bats away.

"Howy did you notice how fast Liosa would swing every now and again?"

"Yea, I have it would appear she has a latent skill that she can't quite use. Let me guess you want me to focus on awakening it?"

"Damn right man you are the best bet since I am a four legged monster and will soon be focusing on magic casting."

Howy only sighed but agreed nonetheless, he could see the potential in her same as me.

"Now what else do we think of the new recruits, I can see that the sisters are going to be useless at close range but that can be mildly fixed with some training but I still feel like they will be better off at long range. If they have no magical potential they could have a future maybe as a ranged fighter?"

Kitsoma and Sylvania looked at the girls before speaking. "Well I would say that I can feel a residual heat coming from Vinoa, so I hope she awakens into a fire user, but for Tinoa I feel cold so maybe she has Ice? Even still maybe we should give them some ranged training. I am adequately useful with a bow if we decide to do that." Kitsoma says while Sylvania agrees and adds a few words aswell.

"I may not be able to help with ranged training but I do have a slight affinity with Ice magic besides my Wind ofcourse. If she awakens into an Ice user I can help with that."

I was happy with that as a plan was slowly taking form and cementing in my head for the future of my little group here. The only problem was Konna since none of us were truly a swordsman she would either have to rely on Howy's training or learn to become better herself. I could help her become faster and stronger by training her myself but would that be the best? I couldn't really come up with a good idea for her right now as I hear a scream come from Tinoa.

She had been bitten by a huge cave bat that far exceeded the size of the others.

"OH shit Vexsus that is a dire cave bat not only is it stronger than the rest but it is vampiric. It will stay latched on and drain the blood of the victim until death we have to help her."

'Dammit well I knew it was too good to be true.' I race ahead of the others and shoot out a Lightning slash to try paralyze it and have it let go, or at the very least make it stop sucking the blood from Tinoa. It hits but the after effects didn't take as just 3 long gashes appeared but shortly disappeared as the wounds visibly healed.

"Vexsus aslong as its attached it will continue to heal. You have to get it off her first."

'Shit, ok plan b.' "Hey you bat wouldn't you like dragons blood better than nasty goblin blood." I didn't really expect a blood sucking monster to have any intelligence but surprisingly it looked over at me with bloodshot eyes and threw away Tinoa. Thankfully she was thrown towards the others who rushed over to help her while the big ass bat flew at mach 10 towards me. I raise myself and embrace it letting it latch onto me before I look into its eyes that weirded me out majorly because its eyes were rolled up into the back of its head almost like it was getting pleasure out of this.

"Eww what the hell your nasty up close, but unlucky for you batty boy that you latched onto the wrong dragon." I activated all of my lightning skills and focused it all onto the area it was sucking from.

After getting a huge shock it froze up with visible arcs all over its body. I smiled as I activated Life steal and bit into the bat draining not only its blood but its very life force.

[User has absorbed the life force of the monster [Dire Cave Bat] User has gained 2 points in vitality.

They body slowly became a husk as it dried up. I dropped it with a wipe of my face, I noticed that the rest of the bats either fled or were killed by the others. I smiled while walking up to them.

"Great job guys I see alot of dead and dying bats around here. Now I was busy so let me know how they did."

Sondar placed his hands on Konnas shoulder and smiled. "This little lady was excellent, she had killed quite of few of the bats aswell as taking on a defensive role after Tinoa became injured. If you think its a good idea aswell I would like to take her under my wing and train her to be a fighter."

'Perfect, this way almost all of the new recruits have trainers and I can help out where needed.'

I nodded "That sounds perfect man I was fretting over who could train her and to be honest I was worried about training her myself in fear of training her the wrong way. But if you believe you can bring out her potential than by all means she is your disciple now."

His smile gets even bigger almost as if this simple action of declaring her as his disciple was the best thing in the word to him. I began to think that this guy wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn't really give to much thought to things.

"Boss we got bad news up ahead and quickly coming this way." Digger interrupted the moment and informed me that up ahead there were a pack of red goblins that were headed this way. I'm assuming either the rush of the bats or the noise of the fireball had drawn them in.

"Ok Kitsoma think you can create an illusion for us? I want us to create a little alcove here and let them pass by but I doubt we will have enough time to cover us up completely. I don't know how strong they are and after what happened I don't want to risk the newbies."

"Gotcha, I can try but no promises it all depends on how big of an illusion I'll have to conjure up."

"If its a matter of mana don't worry and just let me handle that. I have a skill that can replenish your mana continuously."

Not talking any further we got to work and quickly dug out a hole in the wall big enough for us to crowd into. Kitsoma quickly cast an illusion that made it seem as if it was just a normal wall. I placed a paw on her body and started channeling MP Share.

I felt her jump and her body heated up for a second as a small moan escaped her. I blushed a bit thinking about how this was the same reaction that Lizaria had the couple of times I used it on her. I felt something start to brush against my body, not knowing what it was I used my other paw and grabbed it rather firmly in case it was maybe a cave snake or something else. That was until I saw Kitsoma slap a hand over her mouth just in time for a muffled moan to force its way out of her mouth. I look down and see that I had grabbed not a snake or anything cave related but instead I had grabbed onto her tail with a firm grip.

In a hushed tone I whispered. "Shit, Shit Kitsoma I'm sorry I didn't know it was your tail."

"Well idiot you should have looked Beastman and Demihumans are very sensitive when it comes to our tails. You'll pay for this after we get through this."


[Taming] 1 -> 5

[Lightning Slash] 0 -> 2

[Lightning muscles] 2 -> 4

[Electric Scales of Vitality] 6 -> 7

[Life Steal] 2 -> 3

Vitality 10.5 -> 12.5

HP 600 - 750

[MP Share] 2 -> 3

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