My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 5 - But Magic Though?

After getting the boost in resolve I was able to find a short term goal to hopefully make my life easier even after a small boost in my health I already felt better I felt more lively but the strain on my body from running for so long was definitely taking its toll on my fragile body, I decided to call it for the day and go eat some wolf meat I was able to stash from the ravenous mouths of my siblings for when I was finished training and after I finished eating I decided just to rest for day as everybody was either in separate parts of the cave doing their own things or outside training with dad.

After a couple hours of just resting and at one point even taking a nap I woke up to a very loud voice closing in very quickly.


'Well hell, here we go again looks like its time to put my new training to the test hopefully Ill last longer than one hit'

"Aurum please let brother rest even we need to rest after training and we have stronger bodies." My brother Gaia has definitely taken on the role a gentle giant Even his size has increased far surpassing Aurum and even closing in on fathers knees that stood I would say atleast 5 ft off the ground I can only imagine how big Gaia will be when we grow up, but first I had to deal this overly zealous punk whose sole mission everyday is to pretty much make me feel useless everyday.

"Gaia you are to kind to Vexsus my plan is to make him see how weak he is and make him fall in line as the last of us as the most powerful of the siblings its my job to weed out weakness."

With that sentence I jump out of the shadows I had been slowly moving through inching closer and closer, As I leap out of the shadows I hear a ding in my head but dismissing it for later I follow through with my plan and as Aurum looks at me with a look of sheer surprise I smile before slapping him full force with what strength I can muster before slamming into the ground and rolling away.

"Hahahaha Aurum it looks like your pride blinded you and Vexsus was able to give you a taste of surprise."

As Gaia says this I can see the rage slowly build In Aurums eyes, I immediately start to run away as fast as I can but before I could get even 10 ft. away I hear a roar and then feel a Heat emanating from behind me and getting hotter each passing second I look back only to see a giant flame bearing ever closer to me.

"AURUM YOU BASTARD THIS CAN KILL ME!!" I scream as I try to run faster before I hear 2 more dings sound off in my mind I knew I was unable to outrun it so using the last of my strength I jump and roll to the side and for an instant I feel a tingling in my shoulders but only for a fleeting second before I was on the floor again and witnessing the fireball blast against the wall and melting a giant hole into the wall basically starting the entrance into another room, as I see that a series of tremors could be felt as our mom and dad run into the room only to see Aurum to pounce on me and slice my belly open yet again.

'This guy is a Sadist he wants to see the life slowly leave his enemies eyes that's why he only goes for the belly, that or he is smart as dragons are known for having hard outer scales and the belly is usually the weakest area'.

"AURUM WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU ARE GOING TO KILL YOUR BROTHER!" I faintly hear as rapid and persistent ringing goes off and a red screen pops up.

[Warning your health is low. Heal immediately.]

Health 5/60

[Warning Health rapidly draining due to open wound fix immediately or death will be imminent.]

Health 4/60

[Warning your health is low. Heal immediately.]

I could only read the notifications as the light was slowly leaving my eyes and everything started to turn dark.

"Well this is not how I thought I would see you again young descendant of mine."

I open my eyes to see myself in the void floating and in front of Gluttony

"Am I dead?"

"No but only just, it seems your mother was able to rescue you before fully dying your now in a coma as your body naturally heals due to having my power your body is only minimally effected by healing spells, usually my descendants heal through the usage of skills they acquire from creatures they have eaten or skills they themselves have trained to learn."

"Well damn that sucks looks like once I wake back up I'll have to go into full on training mode."

"First little one I have some goals for you as my descendant on this world you will be tasked with growing stronger and eventually facing off against the other wielders of sin, I will be honest for now you are the only descendant of Gluttony but if you prove to be lacking then I will bestow my power on more creatures of this world and in time they will search you out and seek to claim your power, Now first I expect you to be able to wield my power in 1 months time, at that time I will send a small horde after you to test your power If you survive than in 1 year I will send a bigger horde to wherever you are if you survive, this determines whether I rely solely on you or if i need to search out better candidates, now go and wake up and become stronger and prove your worth."

Next I know Everything flashes bright and as my vision clears I see my mom and dad, but also the Elder looking down at me.

"little one how do you feel, you almost died if not for your mothers fast usage of magic."

"Father I told you before this little one is special not only he survives a near death that should have killed him even with magic, he also showed a strange aura as he came back to consciousness, what do you think of this."

"Hmm time will only tell what this young ones skill will be but from what I have seen he has the potential to be far stronger than any of us, the only obstacle would be himself."

They kept talking for a few more minutes as they walked away but my focus the whole time was on the dings that I remember going off during my sneak attack and mad dash to avoid death.

[Condition met the skill Shadow Strike level 1 has been acquired]

Shadow Strike lvl 1. 0/10 - Using the shadows as a means of cover you are able to strike and cause potentially lethal damage to unaware targets.

[Conditions have been met the stat Speed has been unlocked]

[Speed 1 -> 1.5]

[Speed 1.5 -> 2]

[Conditions have been met the trait Heat resistance level 1 has been acquired]

Heat resistance lvl 1. 0% - after experiencing extreme heat your body has gained the ability to passively withstand High temperatures.

After all of these notifications are through I feel a sense of accomplishment well up inside me, this only went to cement what Gluttony told me. So as promised it is now time to train and first on the agenda is my stamina and health.

With that in mind I set out to jog around the cave continuously with meals and naps of atleast 5 hours which I found is minimum time required for my stamina to fully refill at least until I get better stats, and after a couple hours I heard my first ding.

Vitality 1.5 -> 2

Health 60/60 -> 70/70

Stamina 20/60-> 20/70

Thats my cue to rest and for the next week I continued to do this same thing for a week before finally my father comes to me and says "Vexsus I can see that you are training hard and so tomorrow only you and I will go outside to train and the others will stay inside with your mother to learn magic.

'Holy crap I completely forgot about magic even after seeing mother use magic and the fireball that Aurum shot at me the only thing I could think about was how my weak body could barely withstand all of this.'

"Father would it be alright if instead of going outside I could learn magic from mother obviously I am weaker than my sibling but through the use of magic I feel that I could even the field."

"No first you will train outside to hunt and survive on your own and only after passing my tests will you gain the chance to learn from your mother."

Seeing the resolute look in his eyes I could only sigh and prepare for what tomorrow hold, I decide to go eat by myself like usual as I have always done only for the fact that every time I have tried to join my siblings and attempt to make some sort of connection Aurum immediately either flings me away against a wall to which mother is forced to heal me or belittles me until I leave. This time however I see Marico sitting in my spot

"Hello Marico what a pleasure to see somebody join me for a meal."

"I am only here as a messenger for Aurum nothing else just like Aurum I cannot see you as our eldest brother because of how weak you are, He wants you to run away tomorrow and not come back He is our eldest brother and you are only an embarrassment in our eyes the only ones who truly care for you are mother and father and Gaia the rest of us are better off without you here taking away from the food and wasting space better suited for anything other than you."

Hearing those words come from my sisters mouth stabbed my heart, I always thought that Aurum was just an asshole but to find out that they all feel that way about me sent me spiraling down a depression slide into despair.

'If they all feel like this and if her words are true I am only wasting space and it would be best to just leave, but what about the horde that's coming in a few weeks if Gluttony sends it to my location at that time and I had already ran away than that would me I would be left almost defenseless, instead if I stay here I could have help to survive but I would have to live with the knowledge that everday my younger siblings look at me like nothing more than a burden,

its decided my safety now takes priority over what they think of me. I will stay here and get stronger so that one day I can make it on my own and show them that they were wrong to cast me aside so easily and in turn make them feel useless especially Aurum who has done nothing but torment me nonstop from his hatching.'

(Quick authors note - If I can remember and have enough time I will add any new stat increases at the bottom of the chapter if I don't immediately display them at the time that they happen. Thank you for reading.)

Vitality 2 -> 4.5

Health 70/70 -> 120/120

Stamina 70/70 -> 120/120

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