My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 67 - Reconnection

I could only look down in embarrassment after thinking about what happened in the past few minutes. I couldn't believe I said that just like it was nothing, I said it so naturally aswell. 

I shook my head to try and clear those embarrassing thoughts away.

'Ugh I have to get ahold of myself, I have to get everything ready for when my next feral phase comes around.'

I had to stay focused so that I can protect the ones I love from the beast I had become. I helped the others dig up the crystals and then once we got them all in a big mound I sat down in front of it and started drawing in the mana around me and focusing it towards the crystals.

In a matter of seconds the various sizes of crystal started to glow purple as my space mana filled them to the brim. Pretty soon they all glowed bright before they became clear purple almost like a mirror with a purplish tint. The mound of them all in front of me looked so gorgeous, they all reflected the light in different waves and made a cascade of light on the walls around us. I was so fascinated by what I was seeing that I almost didn't want to use them for anything. 

But after enjoying the beauty for a little while I took a handful and using my synthesis skill I combined them all into a cage that was barely big enough to fit me. Granted I ended up having to supply some sturdy rocks that were found to be more durable that the surrounding ones but it barely changed the structural integrity and it still allowed runes to be placed.

Now the hard part came which was the actual rune creation and placement. I knew I could do it since my mana manipulation was maxed out but I wanted to test the others and see how far they could get. I gave each of the magic users a rune to try and draw on some leftover refined crystals. Some like Shorunt, Sylvania and Kitsoma could easily handle drawing the runes, However the magic users who were more physically oriented like Sondar or surprisingly the twins, had to take a longer time before they could draw it and even then the runes were sloppy and had little to no function. 

So I had just the three start working on the cage's runes while I sat back and tried something that now, since I'm not fighting for my life everyday and especially after I evolved to a dragon form again, I wanted to try and see if I could transform myself back into the dragonoid form that I once had.

I sat there for what felt like hours trying to focus and think of how to direct the mana and my body to change back to the two legged form I had. I knew it had to do with changing my bone structure and then I would have to take into account to shrink my muscles or atleast make them more compact to the point they shrink themselves. It was all very confusing when I would think of what had to be done and like usual it all ended up in my brain overloading and me getting frustrated.

"AGH DAMMIT!" I yelled before hitting the wall beside me. The hit made a crater in the walls surface and it damaged my hand but due to my regeneration being on par with a certain metal boned superhero from earth, I was in pain for only a few seconds.

But that one hit had reverberated and caused the others to react. They all got weapons ready and faced me like they were ready for battle in a heartbeat. It took less time for them to get ready to fight than for my hand to heal.

I held my hands up and frowned. "Woah, woah, woah, sorry guys I just got frustrated about something that's all I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle y'all. But I gotta say good job on being prepared, I mean wow the quick second that it took you guys to get ready to fight is amazing. I'm definitely impressed."

Sondar came up to me after reassuring the others and spoke to me. "Hey, Sorry bout that but we all know that you've gone feral before. We all are on edge right now, we just don't want you to see it but we are. But don't get me wrong we are so happy to have you back..... It's just..... Well it's just that the thought of your going feral near us is a very scary thought to us."

He looked down in shame as if what he said was something he never should have even thought of in the first place. I smiled while shaking my head slowly and patting his side with my paw.

"Dude, the fact that you guys are still willing to help me even if I scare you means more than you know. I'm sorry I messed up so bad to the point where you don't trust me, but when this cage is built I plan on using some of my scales to fortify it and make sure that it can hold me. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that I will never go feral again." I said with pure conviction, I never wanted to hurt my friends and family again. 

everybody who heard that smiled before going back to what they were doing. I looked back to Sondar and turned serious. "I feel the wildness coming back Sondar. We need to hurry but I don't think I can hold it off in time."

He stood straight and had a look of fear in his eyes. "How much longer can you hold on for. You need to do everything in your power to hold on." He said as he quickly went in told the three rune makers to hurry up. He whispered to them so as not to let the others know and shortly after the speed at which they were drawing hastened considerably. He then came back to me and with a panicked voice he spoke.

"Vexsus, if you can't hold on then we need to leave before you go feral. I can't risk the others lives trying to stay here, I'm sorry. But in 5 minutes if that cage isn't complete I'm having everyone run away while you stay here."

"I got it, but first I think that with your help I might be able to hold it off in time for the cage." I smiled as I told him my plan. 

Me and Sondar sat in front of eachother... Well he sat in front of my head seeing as how compared to him my head was just barely shorter than his whole body.

"So I need you to focus while I try and reconnect with your soul ok? It might hurt, it might not, I don't know for sure but I do think that with your help my mind can hold out against whatever is taking over my mind." 

He had his eyes closed already getting psyched up for whatever was to happen and so he only nodded. "Ok I'm about to start, get ready." 

I then touched a tip of one of my claws against his chest as I focused my energy through my body and circulated with his. I made sure to use what healing skills I had to reinforce his bodies ability to handle the sheer amount of mana that I was coursing through his body, but eventually I felt a small part of my mind start to blossom. It was like a thin spiderweb that was threatening to blow away with the breeze. 

I quickly grabbed it with my mind and followed it all the way to Sondar's mind. There I felt a warmth that was so comforting and bright that I felt the year long frustration and agony start to slowly melt away. I took in this light and used what I could gather from it to strengthen my bond with Sondar. I needed to make sure that this bond didn't snap as it could be catastrophic to not only me but it could cause permanent if not fatal damage to Sondar. After I made sure the bond was strong enough to passively strengthen outside of me doing this I slowly started to back out of his mind and lower the amount of mana passing through his body.

[Original User: Vexsus, has been confirmed. Reestablishing connection with Sin]

[Complete... now scanning host's body... Complete]

[ERROR... Host body does not match last archived image..... Will now attempt ratification of problem.]

I felt a jolt of pain and a wave of nausea go through me that started at my heart as a searing pain erupted from my chest and above my temple. I faintly remembered these feelings and was so happy to see the messages again. 

Through gritted teeth I smiled and spoke to Sondar who was heavily panting.

"Sondar... You did it buddy. I got my Sin back..... But it looks.....It looks like things are not gonna be pain free for a few minutes so.....Ugh.... Will you make me a cave real quick then shut me off except for a air hole? I can barely hold back the pain."

He was looking at me with wide eyes as my body and his started to glow green with a line connecting both of our hearts. He nodded and quickly made a big enough cave for me to dive through and he closed it off just as fast. 

As soon as he closed me off from the others I started roaring in pain. It was so loud that it shook the walls and the earth all around me. I tried to muffle it as best I could but the jolts of pain were getting worse by the second, each one would feel like double as the one before.

That lasted for what seemed like days, my voice was hoarse from the screaming and roaring. My body ached all over from the muscles tensing to the point of cramps only to have another jolt come and cause it to tense even more. At one point through the pain I though I heard a cracking sound that echoed all over but my short attention was quickly wrenched away by yet another jolt.

Finally it all ended just as my consciousness was fading, but before I fully fell into darkness I caught a single message.

[Welcome back Vexsus, I missed you.]


Author's notes.

I know they have a place for these things but I would rather put it here so that you guys will actually read it lol. 

Anyways, now that the MC is back I will start making sure to put his skill increases (IF ANY) down below the chapter like I used to. I might change things up and only do it every other chapter just to save my brain from overworking. Who knows, but like always thank you for reading and please if you have a comment, share it with me... just don't get to picky about the grammar..... that's all I ask.

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