My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 75 - Leaving The Dungeon Behind 66, The Arrival Of An Fellow Disciple.

After a few hours the adventurers were healed up enough to go on their own and Kitsoma even gave them a goodie bag with some of Shorunts orbs filled with healing energy. they waved goodbye to her and the others but just glared at me, so I released my aura and made them run off while I laughed.

"You are an asshole you know that." She said as she chuckled and shocked me by grabbing my hand with hers. I looked down then back up at her with an raised eyebrow.

"Hmm? So are we finally going to make it official Kitsoma?" I asked with a smile.

"Well since you won't just come out and ask and seeing all that has happened this past year, I figured why waste time that could be spent being with you." She said with a tone that exuded pure happiness, she was blushing a bit but I could tell how serious she was about this.

"I couldn't agree more, But as much as I want to go somewhere a bit more private and really solidify the new relationship, we have more pressing issues right now." I said as the smile on my face quickly dissolved into a scowl as I turned to look at the figure standing in the darkness of the tunnel ahead of us.

"Who are you and how long have you been there?" I asked while pushing Kitsoma behind me and then waving towards Sondar to join me.

"Well it's about time you noticed me, I was starting to cringe watching you two. Anyways I would have thought you'd remember me but it looks like I didn't leave much of any impression in the few days we spent together." The voice spoke as it stepped out of the tunnel and to where I could see it better.

It was a black scaled male humanoid with a large tail that ended in a tri-tip, he also had 2 black wings tucked in behind him with red veins snaking across them. I could feel a faint familiarity but otherwise I couldn't place where I knew him from.

"I'm sorry but alot has happened in the past year, can you be so kind as to tell me who you are?" I said while still keeping up a defensive posture. I wasn't using my draconic aura but was ready to unleash everything I had at the drop of a hat.

The guy then raised his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "Everybody calm down, I'm not here to fight. I'm only here to give a message to my fellow disciple." It was then that he smiled and I could see yellowish teeth that came to points and filled his mouth like a devil.

"Disciple? Who are you talking about?" Sondar asked while taking a step forward only to be blasted back by a red ball of energy as it slammed into his chest.

"I said everybody calm down. I can feel the hostility oozing out of you all and I am more than willing to kill you just to prove a point." 

I walked up to the person after making sure the others were looking after Sondar and staying back and away from the newcomer.

"You're obviously talking about me so spill, who are you and what do you have to say to me? I was a disciple once upon a time but then I was almost killed by the so called master. If your who I think you are than that means that bastard and the Necromancer have found me." I said with a severe expression, the person than smiled widely before rushing at me and putting me into an embrace.

"Finally you remembered, it's been awhile Vexsus. Lizaria and Stoney are waiting aboveground for us to so we can go back to the master and Lord Necro." He then turned around and started walking away before stopping as I spoke.

"Desmaros wait, I can't come with you. I'm not who I once was but even then I refused to become a part of the Necromancer's army. I have my own priorities and I intend to walk my own path." I had no intention of risking my families future by being associated and apart of whatever evil schemes those 2 had in store.

"Oh man, see I told the others that you were going to say this, but did they listen noooo, I told them it's been a long time and we have all grown more powerful since a year ago. But Master still has a hard on to beat you into submission and Lord Necro want's a new general. I voted to just kill you to get rid of a potential hazard in the future, but I got outvoted." He said as his head drooped and his shoulders sagged. 

"If you've come to kill me than by all means give it a try, but don't think I've just sat idle all this time." I said as I got ready to fight and then I let go of my aura.

"Oh, we know all about your time as a feral monster in the arena of Lord Necro's pet project. You may be strong but still not strong enough to face off against Digger and He isn't even considered apart of the weakest squadron of our army. You're best bet is to just give up before things get messy, because I won't go after you, no, no. See I'll go after everybody else while I make you watch." Desmaros had a wide grin on his face as he watched the terror fill my eyes.

I saw my children dying before me once. I was not about to watch it happen again.

"You leave my family out of this you hear me. If I'm the one you want then they can be left out of this." 

"Oh no you see they are included in the Lord's plans aswell. So you all are going to come with me to be divided up and be used in our army. Some of you may die but I promise with the Lord's blessing that you will come back and be apart of something greater than yourselves." He said that last sentence while raising his arms into the air as if worshipping.


"What did you say?"

"I said no, I will not be apart of reducing my family to mere pawns. They all are more important than that. You will not be able to get me to do what you want." I had enough and his showcase of worshipping the Necromancer just put the icing on the cake.

"Then I'll kill everyone and make you submit." 

'VEXSUS, There's something wrong with this guy, he says things but his body hesitates for a split second before moving. It's like it's trying to fight against the mind.'

'Dammit, now is not the time to pop up and start talking to me again. It's great your back but as you can see shit about to hit the fan.' I was a bit shocked but then annoyed that the other me had chosen now to reveal himself again.

'Just listen to me, something is going on with this guy. I think he's being controlled by something, I don't really know what we can do but I have a feeling that this isn't what he really want's to do.'

'Then give me a solution because right now it's down to him or my family. And I choose my family over somebody I knew for a negligible amount of time.'

'Just hold him off while I think of something and if you could try and scan him but you'll have to have physical contact for me to get a deep scan.'

Then no more talking from the peanut gallery as Desmaros blurred from where he was standing. I barely sensed any intention except a millisecond before he acted. Maybe the other me was right and his body really was trying to fight back against something controlling him, but I wasn't about to risk everybody's life finding out what.

I activated all my skills that enhanced my speed and chased after him. He appeared just behind Kitsoma and almost had his hands wrapped around her head before I jumped and speared into his body flinging both of us crashing into the wall.

"Don't do this Desmaros, we can work this out. Something is controlling you, I can help you but I need you to calm down!"

"YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE TRAITOR! NOW WATCH YOUR FAMILY BE DESTROYED!" He roared as he punched me in the face and knocked me off him, I quickly shook my head free of the stars that were now racing around my head and jolted after him. I sent a quick message to Sondar through our connection saying to evacuate everyone and to leave me here to fight this guy.

"You will not kill any of my family, you hybrid fuck. Tell your master and the Necromancer that my family and me will not bow down to evil and twisted creatures." I yelled as I sent a punch covered in spatial mana rocketing towards his gut. As it landed I saw as his scaly body seemed to buckle for a slight second as it distorted and some of the scales twisted and broke apart while some ripped off entirely.

"WHat is THat, what did you just do to me?" He said in a crackling voice mixed with pain. "I wasn't told of any power like this. You're supposed to only be able to shoot bullets and mines."

"Yea well it looks like your information is a little outdated. I can do so many more things than just this. Now this is your final warning, stop and let me help you or else I will kill you and devour your body and soul."

"HAHAHAHAHAH, NEVERRRR!" He raised his hands into the air again and shouted. "LORD, BLESS YOUR CHILD WITH THE POWER TO KILL THIS TRAITOR AND OFFER HIS BODY AS A SACRIFICE TO YOU!" Then a dark miasmic orb appeared from a necklace I hadn't seen until now and it expanded bigger and bigger until it completely covered Desmaros and it started to undulate and pulse while a swirling mass of dark clouds could be seen within.

'Vexsus this is bad, I feel alot of Death mana converging inside that bubble. Whatever he did seemed to cause a chain reaction of magic. I have no idea what is about to emerge but I think it would be best to run away.'

"Yea good idea, I don't think any of my skills except one could possibly win against whatever power keeps growing in there.." I spoke quickly as I turned and started booking it towards where the others were heading.

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