My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 86 - [Bonus ] The Great Labyrinth Keeper?

The three of us just stood there with a little bit of fear in our eyes. I did only because this cat chick just kunai'd a freaking pillar that was very close to me without even looking, and for the others I think it was a mix of seeing me startled and the after effects of when she used that booming voice.

"H-hey.... my name is Vexsus, and what's yours?" I asked trying to regain the dignity I dropped like a hot potato. 

"Dead men don't need my name...." She said as she stood up and turned to look at us. Meanwhile I got a goood look at her to... She had a tuft of yellow and orange front and center that appeared to flow down her chest and torso like a flowing tunic. Her tail was long and fluffy and it swayed back and forth almost hypnotically, Her ears were long and tapered to a sharp point. She was quite tall now that she stood up. Atleast 6 ft. maybe a couple inches shorter but very close. she was.... broad chested to keep it civil and she was equally.... rounded at the end. 

'If I didn't know any better I would say you have a thing.'

'Shut up, and no shit sherl*ck every weeb from my world does.'

I shook my head real quick and stared back at her. "Did ya get a good look? Ya scaly pervert."

"Oh shit I guess I was staring to long, I couldn't help but wonder if your part maine coon?"

She stared at me in confusion. "Maine coon? What species is that? I come from a tribe of demihuman cats called simply the 'Brush tribe' We have always been considered the largest of cat demihumans."

'That makes sense, how would she know what a maine coon was if it was a word back in on earth.'

"OK, nevermind that then, I was just reminded of a pet I had that had a similar ratio to your body."

She then had a look of disgust on her face and that was when I realized that to her I just said I had a pet demihuman that looked like her, and that I considered a pet and not a person.

"No, No, No, I meant like it was an animal and not a demihuman. it was a legitimate animal. I don't believe in slavery and things like that, That was from a past long ago."

Her face didn't soften up or change much but she did atleast take her hand away from her waist that now showed 4 slots, 3 of which still had very sharp looking kunai. 

"You've wasted enough of my time. I hope your last look upon a woman was enjoyable as it's now time to kill the intruders of my master's labyrinth." In the blink of an eye she disappeared and than reappeared to my side before I heard an audible clink of metal on metal and felt a pressure on my lower abdomen. I looked down and she had actually taken the kunai out of the pillar and tried to stab my stomach.

I looked at her with clear annoyance. "Hey" I said drawing her shocked gaze upwards.

"If you want to kill me you'll have to use something way stronger than those little toothpicks."

She jumped backwards and landed close to a podium that displayed a Wakizashi, This chick was going full ninja on me as she grabbed it and disappeared yet again. 

I sent out a wave of mana and within seconds I pushed out my hand and grabbed at what was thin air just moments ago, but now the space in my hand was occupied by her throat. She was even more shocked but didn't say a word and instead just stared at me with a mix of shock, anger, and fear. The last emotion especially held a primal pleasure for me whenever I saw it. I even got a slight shiver up my spine and smiled as a result.

"You can't win against me. Hell I don't think you could even win against my son or bodyguard over there." I said before turning her in midair to look at the smiling fools that I call my friend and offspring. They were just chilling up against the wall while they watched the whole thing. I swear all they needed was some popcorn and a big thing of soda and you could have sworn they were at the movies.

" me...." She managed to squeak out, I had accidentally started to close my fist a bit tighter in my excitement so I let go after coming to that realization. She landed with a thud and started hacking and coughing while also trying to keep her eyes on me in case I tried anything.

I stood there and watched her cough but was getting bored so I created a tiny circle of mana above her head filled with my regenerative energy and after it was completed I sent it slamming into her body. I wasn't going to be gentle with someone who tried to kill me but she was just so pathetic that I couldn't help but pity her, also I needed information about this so called labyrinth that she watched over.

As soon as the circle entered her body she rather erotically meowed, That sent a wave of heat rushing through me and I had to look away. But that's when I caught sight of those two idiots looking at me and smiling even bigger like morons before Sondar raised two thumbs up while he nodded up and down hurriedly.

"No, you just shut up, I can see what your thinking as clear as day, I don't think now is the time to explore THAT with an enemy. Just go explore around or something while I see what I can get out of her." I said while hoping my face wouldn't show how embarrassed. I mean yea she was looking fine but now wasn't the time for stuff like that. I had so many things on my plate that kept piling up and figuring out how to have sex with these hot demihuman chicks was not remotely on the top 10 of my list of things to do.

Grayson stood up and walked over to me and in a shy voice that was very much not like him he asked. "Is she going to be my new mommy?"

PLUGH!!!!! Just imagine anime scenes of a character being blindsided by a question and vomiting blood and thats what I looked like. Not the blood vomiting part but the blindsided part totally was the look that was plastered all over my face. This bastard than got an evil grin on his face before laughing out loud.

"AHAHAHAH, I'm just joking dad, I don't give a rats ass who ya screw, Powerful men deserve to have as many as he wants." He winked at me before he turned around and started inspecting the various objects on display.

I was just standing there with my mouth hanging wide open and could only turn to check on the ENEMY, but what sat there was a woman that was very very flustered and her hands were filled with various throwables and she was staring holes directly into my sole.


She then threw everything she had at me. I saw glass orbs filled with a greenish smoke that when broken unleashed a foul smelling odor that made me dizzy, She threw other orbs that were filled with purplish liquid that sizzled my scales upon impact, her kunai ofcourse just bounced off but she also had shurikens that were just small enough to lodge themselves into my stomach. I didn't quite get how that worked but I just wiped them off me and waited as my passive regeneration took care of the sizzling and the dizziness before stepping out of the cloud and walked towards her.

"I did not say I was going to use you, All I wanted was information. It's not my fault you moaned like that when all I did was heal you. Now just calm down before things get overheated and I make a slightly stronger grab at your throat."

She was in a state of complete shock after seeing me walk out almost unharmed and speaking calmly, I could see the fear take over every other emotion in her eyes, this time however I was focusing on getting information and nothing else. After that little embarrassing scene I just wanted to plunder the loot and get out of here, maybe even learn of more loot to grab if I was lucky.

"My.....M-My name is..... Lucy.... L-Lucy Ryoko. My master is supposed to be back any time so please just don't take anything..... Use me but don't take anything, he will be upset and then I will never be able to see my family again." She looked down while tears started to leak from her eyes and rolled off her fur.

"Ugh.... Dammit, your attitude shouldn't change so suddenly, I was going to win from the start but that doesn't mean I'm going to claim you as my prize, I have way worse problems to worry about than starting a intimate relationship with you. But since time is limited just answer 2 questions. Number 1. how big is this labyrinth, and 2. who the hell is this master you keep talking about?"

"This labyrinth is a 1 floor dungeon filled with all of my masters collectibles he obtained from vanquishing his foes."

I deadpanned for a moment, The fuck you mean a 1 floor dungeon.... THAT'S JUST A DUNGEON NOT A GODDAMN LABYRINTH!!

"As for the second question, he is an Apeman who captured me from my tribe after I became lost while on a hunting trip. I was new to hunting and had not gotten familiar with the surrounds of my village yet."

"Hold on, hold on... Is your master a orange fat guy with a wicked evil looking staff?" I asked as the dots connected.

"Yes, how did you know that?" Are you kidding me.... This whole time she was still going off the assumption her so called master was alive? I bet that fat tub of lard was the pervy kinda guy to seeing as how he captured quite the looker to enslave and use as a dungeon keeper.

"I killed him..... I blasted him to nothingness with my power along with that evil staff of his. Then me and those 2 just walked right into his hut and ended up here. He is dead so just trust me when I say he isn't coming back and he won't hurt you ever again. I don't know what promises he made but I will say that if you join my group, I will try to find your family. If you so choose at that time, you can leave my group and stay with them. I don't care and I don't mind what you do, but I will be looting this dungeon and everything within it is now mine. You can choose to stay behind if you don't trust what I say to be true or you can come with me and I'll show you the blast site."

Lucy looked at me with some emotions but I didn't really care at this point. I've been the victim of attempted murder enough times today and on top of that I've been mistaken for a perv, I was done with today and only wanted to rest, ofcourse I would gather my well deserved loot first and foremost but after that I was done with today and just wanted a nice bed to lay down on that wasn't made of my own mana or made up of soft stone and sand.

"I-I'll follow you..... my new master....." She said shyly.

"Uhuh, no, none of that Lucy, My name is Vexsus, or boss. None of that master shit, If you called me that in front of Kitsoma I would lose more than a few scales."

"Shit dad, She would roast you alive hahahah, you'd be nothing but a charbroiled newt by the time she was done with ya."

"Shut up and start loading up the loot ya idiot. Damn who taught you to be such a loudmouth?"

"Who is this... Kitsoma person master?" Lucy asked while staring at me with a very focused gaze that bordered on obsessive. That shook me as I did not want this, plus her 180 change in attitude was disturbing. I didn't want a follower like this, plus this was totally creepy.

"Look, Lucy, Kitsoma is or well will soon be, my lover. She and I have been through alot together and we have developed feelings for eachother, now you can join us.... well I mean my group yes, but do not get any funny ideas about you and me got it?"

"Got it master, I swear to be nothing other than your shadow. (Just you wait master, I will make you mine.)"

"What was that? What did you just mutter under your breath just now?" I asked knowing full well what she said thanks to my heightened hearing but I was to disturbed to address it.

"Oh nothing just wondering what I should bring with me to the outside." Lucy said with a smile on her face.

"Oh, ok, well just help grab the stuff from here and we can go join the others on the outside shortly. It's time for dinner and I need to assess what needs to be done around here."

FCK~~~~~ What did I just step into here, was this girl so twisted by that ape that she is like this or did I somehow cause this change in her? Either way I now had a nagging feeling of watching not only my back but Kitsoma's aswell.

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