My Life As A Reborn Monster

Chapter 98 - The Shadow That Eats Pt. 3

Liosa came back after a couple of hours with the others. It took longer for her to get here solely because the others did not have our speed. Even Sondar with his new power over life could match our speeds.

"We finally came back honey.... Is master still inside?" She asked me with hopefull eyes. Only to look down in sadness when I nodded my head.

"Fill me in Howy... What has been going on? Did Vexsus encounter something?" Sondar asked.

"We only followed the tracks to this cave, as you can see." I waved my arms in a sweeping motion to point out the lack of vegetation around us.

"Something is decaying the life around us, and the cave is the point of origin for this decay. I mean even the rocks look broken apart and somehow rotting. Whatever Vex came in contact with in there.... It's one hell of a monster." I turned back to keep an eye on the cave as my senese were on full alert. Something was coming, and it did not feel like Vex.

Almost at the same time everyone turned to look at the cave entrance as a giant blazing scale covered muscular monstrosity exited, all around it was a heat that started to melt away at the environment. anything remotely green caught fire, the dirt and stone melted into small puddles of lava. But the thing just walked straight through them like it didn't feel a thing.

I braced myself for a fight but was soon shocked to see Kitsoma running towards it with tears down her face.

"VEXSUS, What happened to you!" She yelled but then was stopped by an invisible barrier made up of whatever energy he was producing. 

"Stay.... AWAY!!!!!!" He roared before turning and squatting down. I could feel as if the air around me was being sucked down under his feet and with a mighty leap he vanished into the air with a boom that shattered the earth and sprayed lava everywhere.

I was stunned in silence as I watched him leap away. That couldn't have been Vexsus... Right? Why did he look like that? Why did he transform into such a hulking creature? 

I had more questions but was soon rocked from my thoughts by Sondar shaking me violently.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? GET AFTER HIM DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" He yelled as reality hit me and I saw that several of our people were covered in lava and Sylvania and Shorunt were working with their team to heal the others before they died.

*Again this asshole does whatever he wants and damn the consequences that we have to deal with.*

With a shake of my head I fade into the nearby shadows and race off in the direction that Vexsus went.

------Vexsus POV------

A few hours before...

I finally got over that massive trip I experienced. I still had no idea what it was that I ate but because of it I was back at full capacity. Both Health wise and Magic wise.... Well my magic felt stronger if I were to actually take a closer look at it. It felt like the rivers flowing within me were more free flowing... They were also however more turbulent, and aggressive, as if they were rampaging to be unleashed.

I made my way back towards the cave. Now that I was back in tip top shape I needed to end this now. I felt like I had lost time during that acid trip I took and I knew before long Howy and Liosa were going to be coming to fetch me like some lost puppy. I hated that I was being a burden to them and everytime I get a moment, I try and make things better and make up for it, but it seems like some cosmic asshole keeps throwing shit my way and screwing up my attempts.

Throwing that aside for the moment I resolved myself as I entered the cave, and right away I smelt a horrid stench as the shadows started to convulse around me.

"I'm ba~~~ck" I said with a playful tone. The shadows trembled and I felt an overpowering wave of hate before they slid off the walls and ceiling to once again come together to form that creature.

"You. Cannot. Defeat. Me. Mortal. WE. ARE. ENDLESS." The Creature raged and screeched as it lunged towards me in an attempt to once and for all end my life.

"Not this time." I muttered before reaching deep within me and activating what had laid dormant inside my now dual human/dragon soul. My human rage bubbled before in a blaze of fire it erupted and covered my entire body with a cloak of intense hellfire. My body bulged as my muscles expanded and my scales cracked to make way for the my flesh to expand. I felt the Euphoria of feeling powerful as I also felt a small part of me melt away.... A voice was screaming in my head but right now it sounded more like a whisper.

But then a sultry voice spoke up that sounded like a lover whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

*Yes, use my power, fall back into my clutches. Become mine once again.*

I felt a rush of rage flow within me at the sound of that voice but right now my mind couldn't bring itself to figure out why that was. All it knew was that whatever was infront of me had to die... And in the worst way possible. Something in me needed to make it die, slowly, Painfully. It needed to know that It was below me on the food chain before being devoured. Something told me that the flesh would taste that much sweeter with fear.

The creature before me screeched again as it reached me as and immediately reeled back from the pain of it being burned by my infernal fire. I smiled menacingly as I reveled in the pain I saw. I wanted more, So I took a step and appeared right in front of the Creature. It tried to run away with a scared look in it's eyes, It no longer had that creepy smile. I quickly grabbed it with my claws and sank them deep into whatever made up the creature. I could feel that it wasn't exactly shadows, but instead was more like a slimy texture. This was not a Shadow Eater, and upon this realization my smile got even wider. I opened my jaws as I partially activated my dragon transformation to enlarge my mouth, and with one bite I ate half of it before grabbing its lower half and sliding it down my throat like a drink. It slid down like a spicy salsa as it burned all the way down before settling in my stomach. 

I burped and a wisp of flames came out. I felt satisfied at how easily I overwhelmed my prey but was soon angered again at how fast it gave up on the fight. I wanted to inflict more pain on it for punishment at eating my arm. I needed to destroy and release all this rage. But nothing was left of the creature. Trust me I looked, nothing was left but leftovers from failed mortals who tried to kill it before me.

*VEXSUS... CALM DOWN! WRATH IS CONTROLLING YOU!* A womans voice finally got through to me and a faint recognition flashed across my mind. Enough to allow a shallow calm to come over me, enough to make me realize that I was being consumed by this rage. I needed to calm down like the voice said but how? 

Just being in this cave made me angrier and angrier because I couldn't punish the dead any longer. So utilizing what willpower I had, I started to leave the cave..... 

But when I finally left the cave that was when I saw them.... My friends and family.

*NOW, VEXSUS TIME TO PAY THE PRICE. I WANT THEIR HEADS!* The voice from before yelled into my head 

I looked with anger towards the newcomers and for a slight second all I could see were sacrifices for power... Then a clarity forced its way and the familarity came back. I knew I couldn't sacrifice them, I had to save them from myself. But then Kitsoma came running for me.

My heart fluttered at the sight of her, but I knew that right now with my wrath still activated I would just hurt her. So I roared and told her to stay away from me as I focused the power into my legs and jumped and soared through the air. I needed to stop myself before I could see them again. I needed to control this power before it controlled me.

(The skill [Rage] has evolved into the skill [Wrath])

I frowned as the notification sounded off. 


[Wrath] - Focusing only on the anger within increase Str and Spd but lower all defenses.. Now produces the Infernal Flames of the First Layer of Hell.

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