My Life Can Be Infinitely Simulated

Ninety-seven Shura Sword Master


In a certain luxurious mansion, a wealthy middle-aged man squeezed out two words through his teeth, his expression gloomy to the extreme.

A first-grade man was killed on the spot by a second-grade boy.

It simply brought shame to the inner guard.

From the shadow behind him, a cold voice came, They are almost reaching Yandong Lake. Do they need to be stopped by the other two stall owners?

This time, the inner guards came with three big stalls, and Xing Kun died. The other two are still there, and if they attack together, they will be able to stop them.

Eunuch Zhuang's eyelids drooped, he pondered for a moment, suppressed the anger in his heart, and slowly shook his head, The origin of this son is by no means simple, and it is not appropriate to make such a powerful enemy for the empress. Let's wait and see his changes first, and test his attitude before talking.

How unbelievable it is that a second-grade man can kill a first-grade strong man on the spot.

Eunuch Zhuang knew Xing Kun's strength very well. Because of this, he knew even more how terrifying the young man named Gu Yang was.

Everyone should be afraid, where did such a terrifying genius warrior come from?

His eyes were half closed, and a ray of light flashed, Use all hands to investigate this person. I want to know all the information about him.


The man in the shadow responded and then became silent again.

Yandong Lake is a scenic spot in Zhongzhou City. However, I don’t know when it became a forbidden place. No one is allowed to approach it at will.

Everyone in Zhongzhou knows that there is a sword master living here, who is a supreme and powerful man in the supernatural realm.

At this time, Gu Yang, led by Qian Xiyun, came to Yandong Lake. Along the way, no more enemies were encountered.

Gu Yang finally knew where Qian Xiyun had the confidence to compete with the illegitimate son of the Qian family who appeared out of nowhere for the Sihai Bank.

It turned out that she also knew a sword master.

The Shura Sword Master was a famous god of death more than two hundred years ago. According to rumors, this sword master would see blood whenever he used his sword, and he would kill everyone at every turn. Because of this, I don’t know how many enemies I have provoked. Only then did he get the name Shura.

It is said that she also killed an important figure of the Shen family and was hunted by the Shen family's supernatural powers to the sky and the earth.

Later, she entered the realm of supernatural powers and had several encounters with that person from the Shen family. After the Shen family suffered some losses, they stopped causing trouble for her.

After this Shura Sword Master attained the realm of supernatural powers, she could not come out of seclusion, and her deeds gradually turned into legends.

Gu Yang did not expect that the magical power behind the Qian family was actually this sword master who was famous for his murderous nature.

I don’t know how the Qian family got in touch with her.

However, Gu Yang felt that Qian Xiyun might be disappointed when he came to seek refuge with the sword master.

If this sword master was really reliable, how could the Qian family end up in such a predicament today?

Qian Xiyun came to the lake, knelt on the ground with a plop, held a simple jade pendant in his hands, raised it high, and said loudly, Descendants of the Qian family, please see the Sword Master!

After a moment, a man in white was seen flying over the lake, as if he was flying in the air. In an instant, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and landed on the shore.

It was a woman in white, she looked very young, but her expression was cold, her whole body was like an ice cube, exuding the aura of keeping strangers away.

Her eyes fell on the jade pendant in Qian Xiyun's hand, and she said calmly, Back then, the master was seriously injured, and he was saved by the ancestors of the Qian family. The master gave this jade pendant to the savior. There is something to say. , you can make three requests to her in the future. Now, there is only one last one left, tell her your request.

Only then did Gu Yang know that there was such a past between the Qian family and the Shura Sword Master.

What's more, I didn't expect that this sword master, who was famous for his bloodthirsty, was also a man who knew how to repay his kindness.

Qian Xiyun said, The little girl wants to ask the Sword Master to help me regain the Qian family's inheritance.

The face of the woman in white did not change at all, and she said, There is nothing my master can do about this matter.

Qian Xiyun's face turned pale and he changed his request, Then please ask the Sword Master to help me.

The woman in white stared at her for a while,

Said, One year, I can protect you for one year.

Thank you.

Qian Xiyun gritted his teeth and agreed.

She didn't dare to expect too much.

Although one year is short, you can still do a lot of things.

Next, the woman in white turned to look at Gu Yang, with a strange light in her cold eyes, You are very strong.

Gu Yang said modestly, Young lady is so complimentary.

This woman was a disciple of Shura Sword Master, and just standing there gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Her strength is far superior to that of the first-grade one just now.

The woman in white said, Master wants to see you.

Gu Yang was stunned for a moment, never expecting that the Shura Sword Master wanted to see him.


After the woman in white finished speaking, she jumped up first, tapped her toes on the lake, and moved lightly towards a small island in the middle of the lake.

Gu Yang followed without much hesitation.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

If a strong man in the supernatural realm really tries to harm him, he won't be able to escape.

There is a Zhuangzi on the island in the middle of the lake. Looking at the buildings on it, it seems that it is many years old.

Gu Yang followed the woman in white and walked towards one of the largest buildings, feeling somewhat uneasy in his heart. This was the first time he had met a powerful person in the supernatural realm in reality.

In the simulation, every time you encounter the magical realm, nothing good happens. Basically, you die without seeing the opponent's true face.

The woman in white stopped in front of a room and reported respectfully, Master, we have arrived.

Let him in.

An old voice came from inside.

The door creaked open, and the woman in white said, Please.

There was no light in the room.

When Gu Yang walked in, he felt a cold breath.

Finally, he saw the person in the room clearly. She was a white-haired old woman. Her skinny body, cloudy eyes, and the rotten aura coming from her body all showed that the person in front of him was about to die. Go to the end.

No matter what, Gu Yang could not connect the dying old woman in front of him with the famous Shura Sword Master.

This gave him a huge impact, and there was an indescribable shock in his heart.

Even the once invincible master of the supernatural realm, the sword master who made the world bow to him, cannot withstand the impact of time.

The old woman saw his shock and said calmly, In the supernatural realm, you are still a mortal after all. When you reach the magic realm, your life span is only three hundred years.

Gu Yang finally recovered from the shock and bowed, Junior Gu Yang, I have met my senior.

Even though the old woman in front of her might die at any time, she was still a strong person in the supernatural realm. He didn't dare to neglect.

By this time, he finally figured out a lot of things.

Why did the Qian family end up in this situation? It was because the Shura Sword Master was about to die and could no longer protect the Qian family.

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Aren't you from the Shen family?

Gu Yang's heart suddenly thought, This junior's surname is Gu, so naturally he is not from the Shen family.

I'm just curious about what kind of person can cultivate Feng Wu Nine Heavens to the peak of the second level.

The old woman said with some mockery, The Shen family treats this skill as a treasure. Every generation will select the most outstanding disciples from the family to practice this skill. So far, no one has been able to cultivate it to the first level.

If that old man from the Shen family knew of your existence, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Gu Yang had long expected that his skills would be discovered sooner or later.

Fortunately, the sword master in front of him had a grudge against the Shen family, otherwise, he would have been in trouble.

He cupped his hands and said, Senior, please keep this secret for this junior.

The old woman suddenly asked, Do you know why I want to see you?

Senior, please give me some instructions.

I want to make a deal with you.

The old woman didn't wait for him to ask, and said directly, I'm going to die soon, and the only thing I can't worry about is a little apprentice. I want her to follow you and protect her for a few years. As long as you agree, I can teach you a sect. Magical secrets.”

Gu Yang felt very strange, The female disciple outside the senior is far stronger than the junior, why not entrust it to her?

She is about to get involved in the Qian family's affairs. She is doomed to a narrow escape. It is even less safe to be with her.

Not always.

Gu Yang's troubles are no less than Qian Xiyun's.

He asked another question, Why are you looking for a junior?

The old woman said, You are willing to kill the guards for Qian Xiyun's sake. This shows that you are a person who keeps his promise.

He is worthy of being a sword master and has great vision.

Gu Yang admired in his heart.

The old woman added, As long as you agree, no matter what you want, as long as I have it, you can ask for it.

Gu Yang's heart moved and he blurted out, I want money!

PS: Keep asking for monthly votes, there are still 300 votes left.

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