My Life Can Be Infinitely Simulated

One hundred and seventy-two I also have a treasure map

While Gu Yang was chatting with Cheng Qingyu, he waved to the Xiahou brothers and sisters, asking them to come over.

When they came closer, Xiao Nizi closed her mouth knowingly.

Gu Yang said, It seems that your injuries are almost healed.

The two brothers and sister plopped down on their knees, Thank you so much, Mr. Gu, for saving your life. My brother and sister have nothing to repay. I am willing to be a slave and a maid, serving Mr. Gu by your side.

Gu Yang looked at the two people kneeling on the ground and felt a little headache. He didn't want to follow the same old path. He said, Actually, the people who saved you are Senior Senior and his apprentice. If you want to thank them, just thank them.

After saying that, he waved his hands and the two of them were held up by an invisible force and flew into the air until they landed more than ten meters away. .

The meaning is obvious, I don't want to accept them.

Cheng Qingyu on the side was so shocked when he saw his hand that he opened his mouth from ear to ear. The look in his eyes suddenly became more awe-inspiring, and his tone was not as presumptuous as before. He asked in a low voice, Brother Gu, you already have supernatural powers. ?

not yet.

Such a magical method is actually not in the magical realm?

Cheng Qingyu could not imagine what a strong person in the magical realm would be like.

At this time, the girl from Xiahou's family ran over again, took out a book from her arms, and said, Please accept this, my benefactor.

This time, Gu Yang did not refuse and took it.

The girl bowed before leaving.

Gu Yang opened the book and read it for a while. It was full of gold inscriptions, with detailed notes on the side.

This is the hard work of the Xiahou family for hundreds of years and more than ten generations.

This is exactly what he needs. With this book, he can translate the text on the map, and then he will know how to open the secret realm.

That night, a clear whistle came from the yard where Cheng Tianxin was.

From another perspective, Gu Yang could clearly see that his true energy had exploded several times, and it was becoming more and more refined, having successfully broken through to the first level.

This kid is not lacking in talent, understanding and character, but he is missing some opportunities.

Gao Fan and his apprentice Feng Tianci were also alerted and came out, sighing, but to others they sounded a bit old-fashioned, It's just that in the future he will become a thorn in the eyes and flesh of many people.

Feng Tianci said angrily, Just because Master Cheng opens a martial arts gym, are the children of those aristocratic families going to make things difficult for him? No matter how domineering you are, you can't be so unreasonable, right? What's bothering them?

Gao Fan said, You brat, you really don't understand the sinister nature of people's hearts. For those children of aristocratic families, it would be strange not to drive them away and kill them all when they see that they are about to stand up.

After giving his apprentice a lesson, he talked about business with Gu Yang.

Did brother and sister Xiahou give you a book of bronze inscriptions today?


Can you lend it to me?

Gu Yang asked curiously, Senior, what is the use of inscriptions on bronze inscriptions?

Gao Fan looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he leaned over and whispered, To be honest, I accidentally got a treasure map of the Xia Dynasty. Unfortunately, I don't recognize the gold inscriptions on it.

Xia Dynasty’s treasure map?

Gu Yang felt a little weird in his heart. It couldn't be such a coincidence that his treasure map was the same as his, right?

Gao Fan said, Don't worry, I won't borrow it in vain. You will get a share of the map.

Okay. Gu Yang agreed.

Gu Yang and Gao Fan's master and apprentice went to the courtyard where they lived. After closing the door, Gao Fan took off his shoes, took out a folded silk map from his shoes, and spread it out on the table.

Gu Yang looked at this map full of flavor and felt even more strange.

Gao Fan's map is different from his. The terrain is somewhat similar, but the text on it is completely different.

There are actually two treasure maps of the Xia Dynasty.

With a calm expression on his face, he took out the book of gold inscriptions and asked, How did senior get this treasure map?

Stealed from someone else.

As Gao Fan spoke, he flipped through the book of bronze inscriptions and translated them word for word against the words on the map.

It is said that when the Xia Dynasty collapsed, a prince hid most of the Xia Dynasty's wealth and the Human Emperor Sword in a secret realm in the divine capital. This treasure map records the location and opening of that secret realm. method.

Is it also the Human Emperor Sword?

Gu Yang frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

The question is, of the two maps, which one is true?

Judging from the last simulation, the map in his hand should be real. Finally, the secret realm was successfully opened. There was indeed a divine sword inside, and there was also a strong man who could not leak out of the realm, guarding the secret realm.

However, this does not mean that Gao Fan's picture is fake.

Maybe, the opening methods on the two maps can open that secret realm.

Suddenly, Gu Yang remembered something, Senior, when you went to Jingzhou City last time, did you tell the sword master about the treasure?

That's right, I originally wanted to recruit him as a helper, but unfortunately, Wu Tianqi has already broken through to the magical realm, and he no longer needs the Human Emperor Sword. Gao Fan's tone was quite regretful.

If Huangfude is willing to take action, he will be more sure of winning the Human Emperor Sword.

Even if his injuries have not healed, his strength is by no means comparable to ordinary magic realms.

Gu Yang finally connected all the clues.

In that simulation, King Jinghai was killed, and the sword master had no choice but to

Go to the Capital of Gods and seize the Human Emperor Sword.

Moreover, the treasure map in Gao Fan's hand was probably circulated, and in the end, more than a dozen people in the supernatural realm tried to snatch it away.

If a person with magical powers corresponds to a force, that means that more than a dozen forces will each have a treasure map.

Based on Gu Yang's many years of experience, if there are no ghosts here, then there are ghosts.

It's done!

A quarter of an hour later, Gao Fan finally translated the gold inscriptions on the treasure map and said happily, The location of the secret realm is in Prince Qi's Mansion.

When Gu Yang heard this, he knew it in his heart.

The map in Gao Fan's hand is fake.

He remembered clearly that the entrance to the real treasure was at the altar to worship the gods. It was an important royal area and was heavily guarded. Normally even flies couldn't get in.

However, Prince Qi’s Mansion, this is too coincidental.

The seal he got from the girl of Xiahou family belonged to King Qi.

He received the inheritance in the seal, which means that he is now the King of Qi.

Gao Fan said excitedly, Now, we just need to find the location of Prince Qi's Mansion.

Gu Yang couldn't help but remind him, Senior, are you so sure that this treasure map must be true?

Gao Fan shook his head, The Human Emperor Sword is of great importance. Even if there is only one percent chance, I will try it.

After saying that, he put away the treasure map, folded it up again, stuffed it back into the sole of his shoe, and said, I'm going to check the location of Prince Qi's Mansion in the Xia Dynasty. Tianci, you stay here.

After saying that, he left.

In the next few days, Gao Fan disappeared, making Feng Tianci anxious.

After Cheng Tianxin broke through to the first level, he went to retreat to consolidate his realm.

Gu Yang took the opportunity to translate the inscriptions on the treasure map he had obtained. It indeed said that the entrance to the secret realm was in the altar of worshiping the gods.

There is also a way to open it.

The question now is, how to sneak into the altar of sacrifice to the gods, open the entrance to the secret realm without anyone noticing, and finally transfer all the gold and silver in the secret realm without disturbing the strong man who can't leak the realm? 2

It seems that this is almost an impossible task.

Just the day before the banquet at Guozhang's Mansion, Cheng Xue led people to his courtyard, carrying boxes of gold and silver, and said, Mr. Gu, fortunately, I have lived up to my command. All those things have been sold. I got 3,100,000 taels of silver. It’s all here.”

Gu Yang was very happy. These three million taels were enough to quench his thirst.

After moving into Tianxin Martial Arts Hall, he asked Cheng Xue to sell the things he looted from the Lin family's secret vault.

Cheng Xue did her best. She had been busy with this matter these days and finally got rid of everything.

Tianxin Martial Arts School has a wide network of contacts in Shendu, so it can sell those things at a high price.

Gu Yang said, Miss Cheng, I'm sorry to bother you.

After sending Cheng Xue away, he was about to top up all the gold and silver. Suddenly, Gao Fan came back and said as soon as he entered the door, I found it. Prince Qi's Mansion is the current Guozhang's Mansion.

No way?

Gu Yang felt more and more that it was full of conspiracy. 1

All this is such a coincidence.

Tomorrow is the 60th birthday of the abbot, and people from various families in the city will be invited to the banquet. It just so happens that the entrance to the secret realm written on the treasure map is at the abbot's mansion.

Is this all a coincidence?

Why doesn't he believe it?

Gu Yang had a hunch that tomorrow's trip to the Guozhang's Mansion would be quite lively. 5

ps: The third update requires monthly votes.

My life can be simulated infinitely

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