The Great Route has multiple routes and multiple directions of navigation.

Countless pioneers of navigation have concluded that there are seven routes in total.

If there is no permanent pointer to record the island, you can only sail while waiting for the pointer to record the route of the next island before you can continue sailing and not get lost.

Sicily Island, one of the many routes on the Great Route.

The main economic sources here are ship repair, material supply, and commodity exchange.

Many ships and pirates will pass through here to carry out material supply, commodity trading, and ship repair.

There are no pirates here, and many pirates passing by dare not plunder here or destroy it.

Just because there is a very strong local force here.

Logically speaking, an island with such unique conditions should be very rich.

In fact, it is just the opposite. The people here are very poor and live in dire straits.

There are a lot of wood, ships and people in the Sicilian shipyard.

There are hundreds of bandit-like ship repairers, smoking cigarettes, and some drinking while working.

Their clothes and hairstyles are all weird and colorful. Many of them have tattoos all over their bodies and wear earrings and studs, just like a group of gangsters.

In the luxurious office of the shipyard, on the huge golden chair, there is a man in his thirties, hugging two scantily clad girls and making out.

Knock knock knock.

"Come in." The man on the golden chair said.

Barry, the second in command of the shipyard, opened the door and walked in.

He is tall, wearing a white fur coat, a hedgehog head, and sunglasses.

He said respectfully to the man: "Boss, today is the day to collect protection money."

Hearing this, Raymond let go of the two seductive girls and stood up from the golden chair.

Raymond is over two meters tall, with short blond hair, sharp face, and a cross scar on his left cheek, which is extremely hideous.

He wears a thick gold chain around his neck, a black jacket, and a muscular open chest with a fierce wolf tattoo.

He wears shiny gem rings on all five fingers of his right hand, and a metal mechanical arm on his left hand.

Black leather pants, gray leather boots.

The whole person looks very capable, and exudes a fierce energy.

Collecting protection money?

Raymond grinned: "Then let's go."

One of the seductive girls threw him a wink and blew a kiss: "Baby, come back early, I'm waiting for you."

The main street of the town was originally bustling, with shops opening their doors for business, vendors hawking, and pedestrians coming and going.

Then someone shouted: "Raymond is here, run!"

Whether it was pedestrians, vendors, or shops, everyone was like a frightened rabbit, with fear in their hearts.

Pedestrians ran away, some vendors immediately packed up their things and fled in embarrassment, and some shops closed directly without customers.

Many customers walked out of the shops with customers and fled.

Just because Raymond walked in front with a cigarette in his mouth, and behind him were fifty or sixty fierce-looking people holding wooden sticks, wrenches, and iron bars.

The vendors who didn't have time to escape didn't dare to leave, and the shops that didn't have time to close didn't dare to close.

Raymond walked to the center of the street and stood quietly, smoking and puffing.

He didn't have to do anything, but standing there was a strong deterrent.

The second-in-command Barry walked into a restaurant with a few men, smiling. There were still guests dining in the restaurant. Seeing them, everyone immediately became cold and quiet.

A middle-aged man with a wealthy figure came out and flattered: "Uncle Barry, why are you here in person? Are you here for dinner?"

"Dinner?" Barry sneered and asked sternly: "Is the protection fee ready?"

The middle-aged man was the owner of the restaurant. He quickly took out a bulging purse: "Ready, ready a long time ago."

Barry grabbed the purse, weighed it, and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, very disciplined, remember to be on time next month."

"Yes, yes, I will be on time." The boss was completely nodding and bowing.

Just as he was about to leave, Barry looked at the wine rack on the counter and said, "Oh, I'm a little thirsty."

The boss understood and quickly ran to the counter to take out a bottle of good wine: "This is a gift to you, you must accept it."

"Haha, not bad, not bad."

Barry patted the other person's shoulder, opened the wine, and drank it.

"Let's go to the next one."

After they walked away, the boss immediately changed his expression of hatred: "These vampires will die sooner or later."

On the street, Raymond was still standing and smoking, and his many men started to work.

They walked into shops and stalls and began to collect protection fees.

Not only did they collect money, but they also took things.

There were only two exceptions, one of which was a stall selling oden, and it was run by a woman in her thirties wearing a white headscarf.

Wei Ya held a spoon in her hand and stirred the oden in the pot, but her eyes were fixed on Raymond.

The other stall was an old woman selling fried rice cakes, and she also stared at Raymond and his men with disgust.

Several of Raymond's men walked to a fruit stall, saw fresh fruit, and took it up without hesitation to eat it.

He also asked arrogantly: "Where is the protection fee?"

The boss was a woman, and her daughter, who was less than ten years old, also set up a stall with her.

Seeing the fierce men, her daughter hugged her mother tightly, very scared.

When the other party asked about the protection fee, the woman showed embarrassment and pleading: "We, our family has no money, and we haven't sold much fruit. Can we do it a few days later?"

The man who spoke said to his companion: "Haha, she said a few days later?"

His companion also laughed, and several people laughed together.

"A few days later? Why don't you do it a year later."

"If you can't pay, use something to pay and move all the fruits away."

Several people immediately started to pack the fruits and wanted to take them all away.

"No, please don't do this."

The woman hurried out to stop them: "Please have mercy, these fruits are bought by me with the last money in my family."

"If you take them away, my daughter and I will starve to death."

"Starve to death? What does it have to do with us?"

How could the woman be a match for several big men? She fell to the ground during the shove.

"Mom." Her daughter ran over crying and tried to help her mother up.

The woman saw that begging them was useless, so she immediately ran to Raymond and knelt down.

She begged: "Please, please, give us mother and daughter a way out."

Raymond, who was looking down from above, looked indifferent and said in a cold tone: "Give you a way out? I even gave you my life."

"Don't forget who saved your life and the lives of your children."

He looked coldly at other vendors and spectators: "Don't forget who protected this island and saved your lives."

After saying that, he was about to leave.

But the woman didn't give up, and went forward to hug his thigh: "Please, please be kind?"

Raymond was angry and kicked her over: "Get out."

Ah, the woman fell to the ground and cried.

"Bad guy, bad guy, don't hit my mother." Her daughter plucked up the courage to defend her mother.

She actually ran up and kicked Raymond's calf with her little fists and calves.

The little girl could not hurt Raymond at all, but he stared at the little girl, staring at her face, with endless anger and disgust in his eyes.

Snap, he slapped the little girl to the ground, causing her to faint.

Grandma Hua, who was selling fried rice cakes, finally couldn't stand it anymore, hunched over slightly, grabbed her cane and rushed out.

"I'll beat you to death, you villain, you ungrateful, bad guy."

Grandma Hua raised her cane and aimed it at Raymond to hit him.

But he grabbed her with one hand, and he asked angrily: "Old woman, what are you doing? Are you looking for death?"

Grandma Hua pulled the cane hard, but it didn't move. She cursed at Raymond: "You are a heartless villain, you are so hateful, treating your fellow countrymen like this."

"You will be punished, if you have the guts, you can beat me to death."

Raymond really couldn't do it, but he became more angry and roared: "Retribution?"

"I have suffered too much retribution a long time ago. I can't die, and the sky can't take me away."

He pushed Grandma Hua's cane casually, not wanting to entangle with her.

"Ouch, old woman's waist!" Grandma Hua fell to the ground.

"Grandma, how are you?" Wei Ya ran out quickly and helped Grandma up.

She looked angry and shouted at Raymond's back: "Raymond, you are too much."

Raymond paused for a moment, his expression complicated, but he didn't look back after all.

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