The ship was in a state of panic, but the enemy was in a state of panic.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

A ship without any flag appeared in the port of Marinford.

The alarm in the watchtower sounded immediately, and a soldier shouted with a loud speaker: "Ship ahead, please stop immediately and identify yourself."

Ivan jumped to the bow and shouted: "I am Hu Hansan, I am back again..."

"Pfft, pfft, I am Wilde D. Ivan, Colonel of the headquarters."

Urki laughed: "Is this the Navy Headquarters? It is really magnificent. In comparison, Sky Island is too small."

He asked: "Boss, how many strong people like you are here?"

Ivan thought for three seconds and said: "Seven or eight, so, when you become a navy, train well and don't embarrass me, understand?"

"I know." Urki laughed.

"Brother, you are not going to let me join the navy too, are you?" Perona remembered Ivan's daily training and had no interest in becoming a navy.

"How could that be, my little princess, brother will only spoil you and will not let you suffer." Ivan said.

"I knew it, my brother is the best." Perona was immediately happy.

Emperor Yan Ivan returned to Marinford, and the news spread quickly. Although his military rank was not high, he was famous.

In particular, many recruits regarded him as an idol, just because the instructor always said one thing since Ivan graduated from the boot camp.

You are the worst class of recruits I have ever led. None of you is like Ivan.

Many arrogant people were dissatisfied at first, and then the instructor would say, if you are dissatisfied, you have the ability to fight the whole game alone.

The current three admirals Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru are also amazing, but in Zefa's heart, Ivan is still the highest evaluation.

Ivan is wearing a black suit and a black flowered round hat today, which is quite heroic. He is not wearing a cloak of justice.

"Is that Yan Di Ivan? So young."

"Yes, he is already a colonel before the age of 17. He will probably be a major general in two years."

"It is rumored that he beat everyone in the boot camp by himself. Is this true?"

Someone answered: "Of course it is true."

The man asked back: "How do you prove it is true?"

"Because I was one of the people who was beaten back then. Am I proud?"

With Perona and Ulki, he smiled and nodded in response to people who greeted him along the way, and would also take the initiative to greet people.

"Hello, Vice Admiral Mole."

"Major Admiral Basyuti, long time no see."

Suddenly, there was a commotion in front, and many male navy officers were watching something.

"Oh, it's Vice Admiral Taotu, the flower of the navy. She is so beautiful."

"Vice Admiral Taotu, so beautiful."

Supported by a group of male navy officers, Taotu, who is taller than many men, walked towards Ivan in black high heels.

She is a beauty in the navy, with a pretty face and a beauty mole under the corner of her mouth, which makes her beauty more charming.

She wears a pink top, and the two peaks on her chest are so majestic that they almost burst out of the clothes.

She wears black shorts, and her white and slender thighs make countless men salivate. There is a black spider tattoo on the root of her left thigh.

Every time Taotu takes a step, her chest shakes, and many men who follow her have bulging eyes.

They all raise their heads and chests, hoping that she can look at them more and hope to have a kiss.

Ivan also found that the other party was walking towards him, and waved and said hello: "It's Lieutenant General Taotu, long time no see, you have become more beautiful again."

Taotu stopped and looked at the young and handsome man opposite, with complicated thoughts.

Originally, she was the youngest and most promising vice admiral in the navy, and even had the opportunity to become a candidate for admiral, but the appearance of this little man overshadowed her.

She was also a swordsman, and when she saw the newspaper about the other party's battle with Hawkeye, she couldn't help but feel agitated.

To prove herself, and also the pride of a swordsman, she said in a charming voice: "Colonel Ivan, I finally caught you, please fight with me."

She stared at Ivan with burning eyes, and had already made a gesture of drawing a sword.

Taotu actually came to Ivan on purpose, and many men who were watching sighed and stared at Ivan with unkind eyes.

What's going on?

We just met and we have to fight again, goodbye, Ivan sighed, not thinking much.

If, if everyone doesn't

Fighting with clothes on, I won't mind even if you pin me down and beat me.

Ivan also glanced at the other's long legs.

Oh, how could I have such a dirty idea, I am a gentleman.

"Goodbye, Lieutenant General Taotu, if I fight with you, look around, I guess they will beat me up."

Ivan said: "I have to submit the task first, Lieutenant General Taotu, see you later, I will treat you to tea another day."

Taotu was unwilling, but it was not easy to force, so she bit her lip and shouted: "Colonel Ivan, you owe me a duel."

Perona hugged Ivan's arm, turned around and made a face at her, and slightly stuck out her tongue provocatively.

In the marshal's office, someone came to report that Ivan was back.









"Haha." Garp smiled and said: "It's been so long since we last met. I still want to test whether your strength has improved, so that you won't embarrass me outside if you are not good enough in learning."

Oh, Vice Admiral Garp is going to take action. The navy around him are very excited and want to see the heroic figure of the navy hero.

Alas, the old man has no martial ethics. Ivan gritted his teeth and said: "Old man, have you been itching to beat people for a long time, but can't find anyone to beat, so you treat me as a scapegoat."

"Nonsense, I am not that kind of person, I just want to test your strength." Garp jumped down from a height.

At the critical moment, Perona stood up: "Hey, old man, who are you?"

At the same time, she muttered in her heart, did her brother offend too many people, why did he want to beat everyone?

"Who is this little girl?" Garp asked.

Ivan threw his hat to Ulki and asked them to move away, saying: "We'll talk about this later, come on."

In the square, the two men took up their positions, and the onlookers all stepped back wisely, not daring to be affected.

"Boy, come on, let me see how much you have improved." Garp laughed.

Shaving, Ivan dodged and punched directly, Garp smiled and punched back.

Boom, the ripples formed by the air wave spread outward with the two as the center, and the air wave rushed straight, and many floors were instantly blown away.

Ivan threw a quick punch, his fists were like machine guns, driving the wind and attacking fiercely.

Garp was also very stable, and he used his fists to take every punch head-on.

The wind was surging, with the two as the center, smoke and dust were everywhere, and cracks on the ground continued to spread.

"Hey, why is the ground shaking?" someone said.

The two continued to fight. Their punches, elbows, kicks, knee strikes, and other moves were very similar. After all, Ivan's physical skills were taught by Garp.

The aftermath of their fight formed waves in the air, and the square was already in a mess.

The old man's hair was not completely white yet, and his condition was still at its peak. His body seemed to be made of black iron. Ivan suffered a great loss, and his joints in his hands and feet were hurt.

On the other hand, Garp looked like nothing happened, and he always grinned at him in a frivolous way.

Taotu's beautiful eyes kept staring at Ivan's figure, as if she wanted to see through his strength.

After another fist-to-fist collision with Garp, Ivan took advantage of the situation and jumped back into the air, and kicked Garp with a mist kick, forming a transparent half-moon-shaped air force to cut.

Swoosh, Garp's figure flashed on the spot, and he had already chased into the air, grinning and punching Ivan.

Ivan didn't dare to be careless. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and quickly covered himself with Armament Haki to resist.

Bang, Ivan was hit by a huge force, and his body shot to the ground like a cannonball.

He landed steadily with his feet, crushing a large area of ​​the floor, and countless gravel flew out.

Garp flashed in front of him and aimed his fist at his head.

Ivan was very anxious and immediately transformed into flames to fly backwards. Garp changed his fist into a claw, covered with Armament Haki, and stretched out his hand to grab Ivan. Ivan returned to human form, but he was held down by his shoulders and stopped in place.

Ivan lost, and Garp laughed: "Smelly boy, you are still too young,

Ha ha."

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