The two of them were very happy.

Hancock did not answer any questions, but pulled down the curtain beside the bed.

After a while, her pet snake Salome opened the curtain.

Hancock exposed her fair skinned back, and in the middle of her back was the hoof of the Celestial Dragon, the slave mark.

This meant that Hancock was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons, which was her greatest shame and the most painful experience like hell.

When the two sisters of the empress saw the slave mark on their sister, they also remembered the unbearable past and looked painful.

Empress Hancock put on her clothes, turned around, and began to talk to herself: "When I was twelve years old, I went to sea with the Nine Snakes Pirates, and then I saw a man for the first time."

"But, I was captured by human traffickers, sent to the Sabaody Archipelago, and auctioned as a commodity, and became a slave of the Celestial Dragons."

Human traffickers are like demons, and the Celestial Dragons are more terrible and cruel than demons.

If the three sisters were not young and forced to be fed devil fruits and perform acrobatics, they might have been tortured to what extent.

As Hancock spoke, tears fell like rain, and her body curled up into a ball.

At this time, she was not a cold empress, but just a pitiful woman.

Her two younger sisters also cried miserably, and the three sisters cried together.

"So, we didn't let anyone know about this. We deceived the people of the entire Nine Snake Island."

"My personality has changed drastically. Sometimes I am unkind, but I am more afraid of opening my heart and letting others know about this."

Hancock's true feelings were revealed, showing the most real side of her.

"Although I escaped, this mark of shame will not disappear. It will accompany me for the rest of my life."

However, the mother-in-law was happy and jumped on her snake cane: "It's been a long time since I last saw you, Snake Queen. I thought you changed after becoming the queen."

"You have become so cold to people. Now I see your true feelings. It's good."

"Shut up, you traitor to this country." Hancock wiped away her tears and scolded.

Why was the mother-in-law not convinced and retorted: "You should shut up. Who do you think took care of you when you escaped?"

Women quarreling is a headache. Ivan interrupted: "Excuse me, let's get back to business."

Hancock stared at Ivan with hope in her eyes: "You said you can help us remove the mark?"

Her second and third sisters also looked at him, a little excited.

If the slave mark can be removed, then they don't have to hide so hard anymore.

Ivan shook his head: "It's not about elimination, but change. Do you know the Sun Pirates?"

"They are all fishmen, and many members are also slaves of the Celestial Dragons. They all have slave marks on their bodies."

"But they cover up and change the slave mark into the sun mark by branding the sun mark."

Hancock was a little disappointed: "I thought it could be removed. Even if the mark is changed, do we have to go to the fishman pirates to brand them?"

How can this be possible? Hancock couldn't accept it.

"No, it's not like that. It's different."

Ivan said: "Grandma Zha, can you give me some paper and pen?"

Soon, Grandma Zha asked someone to bring paper and pen, and then Ivan drew a pattern on the paper.

He drew a bright rose and handed the pattern to Hancock with a smile.

The latter took it and saw it, and also understood the meaning, and opened up a new idea: "Are you saying that the mark should be replaced with this pattern to cover the slave mark?"

Ivan said: "Yes, Hancock, you are very beautiful, and the branding pattern is also very suitable, and it matches you very well."

"Many pirates have various patterns on their bodies, and they are proud of it."

"You are so beautiful, even if the rose pattern is exposed, it will only set off your beauty, and will not expose the fact that you were once a slave."

Hancock's heart was pounding, and the two sisters also came over to admire the rose pattern. The three sisters all thought it was feasible.

Suddenly, Ivan's eyes were as sharp as a knife, sweeping across Granny Zha and the three sisters' faces, which scared them.

He said in a serious tone: "I hope you guys keep the following words to yourself and don't reveal anything."

Then he smiled gently: "Hancock, let's form an alliance. The Celestial Dragons are your nightmare, and I don't like them either."

"When I become the strongest in the world, how about we kill all the Celestial Dragons together?"


The three Hancock sisters and Granny Zha were instantly stunned, shocked.

to the extreme.

Is he, is he kidding?

You know, he is a navy first, and then a navy. He said he wanted to kill the Celestial Dragons?

What a courage this is. Hancock covered her mouth and felt that her blood was boiling.

She had thought about this kind of thing, but it was no less than poking a hole in the sky. She couldn't afford the cost of killing the Celestial Dragons.

If the Celestial Dragons were killed, she and the Nine Snake Island would be hunted down by the navy to the death, and everyone would die.

The mother-in-law trembled and said: "Mr. Ivan, this kind of thing is not a joke."

"No, I'm serious." Ivan was very sincere.

It's even more exaggerated than a fairy tale.

The second sister said: "Although I also want to make sure you are serious, I think it is basically impossible. How can you face the World Government and the Navy?"

Ivan smiled confidently: "Some things are not convenient to tell you now. Just let your eldest sister become a Shichibukai. I definitely have the ability to do so."

"Then we will form an alliance secretly, which will not harm you, Hancock, what do you think?"

He looked at the other party and said.

"Okay, I agree."

Hancock's eyes became bright and sharp. Why not agree to such a thing with no harm?

If Ivan asked the three sisters to cover the slave mark with a rose pattern, and helped her become a Shichibukai, then Ivan is undoubtedly her benefactor.

The two sides negotiated the alliance and went to remove the petrification of the navy together tomorrow, and Ivan left.

The next day, the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates set sail.

Seeing Ivan and the Pirate Queen come back together, Kuro was relieved. The problem was finally solved.

The ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates has two big snakes on the bow, and the ship is built in a very retro style.

Ivan and Hancock stood at the bow, surrounded by female soldiers. They didn't look good to Kuro and the others.

"Hancock, thank you for your hard work." Ivan said kindly.

Unexpectedly, she also smiled and responded: "Ivan-san, it's just a small matter, don't be so polite."

The pirates on the pirate ship were also petrified, but Kuro had ordered the marines to tie them up, so that after the petrification was removed, they didn't have to fight with the pirates.

Seeing Hancock and a whole ship of female soldiers from the Nine Snakes Island, many marines under Ivan couldn't help but get agitated.

Only Kuro and Lafitte were amazed by the appearance of the Queen Hancock, but they were relatively calm.

Ivan covered his forehead helplessly and yelled: "You all should show some ambition. You are my soldiers. If you don't want to become stone statues, just be honest."

Hearing this, the soldiers were silent, and they were really afraid of becoming stone statues.

Hmm, Hancock couldn't help laughing, and that smile attracted the attention of the soldiers again.

As Hancock exerted his ability, the petrified navy and pirates returned to adults one after another.

They were still in a daze, looking at each other, a little confused about the situation.

The pirates were even more confused. Aren't they fighting with the navy?

Then they met a pirate group made up of all women. They were petrified by a very beautiful woman. Why are they tied up by the navy now?

The leading navy vice admiral Huoshaoshan was the first to come over and saw Ivan and Hancock standing on the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates.

He probably figured out that after he was petrified, Ivan must have asked the empress Hancock to help them remove their abilities.

Huoshaoshan held a cigarette in his mouth, smiled and shouted to Ivan: "Oh, Vice Admiral Ivan, I'm really sorry to bother you. I'm so embarrassed this time."

He was still afraid of the ability of the empress Hancock.

Although he didn't know how Ivan invited Hancock, he had some thoughts. Hancock was a pirate after all.

With a tough guy like Ivan here, and their petrification now lifted, should they arrest the Nine Snakes Pirates?

Ivan just waved at him, indicating that he didn't have to be polite, and didn't seem to embarrass Hancock at all.

Instead, he said gently: "Hancock, goodbye, wait for my good news."

"Ivan-san, goodbye." Hancock also said goodbye to Ivan solemnly, without even looking at Huoshaoshan and the others.

Whoosh, Ivan jumped onto Huoshaoshan's warship and waved goodbye to Hancock.

Huoshaoshan was a gentle and rough man. He felt that letting Hancock go like this was not in line with the Navy's position.

He asked Ivan carefully: "Vice Admiral Ivan, it seems inappropriate to let the pirates go like this?"

Ivan rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Then chase them now?"

"And then you were petrified again, and then we were going to catch them, and now I have to ask them to unpetrify you?"

Huoshaoshan smiled awkwardly and touched his head in embarrassment.

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